Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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  • No

  • Only if mandatory

  • Not if mandatory

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Thats exactly what was always needed - from the beginning. My denier in-laws said it was impossible (when discussing why Australia etc were doing better) because too many people fly through London - but if we tested them quarantined like that it would solve that.

I know a few people who went on vacation in August and were upset that they had to isolate for 14 days on their return - when the guidance was always that you shouldn’t travel unless it was necessary - and that’s clearly not necessary no matter how much you think you deserve it. One was all upset and wanting an exemption because of where she works - but I was pleased to see she got very little sympathy.
Saw someone wearing a “mask” like this yesterday - but she had it under her chin so it maybe reached her bottom lip. What a joke. Was in Aldi and the demographic who shop there seem to have trouble with masks - either none, or it on their chin was normal. In and out as fast as I could!


That’s what Kawhi Leonard should’ve been wearing
Local officials have been put in a "damned if you do, damned if you don't" situation because our Federal government has built a foundation upon sand for them to work with and has seemingly gone out of their way to make sure they do as little as possible for small businesses and out-of-work individuals in favor of large corporations.

I have my criticisms of Cuomo, but it's hard to do the right thing for everyone without proper Federal support.

People always need someone to blame. They need a motive.
The federal government did an unexpected no look pass To the states with this.
Basically said here you handle it.

this pandemic has completely exposed the GOP fallacy of "states rights" and having a weak federal government. one reason most other countries have handled this pandemic better is because they've had a centralized, well coordinated national response to the virus from the beginning

as soon as Operation Warp Speed announced early on they would not involve themselves in the daunting logistics of getting shots in arms (basically declared they will have done their job by delivering boxes of vials to warehouses to each State), this sort of failure was widely predicted because it was obvious

our failure of Federal leadership would be baffling without the wash your hands and blame the States politics of Kushner and Trump. presented with one of the most difficult problems in supply chain history and they willfully punted from the red zone. the Feds have also under-delivered on vaccines, providing only about 60% what was promised by year end and nationally we’ve vaccinated less than 20% of what OWS promised by year end

as of now it doesn't appear that any State left to its own devices has performed admirably yet. the scale and cost of the task made that painfully predictable and of course the fact that a lot states have similarly ignorant and incompetent leadership
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Wow. CA has like four top 10 case surge sites among all us cities. What are they doing wrong? Some say hiding away preventing the inevitable was a bad idea. But that's more of the right saying that

It's odd seeing some states take no real measures to close, surge up like crazy, and then drop in cases. Shouldn't this run uncontrollably?
I've always wondered, If you have 100 people in a space, and one person with the virus, if he were to cough in everyone's faces evenly, would they all get it? This takes us back to that cruise ship in early 2020. Are some people naturally immune to it? I think of all the daily interactions of the 1 million plus people in my area. 300-500 daily cases isn't so bad. But we're apparent 6-8 times too high to do dine in. I think we'll be living with the waves for awhile.

My state is one of 25 that has seen lower cases since Thanksgiving (but we were already dropping as Thanksgiving hit, and never surged up for Thanksgiving). I guess every area is different.

It looks like RI and northern NH are getting hit, along with TN , MA, and PA. It hits regions hard and then it's off to the next.
Wow. CA has like four top 10 case surge sites among all us cities. What are they doing wrong? Some say hiding away preventing the inevitable was a bad idea. But that's more of the right saying that

It's odd seeing some states take no real measures to close, surge up like crazy, and then drop in cases. Shouldn't this run uncontrollably?
I've always wondered, If you have 100 people in a space, and one person with the virus, if he were to cough in everyone's faces evenly, would they all get it? This takes us back to that cruise ship in early 2020. Are some people naturally immune to it? I think of all the daily interactions of the 1 million plus people in my area. 300-500 daily cases isn't so bad. But we're apparent 6-8 times too high to do dine in. I think we'll be living with the waves for awhile.

My state is one of 25 that has seen lower cases since Thanksgiving (but we were already dropping as Thanksgiving hit, and never surged up for Thanksgiving). I guess every area is different.

It looks like RI and northern NH are getting hit, along with TN , MA, and PA. It hits regions hard and then it's off to the next.
CA is horrible it makes no sense.

they dont allow indoor dining but apparently shopping with hundreds of people in a store is somehow safer :lol:

malls department stores all open
Malls were a zoo during the holidays here in SoCal. Target, Walmart and Costco are packed every day. Peeps wonder why LA is on full lockdown yet still have record numbers. We never locked down for **** :lol: :smh: Easiest way to tell is the traffic. It was a ghost town when it was March-April. Now it's bumper to bumper again :smh:
Just got my first dose today from my work. I wasn't planning to get one until mid-year at least, but considering my city's cases have been spiking like crazy, I might as well take it now. My central valley along with SoCal have been spiking non-stop. Yet people act like nothing happen. It's a matter of fact, some groups are protesting outside city hall right now complaining on stay-home-order. Another reasons why I take the vaccine now. I prefer to believe this vaccine would work than trusting those idiot MFs to comply with CDC. Line was pretty long but moved fast enough. I really hope my city can come up with better plan rolling out the vaccine for the public later.
Just saw on the news, many hospitals are reporting 98-100% decreases in flu hospitalizations. Is this from hospitals being full and you'll handle the flu at home? Or is it really down from distancing and masks? We may never live without masks again. Maybe for those that normally get the flu, they're getting covid instead? I heard the CDC may not even have or release the flu numbers for 2020.

Was there somehow a influx of flu vaccinations? For months and months, the news was scaring us about a double pandemic. Turns out covid is enough on its own.
Just saw on the news, many hospitals are reporting 98-100% decreases in flu hospitalizations. Is this from hospitals being full and you'll handle the flu at home? Or is it really down from distancing and masks? We may never live without masks again. Maybe for those that normally get the flu, they're getting covid instead? I heard the CDC may not even have or release the flu numbers for 2020.

Was there somehow a influx of flu vaccinations? For months and months, the news was scaring us about a double pandemic. Turns out covid is enough on its own.

I would take a guess that it's more of the masks, distancing, and people washing their hands more.

I don't think I read anything about more people getting the flu vaccine, but I know at my hospital it was mandatory to get the flu vaccine.
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