Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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  • No

  • Only if mandatory

  • Not if mandatory

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the problem with stuff being open it gives people a false sense of safety. it encourages people to go out when it's not really safe to especially when no one has gotten the vaccine yet. the mask isn't always effective. people aren't wearing n95's and eye protection like that so it's always a risk.
It's a few weeks premature IMO for CA since the projections of >33% in SoCal are just that, projections. Why not wait the four weeks until it gets there? I'm hoping but not optimistic that people aren't gonna wild out (moreso than they already are). I'll just keep on doing my thing at home. But NGL, I'm gonna try and get a haircut next week :lol: I trust my barbershop they mask up and low occupancy and all that.
they're both pretty similar vaccines in terms of technology

pfizer has stricter storage requirements...needs to be kept colder

seems more ppl I know complain of side effects with pfizer (relative to moderna) but the side effects aren't serious. most ppl complain about fever and chills for a short period of time which usually goes away the day after. although there are some that have complained of fever for longer than that..

moderna is protective against uk variant but supposedly 6 times less so against sk variant, but they are working on a booster shot that can be given for a third dose

idk how protective pfizer is against the new variants

I'd just go with the vaccine that comes first.

Makes sense that the location offering the Pfizer vax is a new state-of-the-art building. Ive never had bad side effects from any vax Ive taken so Im going with that.
cot damn. i was making jokes at work that if anyone didn't want the vaccine to let me have theirs so i can distribute to my folks but these fools probably selling doses
jape jape RustyShackleford RustyShackleford

I will not be going back. I opted out. If need be, I will use my leave.

I'm not walking into that building under any circumstance.

I sent in a ADA Accommodation Request to remain 100% Virtual but I have not been granted/denied as of today. (School Starts Feb 1).

There are dozens of other teachers across the city as well waiting on their requests to be answered.

Whether I am denied or granted, I will not be setting foot into that building.
viewing educators as human beings first, I don't see any benefit for teachers to go back to in-person from their end of it...elevated risk of death (or lifelong damage) at the same pay?


you just know they're gonna have them buying their own sanitizer and extra masks too.

wild that we're all staring at the reality that teachers are society's defacto babysitting service that basically allows the rest of it to run and they're still treated like fn garbage.

Wait why don't they have hot water during the winter? and soap? Who been using it?

anecdotally, went to (Catholic) elementary in an old stone building, there was no hot water.
Wait why don't they have hot water during the winter? and soap? Who been using it?

Yea I am thinking about the stuff that we just let fly in the past. I know one of the bathrooms on my floor (kids bathroom) didn't have a working soap dispenser for like 4 months.

I know plenty of other schools that are worse off than my building.

So if stuff like this weren't taken care of during a regular year, why would I trust they would do it now?
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viewing educators as human beings first, I don't see any benefit for teachers to go back to in-person from their end of it...elevated risk of death (or lifelong damage) at the same pay?


you just know they're gonna have them buying their own sanitizer and extra masks too.

wild that we're all staring at the reality that teachers are society's defacto babysitting service that basically allows the rest of it to run and they're still treated like fn garbage.

anecdotally, went to (Catholic) elementary in an old stone building, there was no hot water.
I want teachers to have agency over their working conditions. If any of them want to stay virtual they should have the power to do so.

But I want DCAllAfrican DCAllAfrican , and him alone, to be forced to go back to in-person instruction because I think that is what nawghtyhare nawghtyhare would want

But as Philadelphia magazine reported, the group’s “executive team” lacked anyone with a medical degree or advanced degree in public health. Doroshin himself listed a résumé that included stints teaching a high school film class, producing videos of people longboarding and practicing parkour, and founding a nonprofit that, according to Philadelphia magazine, “mostly consisted of a meme-heavy Twitter account, some minor community lobbying, and a fundraiser with a $50,000 goal that netted $684.”
Good question. Teaching has been a dwindling profession for years man, So I am sure these COVIDS aren't helping the industry.

America has a teacher shortage, and a new study says it’s getting worse - The Washington Post https://www.washingtonpost.com/loca...de1cee-79e8-11e6-beac-57a4a412e93a_story.html

my 6th grade teacher is one of the top 5 most influential people in my life, we're still in regular contact...a world without dedicated and passionate people like that in education is a worse one. **** makes me angry.

I'll admit, I've considered jumping fields and going into the medical field.

Still wouldn't mind getting my masters in History and teach HS.

more power to you, we need as many of both as we can get. I sincerely appreciate that.

that WP have mfs out here looking super stupid...you simply could not imagine a nonwhite 22 year old whose credentials include "made TikTok account" and "failed GoFundMe campaign" being entrusted with a major public health initiative in one of America's largest and most populous cities.

CEO of PhillyFightingCOVID...like, wow.
While we’re on the topic of schools

But CDC says schools can be safe if you just implement all the necessary protocols that the majority of schools can’t realistically accomplish...

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