Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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  • No

  • Only if mandatory

  • Not if mandatory

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This timeline from the NYT outlines when we can expect to get vaccinated. It roughly matches my speculation from a couple weeks ago:

The obvious question on many people’s minds is: When can I expect to be vaccinated? While there is still a lot of uncertainty, it’s possible to lay out a rough expected timeline. I’ve done so below, with help from public health experts and colleagues who are covering the virus.

December: Health care workers and nursing home residents will likely be the first people to receive the vaccine, as the panel recommended.

Up to 40 million doses could be available to Americans before the end of this year, from a combination of Pfizer’s and Moderna’s vaccines. That would be enough to vaccinate the three million people who live in long-term-care facilities, as well as most of the country’s 21 million health care workers.

January: Keep in mind that both the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines require a second dose a few weeks later to be effective. So an initial batch of 40 million doses would be enough to vaccinate only 20 million people.

By early next year, Pfizer and Moderna are likely to be able to ship about 70 million doses per month, Moncef Slaoui, a top federal vaccine official, told The Washington Post yesterday. People will likely receive the shots at doctor’s offices, hospitals and pharmacies, as well as at specially created clinics in some places, my colleague Katie Thomas says.

February and March: The next priority groups are likely to be people over the age of 65 (and especially those over 75); people with medical conditions that put them at risk of death if infected; and essential workers, like those in education, food, transportation and law enforcement.

One exception to this second wave of vaccine recipients may be people who have already had the virus, making them immune from it for at least some period of time.

If other companies in addition to Pfizer and Moderna receive approval for their vaccines, the total number shipped each month could reach 150 million by March, Slaoui said.

April, May and June: The most likely scenario is that even people who don’t qualify as a priority — like healthy, nonessential workers younger than 65 — will begin receiving the vaccine by the spring. The vast majority of Americans could be vaccinated by early summer.
What happens if this isn’t so effective and we vaccinate all of the healthcare workers who magically get super sick and die? You basically just poisoned everyone who was helpful.
There has to be test communities, cities, or states who are willing to be the Guinea pigs.
You have to do this in waves to the willing.
Yes, let's pick Vegas as a controlled group :lol:
Vaccinate all public officials including fauci, presidents and governor’s first. Then wait 2-3 YEARS and get the rest of us. That should really give us all confidence in it.
Fixed that for you. No one KNOWS what will happen as a result in 3 years because participants havent been followed that long.
Vaccinate all public officials including fauci, presidents and governor’s first. Then wait 2-3 weeks and get the rest of us. That should really give us all confidence in it.

I wonder how many of the people who believe Covid doesn't exist are going to get the vaccine

and how many of the anti flu shot people are going to get the vaccine

I have a lot of questions

this sums it up
I'm not anti-flu shot, just never wanted to get it. Think I only got the flu 2 times in the last 16 years. Last time was maybe 5 years ago and I was feeling horrible for 3 days.
I never took the flu shot before before because of the terrible work drone mentality that I don't want to take time off if I get some flu symptoms from the vaccine. Also didn't know 60,000 people died every year from the flu, that is insane and we're pretending like that's normal.
April, May and June: The most likely scenario is that even people who don’t qualify as a priority — like healthy, nonessential workers younger than 65 — will begin receiving the vaccine by the spring. The vast majority of Americans could be vaccinated by early summer.

so some ppl saying they'll refuse to take it before others do won't even get a chance to sniff the vials for at least 8 months anyways
Finally our covid month is over. My daughter is officially out of her own quarantine, poor kid has been cooped up in the house since Nov 6. Crazy she has been 100% the entire time through it. Very happy thankful grateful blessed she never came down with it (unless she was asymptomatic so we didnt know).
so some ppl saying they'll refuse to take it before others do won't even get a chance to sniff the vials for at least 8 months anyways
Those of us who are eager and willing will get the mRNA vaccine in the spring, which is 95% effective, and we can enjoy our summer.

The rest who are scared or whatever will end up getting the 60% effective bootleg vaccine next fall.

Oh well.
I'm pretty sure they'll release the vaccine using SNKRS. We're doomed.

Vaccine drop is gonna be exactly like the threads here on NT. Everybody says "pass" at first when initial details leak, but they all get thirsty as the release date gets closer and they realize how limited it's gonna be. HB's will be dying to use their Supreme bandaids to show they got that new mRNA heat!
Never taken a flu shot either and has nothing to do with being an 'anti vaxxer' or anti flu shot :lol:

This, lol. I haven’t had the flu shot since I was a kid if I had to guess. I just never even really thought about it til this year when everyone is talking about it.

I rarely have gotten super sick. The last time was when the Eagles won the super bowl but I’m still convinced that was food poisoning.
For those who are ok with the vaccine, how much would you be willing to pay to get the mRNA vaccine? Let's say you pay $XX and you'd get it by Christmas.

I would pay $250, maybe more.
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