Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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  • No

  • Only if mandatory

  • Not if mandatory

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CA is horrible it makes no sense.

they dont allow indoor dining but apparently shopping with hundreds of people in a store is somehow safer :lol:

malls department stores all open

that’s how it is in mn.

our governor is soft af.

he lets the schools decide what to do because he doesn’t have the balls to call the shots

he closes restaurants because he knows they don’t have the money to fight it and he lets mall of America go buck wild because the big stores would fight him

he won’t even let bars sell cocktails to go. I hate this fool.

then he shuts you down with no notice or opens back up with no notice so you can’t even prep up your food to open or order a ton and waste it all.
that’s how it is in mn.

our governor is soft af.

he lets the schools decide what to do because he doesn’t have the balls to call the shots

he closes restaurants because he knows they don’t have the money to fight it and he lets mall of America go buck wild because the big stores would fight him

he won’t even let bars sell cocktails to go. I hate this fool.

then he shuts you down with no notice or opens back up with no notice so you can’t even prep up your food to open or order a ton and waste it all.
Same in NM. We're locked down as bad as many other blue states. But then she got backlash for having grocery stores having waiting in line for groceries and capacity limits of 75;
No matter your size. But then as Thanksgiving was happening, we peaked, and then dropped capacity to overall 25%.

How are we dropping as capacity increases 5-9x at big box? At the same time , gyms increased capacity above 10 ppl to 25% of regular capacity. Then cases dropped. So it's all crazy.

I appreciate the trying. But you cant try against a virus.
I wouldn’t even think about touching grocery stores, that’s how you create panic.

but if you want to lock down restaurants be consistent. Wtf does the mall get to be open for Black Friday?

his dumb *** should be coughing up a check for all these restaurants. We aren’t in a deficit so what’s he saving the money for? More lawsuits because he can’t control his police and has to pay another victims family they murdered?
My bro in law and his wife got the vaccine about a week ago. The last couple of days they’ve been bed ridden and feeling like dookie.

For people who’ve gotten the vaccine, how ya’ll feeling?
My bro in law and his wife got the vaccine about a week ago. The last couple of days they’ve been bed ridden and feeling like dookie.

For people who’ve gotten the vaccine, how ya’ll feeling?
Sounds more like they have COVID, TBH.
I know two ppl personally who ran a fever for a week after taking the Pfizer vaccine. They didn't test positive for anything either.

My sister complained of nosebleeds from the vaccine and my aunt's arm swelled up pretty ugly around the injection site

I took the Moderna and so far I'm fine. Nothing except for arm soreness which is almost gone.

And the new version of the virus is already mutating — 17 mutations have been spotted, NPR global health correspondent Michaeleen Doucleff told Weekend Edition. "Mutations in viruses crop up all the time, when the virus grows inside a person — specifically when it reproduces and makes a bunch of copies of itself," Doucleff said. Mutations occur because of random mistakes as the virus gets copied

“In the vast majority of cases, these mistakes are harmless or they even weaken the virus," Doucleff said. "But in rare instances, mutations can help the virus — they can give it this little boost, or advantage, over the other versions."
I know two ppl personally who ran a fever for a week after taking the Pfizer vaccine. They didn't test positive for anything either.

My sister complained of nosebleeds from the vaccine and my aunt's arm swelled up pretty ugly around the injection site

I took the Moderna and so far I'm fine. Nothing except for arm soreness which is almost gone.
Odd cause my whole hospital has taken the Pfizer and there have been no reported side effects of such kind. People were only complaining about soreness and a little fatigue.
So I tested positive yday brahs. Had a cough and a sore throat for a couple days prior to testing and I said lemme go get tested again. I was previously tested on December 23rd. Jan 2nd I tested positive. So I am assuming it was Christmas that the Covid virus got to me.

I feel fine. No fever, no body aches, no more cough. Just a stuffy nose.

I will retest next Saturday.

Stay safe my fellow NT brothers/sisters.
Just saw on the news, many hospitals are reporting 98-100% decreases in flu hospitalizations. Is this from hospitals being full and you'll handle the flu at home? Or is it really down from distancing and masks? We may never live without masks again. Maybe for those that normally get the flu, they're getting covid instead? I heard the CDC may not even have or release the flu numbers for 2020.

Was there somehow a influx of flu vaccinations? For months and months, the news was scaring us about a double pandemic. Turns out covid is enough on its own.

I believe it has something to do with people wearing mask, social distancing, and washing hand. My buddy's typically gets sicks this time around, usually starts with his kids then either him or his wife. They have been fine since their kids have been doing home school and all those covid precaution steps. Knock on the wood, I would feel nervous if I get sick even if it's truly a flu.

My bro in law and his wife got the vaccine about a week ago. The last couple of days they’ve been bed ridden and feeling like dookie.

For people who’ve gotten the vaccine, how ya’ll feeling?

It's been about 16 hours since I got my first pfitzer dose. I don't feel anything so far other than my arm is still very sore. My other co-workers who got their shot earlier this week also feel fine so far. If your brother in law works for a hospital, he should report it to his employee health department. At least that's what the instruction said for us if we show any side-effect within 24-48 hours.
IMO the existence of the vaccine is good from a treatment perspective but awful from a getting through this thing perspective. Clowns are putting all their eggs in the vaccine basket without taking precautions such as social distancing, mask wearing and being smart. Lots of people were traveling during the holidays which we know will have cases spike. We need to be ready for the long haul.
Im still shocked there isnt a treatment option. Something you can take by mouth outpatient like there is for most other prevalent viruses.
Is Dexamethasone available to take outside of hospital settings? One of my wife’s friends said her husband was prescribed it for shortness of breath at home. I thought it was only for severe cases with oxygen supplementation.
Is Dexamethasone available to take outside of hospital settings? One of my wife’s friends said her husband was prescribed it for shortness of breath at home. I thought it was only for severe cases with oxygen supplementation.

Yea it is. Usually supplied as a dosepak to be tapered. It’s similar to Methylprednisolone (Medrol DosePak) that people get during more moderate to severe sickness/flu/asthma exacerbations. Steroids work like stronger anti-inflammatories so they should open up constricted airways to manage that symptom.
So i’m on reddit talking about considering getting a haircut. This guy over there preaching and saying people getting haircuts are bad and part of the problem. I thought the barber and clients wearing masks along with them cleaning their clippers and scissors, etc was good and being safe. My dad has been going to the barber with no problems.
To the points other people have made, I ain’t been sick the whole year. Not even a mild sore throat. Working from home plus wearing a mask almost everywhere outside my house has definitely had an affect.

Masks are gonna be here for awhile. I have a feeling it’s gonna be like TSA post 9/11, it’ll just be the new normal (in some places).
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