Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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damn i completely under thought the vaccine politics of getting undocumented workers vaccinated (not only a US problem)

Mostly a US problem though.

Specially since very few visas were granted for agricultural employees (as pointed by Blake P Blake P ) under the Trump administration.

One way or another it's as essential as it gets to vaccinate the people working with what you put in you mouth.
Lots of moral issues popping up. My state moved to prisoners/homeless before 65 and up. At some point, you gotta look at the ones dying, or just open it up for all. This selective choosing will have us shutdown for another year before we all get vaccinated.

I realize they’re surge sites, but are we strictly looking there or the mortality rate too? 3% of prisoners are dying, same as what is being shown for the rest of us. But they get worried when 90% of them catch it. As deaths ramp up, they need to focus on the old 90% of the way, through to February.
NJ residents can skip the line if they are smokers? Bout to show up like

Has anyone who is non essential gotten a vaccine yet? How much did it cost and how much did insurance cover?

Here’s a new study that theorizes COVID-19 will become endemic similar to a common cold where children will continue to be exposed to it and experience relatively minor illness, while the rest of us who have either had prior exposure or vaccination will also have only minor symptoms because our immune systems will recognize it with waning immunity over time. Of course, if it remains serious enough they will create booster shots, but authors say it may not be necessary (except possibly for elderly/high risk) as long as most children have minor symptoms. It’s an interesting theory based on what we know about other novel viruses.

So it would end up like all the swine flu and bird flu strains that that caused flu pandemic levels in recent years but now go around seasonally.
My landlord left a notice saying they needed to go inside all apartments to “check fire alarms”. Man....I don’t need a team of strangers to do that during a pandemic. Besides, I can check them by myself
My landlord left a notice saying they needed to go inside all apartments to “check fire alarms”. Man....I don’t need a team of strangers to do that during a pandemic. Besides, I can check them by myself
they probably have an inspection coming up, i manage some homes and had to do the same myself.

last thing i wanna do is spread my potential infection or get someones potential infection

this is why i think the city of LA and california is so mismanaged.

they do home inspections for rental properties virtually but require landlords/handymen to go into those homes :lol:

why not just pause it all together to have ultimate safety
Has anyone who is non essential gotten a vaccine yet? How much did it cost and how much did insurance cover?

So it would end up like all the swine flu and bird flu strains that that caused flu pandemic levels in recent years but now go around seasonally.
At least in my county, the vaccine is completely free. My dad said the did take his Medicare insurance card and license when completing the paperwork, but it was not required that anyone have insurance and it is being advertised at all sites as being free.
I would be careful making any comparisons to influenza, as there really haven't been many relevant direct correlations between COVID and influenza, other than the fact that they are both (primarily) respiratory viruses. It seems most people who have tried to downplay COVID by using flu assumptions have been proven wrong in hindsight. I only posted that link as an interesting theory, not saying I agree with it in any way.
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elderly folks have diminished immune systems and given that they were 80+ and already in poor health I can’t say that this is at all surprising. RIP to them.

I do find it slightly suspicious that there have been no such reports anywhere else in the world, that I'm aware of anyway. I always take NYPost articles with a grain of salt, regardless.
Has anyone who is non essential gotten a vaccine yet? How much did it cost and how much did insurance cover?

Damn, again this makes me think about how jacked up the US healthcare system is. It didn't even occur to me that there would be a cost associated with it, given the pandemic effects, but it makes sense to compensate people for vaccine administration at the least.

The health insurance companies need to pay up for the vaccine. Full stop.
Here's some more info from another source:

We need to see some more analysis on whether these deaths represent an increase from the expected number of deaths among the targeted population.

But I also think this is another reason that this strategy of targeted vaccinations and holding out vaccines from people down the list is a dumb move. Who cares if some fraction of people jump the line and get vaccinated early and stop spreading covid-19 to others. There are multiple paths to the same goal of protecting the vulnerable.
A guy who works on my floor just returned after having covid. Ish has me feeling unsettled. First time being around someone who I know had it.
Did he have to test negative before returning to work? If not then there’s no way to tell if he’s still contagious
It’s crazy how they’ve Changed the quarantine time and brought it down to 7 days now.
Did he have to test negative before returning to work? If not then there’s no way to tell if he’s still contagious
It’s crazy how they’ve Changed the quarantine time and brought it down to 7 days now.

I over heard him talking to other folks on the floor. He said he did get tested before coming back. So he says. Just never know with some folks.
It's 7 days quarantine for ppl who tested positive at yall jobs?

Lol wtf.

At my job if you've been exposed to someone with covid - and if you have a fever - then you quarantine for 7 days even if you're negative.

If you're positive it's the full 14 days.
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