Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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Just to be clear, antibodies are only a part of the immune response. B cells will make more antibodies very rapidly once the virus is detected again, assuming your immune system is working at optimal levels. B and T cells have still shown strong immune reaction in people who had the virus at the beginning of the pandemic. There is a small percentage of people who will be prone to reinfection, but the vast majority should remain immune for a year or more after they recover. Nobody can say for sure how long because it hasn’t even been a year yet. Be very suspicious of anyone who pretends to know exactly how long.

We will have to follow the science in the next coming months.
Am I the only one who thinks the recent surge is related to the new more easily transmissible strain making headlines? Like the original Cov2 virus was most likely in the US well before 1/19. Im not a scientist :lol:

I’m not convinced that’s the reason - obviously viruses will mutate but the increase in cases here wasn’t long after schools were back etc - which is a much more obvious vector. If that combines with a more readily transmitted virus then that is a problem.
Am I the only one who thinks the recent surge is related to the new more easily transmissible strain making headlines? Like the original Cov2 virus was most likely in the US well before 1/19. Im not a scientist :lol:

Agreed and a report from the CDC claimed that the first person with antibodies in the US was in 12/13 and it takes 1-3 weeks for antibodies to show up, meaning it could have been 11/22 or even earlier for first case. Our patient zero got it from someone in Europe and Italy's first case happened in September 2019.
I’m not convinced that’s the reason - obviously viruses will mutate but the increase in cases here wasn’t long after schools were back etc - which is a much more obvious vector. If that combines with a more readily transmitted virus then that is a problem.
I’m not sure how it is where everyone else is located, but in my city you wouldn’t even know there’s a pandemic by looking at the amount of cars on the road and in shopping center parking lots leading up to the holidays. There were way too many people going about their lives as normal thinking flimsy cloth masks would protect them and now we’re seeing the results of that.
When I went out leading up to the holidays, there were people indoors with no masks and masks under their chins. I knew I needed to buy what I needed and get out of the stores quick.
I’m not sure how it is where everyone else is located, but in my city you wouldn’t even know there’s a pandemic by looking at the amount of cars on the road and in shopping center parking lots leading up to the holidays. There were way too many people going about their lives as normal thinking flimsy cloth masks would protect them and now we’re seeing the results of that.

Yeah, the deniers are getting more bold and others are getting lax - not helped by government messaging of things you’re allowed to do - not for any good reason except they’re trying to allow some flexibility and to keep some businesses open - and then people take that to the extreme.

It is frustrating that we could be in much better shape from 6 months ago if we weren’t led by idiots.
When I went out leading up to the holidays, there were people indoors with no masks and masks under their chins. I knew I needed to buy what I needed and get out of the stores quick.
I treated xmas shopping like a sneaker release. I was at the door when the store opened and back home by the time the crowds were just getting there.
Just scheduled my first vaccine dosage for next Friday, I'm in IT for a hospital where we have to visit labs frequently.

For anyone thats already had one dosage how was your experience and did you have any side effects?
State’s 1st case of new, more contagious variant of the coronavirus detected in SoCal

A new, more contagious strain of the coronavirus reported in the United Kingdom and Colorado has been detected in Southern California, Gov. Gavin Newsom said Wednesday.

Newsom made the announcement while speaking to Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, during a virtual conversation about the pandemic.

The governor did not share further details about the patient and when and where the case was reported. After Newsom’s disclosure, L.A. County Department of Public Health Director Barbara Ferrer said her agency has not found evidence of the variant in the region.

“This doesn’t mean that the variant is not circulating in L.A. County,” Ferrer said. “We have thousands and thousands of people getting tested every day, and we’re just able to sample a small number of those tests results and do the gene sequencing.”

Here's today's numbers. A couple notes -- everything is off because of the holidays. The reliable number (hospitalizations) keeps going up to new highs, so expect deaths to keep going up once the holiday disruptions settle. Test positivity is also somewhat reliable (as opposed to absolute number of cases or tests) and remains solidly above 10%. Looks like the first couple weeks of January will have some brutal numbers, but hopefully we'll peak there and begin a long and sustained fall in numbers throughout 2021.

This is not really true though

I have heard there are dudes that live in Northern Manhattan with a family member, in rent-stabilized apartments, and pay so little that $600 would last them years.

They save so much in rent that they can afford things like acquiring a sneaker collection that is of equal value to a German-made luxury high-performance vehicle.

Oh really?

Quite a few ppl I know complain about more intense than normal pain and swelling at the injection site.

My aunt complained of headaches. And my sis complained of nosebleeds.

I'll report how I feel tomorrow.
The Washington Post tells us that 7.7 million first doses of vaccines have been shipped to date (two million shots have been given), with a target of 16 million by the end of the year. This is warp speed?

By comparison, we manage to get over 170 million flu shots in people’s arms every year, without any heroic efforts by the government and the military. Most of those doses are given over roughly a four-month period, which means a bit less than 1.5 million a day. That puts our flu shot delivery system ahead of Donald Trump’s warp speed. What the f**k?

Last week I wrote a piece asking why we didn’t have 400 million doses of vaccines on hand by the start of December. Of course production takes time, and we didn’t know back in the summer which vaccines would prove effective, but so what?

We could have started mass production of every vaccine that entered Phase 3 trials. If some of them proved to be ineffective, we would have wasted some money, but the cost would be trivial. The per shot cost of a vaccine is in the range of $2-$4. This means if we had to throw 200 million vaccines in the toilet, we would have wasted $800 million dollars, using the higher end estimate. That is less than 20 percent of the two-year cost of Donald Trump’s three martini lunch tax break and less than 1 percent of the size of the double-dip tax break, allowing companies to write off expenses that were reimbursed under the paycheck protection program.

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