Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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“Could disrupt daily life”

That’s the same exact words a woman that works for the CDC said in an a conference call about the coronavirus back in February of this year

These numbers are terrible
I just heard on CNN that doctors without Borders are in the United States to help people that have the coronavirus
that’s a big problem and I believe thats because there’s not enough doctors in some states
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Chicago issuing a stay-at-home order for 30 days and telling people to cancel Thanksgiving this year. Is this the first major city to do this?

I'll post the daily update when it's released but here are the week-by-week numbers. Cases jumping faster than hospitalizations and deaths, but if there's a 1-2 week lag, we may see deaths just 40% next week (which would get us close to 1500 deaths per day):

Chicago issuing a stay-at-home order for 30 days and telling people to cancel Thanksgiving this year. Is this the first major city to do this?

I'll post the daily update when it's released but here are the week-by-week numbers. Cases jumping faster than hospitalizations and deaths, but if there's a 1-2 week lag, we may see deaths just 40% next week (which would get us close to 1500 deaths per day):

I’ve been complaining about this since I moved here back in June. At the time there were around 800 cases/day in Illinois- now there’s 12000+ a day....I am not surprised AT ALL
I’ve been complaining about this since I moved here back in June. At the time there were around 800 cases/day in Illinois- now there’s 12000+ a day....I am not surprised AT ALL
yup... this whole system is useless if you aren't proactive in reenacting lockdowns. but instead they wanted to wait as long as possible. plus it doesn't help when lightfoot is blaming wisconsin for not wearing masks instead of taking responsibility.
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