Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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There’s no other person on earth better at this than he is and a man with a 3rd grade level of education and billions in debt is the one firing him. Welcome to America.
All because he's mad at the attention that he's getting. DURING A PANDEMIC, WHICH HE IS THE SMARTEST PERSON WE CAN RELY ON! :rofl:
All because he's mad at the attention that he's getting. DURING A PANDEMIC, WHICH HE IS THE SMARTEST PERSON WE CAN RELY ON! :rofl:
Dude.... dissect that ideas for a moment and see how crazy it sounds. Red, blue, left, right, it doesn’t matter. There is ZERO debate that you have to be an idiot to support trump. Absolutely ZERO redeeming factors

Yeah..... thats a choice that will be a real thing....
If I was in charge:

1) Make it a crime to spread disinformation. Start with fines but consider jail time for those purposefully putting out misleading information. Or, less controversially, have an independent commission of professionals that reviews/screens information and marks disinformation on social media.

2) Testing -- centralized system to track and report numbers. Approve and ramp up rapid and at-home testing. Implement pooled PCR testing.

3) Economic support -- pump money into the economy, fortify ACA, etc. But, in conjunction with point 2, make it easier to deploy rapid interventions for regions with outbreaks. Instead of travel restrictions, set up rapid testing at borders or points of entry.

4) Vaccine and therapeutic support, increase PPE production, etc.

5) Completely remove WH from the operations of the CDC and FDA.

That's pretty easy. More or less matches Biden's plan. Trump is doing almost none of it, except for some of #4.
fauci literally wrote the textbook for medical students. Literally as in he’s the lead author out of hundreds of distinguished doctors and he has to put up with this bull**** it’s infuriating

yo I did not know that.


it is almost not possible for a person to have more expertise on any subject than Dr. Fauci has on this exactly.

...and yet his word is considered worthless.

whole new dimensions to this cluster****.
yo I did not know that.


it is almost not possible for a person to have more expertise on any subject than Dr. Fauci has on this exactly.

...and yet his word is considered worthless.

whole new dimensions to this cluster****.

this book is literally in every doctors office and med students bookshelves. its our bible, and fauci gawd is whoever wrote the bible. Trump and the GOP and his trash cult followers need to stop getting any kind of medical care if they really are about that life.
yo I did not know that.


it is almost not possible for a person to have more expertise on any subject than Dr. Fauci has on this exactly.

...and yet his word is considered worthless.

whole new dimensions to this cluster****.
And backwoods hicks raising their grandkids because the **** ups they produced are on meth, who get all their medical information from their pastor, are saying he has no idea what he’s talking about . Think about that
this book is literally in every doctors office and med students bookshelves. its our bible, and fauci gawd is whoever wrote the bible. Trump and the GOP and his trash cult followers need to stop getting any kind of medical care if they really are about that life.

like, I knew he was Dr. Expert in the first place, 5 presidents, multiple pandemics, all that...but DAMN.


And backwoods hicks raising their grandkids because the **** ups they produced are on meth, who get all their medical information from their pastor, are saying he has no idea what he’s talking about . Think about that

that´s ******* scary, man.

what reasonable dialogue is there to be had with someone like that?

deep, deep sadness.
Does anyone know what the numbers postivity rate wise have been in States that have remained fully open for a while? Like ATL or major cities in Texas, Fl? Dramatic change or cant trust the reporting?
UK study finds evidence of waning antibody immunity to COVID-19 over time

LONDON (Reuters) - Antibodies against the novel coronavirus declined rapidly in the British population during the summer, a study found on Tuesday, suggesting protection after infection may not be long lasting and raising the prospect of waning immunity in the community.

Scientists at Imperial College London have tracked antibody levels in the British population following the first wave of COVID-19 infections in March and April.

Their study found that antibody prevalence fell by a quarter, from 6% of the population around the end of June to just 4.4% in September. That raises the prospect of decreasing population immunity ahead of a second wave of infections in recent weeks that has forced local lockdowns and restrictions.

Although immunity to the novel coronavirus is a complex and murky area, and may be assisted by T cells, as well as B cells that can stimulate the quick production of antibodies following re-exposure to the virus, the researchers said the experience of other coronaviruses suggested immunity might not be enduring.

“We can see the antibodies and we can see them declining and we know that antibodies on their own are quite protective,” Wendy Barclay, head of the Department of Infectious Disease at Imperial College London told reporters.

hose for whom COVID-19 was confirmed with a gold standard PCR test had a less pronounced decline in antibodies, compared to people who had been asymptomatic and unaware of their original infection.

There was no change in the levels of antibodies seen in healthcare workers, possibly due to repeated exposure to the virus.

The study backs up findings from similar surveys in Germany which found the vast majority of people didn’t have COVID-19 antibodies, even in hotspots for the disease, and that antibodies might fade in those who do.

World Health Organisation spokesman Tarik Jasarevic said that uncertainty over how long immunity would last and the fact most people had never had antibodies against the coronavirus in the first place showed the need to break transmission chains.

“Acquiring this collective immunity just by letting virus run through the population is not really an option,” he told a U.N. briefing in Geneva

Imperial’s study, based on a survey of 365,000 randomly selected adults, was released as a pre-print paper, and has not yet been peer-reviewed.

The rapid waning of antibodies did not necessarily have implications for the efficacy of vaccine candidates currently in clinical trials, Imperial’s Barclay said.

“A good vaccine may well be better than natural immunity,” she said.
Does anyone know what the numbers postivity rate wise have been in States that have remained fully open for a while? Like ATL or major cities in Texas, Fl? Dramatic change or cant trust the reporting?
I was just thinking about this the other day.
Here’s the thing: The arguement needs to be changed from staying open or closing. What we’ve learned so far this year is that this thing is not just a flu and won’t Just go away. Every city/state doing whatever they want just undermines what others have done.

NY is a good example of how locking down can bring the spread way down. Just look at the curve. Other places like Florida and Texas just keep busting out numbers daily Until they reach NY numbers. End result will be the same for both it’s just how they got there that’s different. NY got there in one shot others will get there steadily.

Im not sure but I think positivity rate no matter what the environment is around 1%. Whether it’s a city, state, a sports league, etc.
every once in a when there’s an uptick the rate goesup to 3-5%
^ Cases, hospitalizations, and deaths have all nearly doubled in the past month in Illinois, so this was going to happen sooner or later.

Here's the nationwide update. Cases are beyond their summer peak. Some of that is due to increased testing but it's still going up so I wouldn't be surprised if we get up to 100,000 cases per day in November and return to 1000 deaths per day.

Democratic leader also wouldnt accept the 1.9 trillion deal cus she rather make the Donald Dump look bad and the people wait.

"All (2.4 trillion) or nothing" she said.

**** them all.
She was not stuck on the 2.4

We can keep ignoring Mitch never wanted to pass anything and Senate R's wanted no parts of the WH deal either. Given how fast he moved with SCOTUS and kept peddling that ******** 500b plan and then closed up shop once he got what he wanted

I find it funny the angle is to make Trump look bad when if he passed any number of the bills in the house, Trump would benefit GREATLY politically from it. Putting money in ppl's pockets...yeah quite the bad look
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