Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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it’s too wide spread and Americans don’t like to be told what to do
that’s all the facts I need

again trump or Biden no one is going to listen americans are too
selfish prove me wrong
If you think Biden can you do a better job good for you I really hope he does because Trump is not going to be re-elected

im sure he knows this because of his ****ups over the coronavirus and the The hundreds of thousands of people who didn’t need to die this past year he has no chance in hell to win
he doesn’t deserve to be president
“Too wide spread” is not fact. No matter how many are infected WITH legitimate quarantine the virus can subside. I get that people that are dumb will do dumb things, thus a legit mandate. Again, other countries have proven that this all works.

I’m base nothing on emotion, I’m ALL facts. If trump stopped the virus I would give him props, but he hasn’t. He has NO plan other than taking away healthcare for 70% of Americans
“Too wide spread” is not fact. No matter how many are infected WITH legitimate quarantine the virus can subside. I get that people that are dumb will do dumb things, thus a legit mandate. Again, other countries have proven that this all works.

I’m base nothing on emotion, I’m ALL facts. If trump stopped the virus I would give him props, but he hasn’t. He has NO plan other than taking away healthcare for 70% of Americans

I agree with you
But again I don’t need facts
look At the numbers

this virus will not subside it’s here to stay
Quick overview https://joebiden.com/covid19/

Nowhere does he call it a hoax or just calls it quits. Should be a drastic improvement

That plan is very comprehensive and it's definitely much better than the no plan plan we currently have. I'm sure we can ALL agree on that! I sincerely hope states and local governments enforce it, which is what I see to be the biggest potential hurdle to overcome. Stay safe out there, fellas.
The fact that the Biden/Harris ticket has something written out is leaps and bounds beyond what Trump and his minions have. They've been promising a health care plan in the "next two weeks" for 4 years.

The fact that Americans fall for it or even allow it to happen is a joke, and speaks volumes of this country. They are treating the office like a Kardashian show. They continue to do the same with COVID.

There is a solution to this virus whether people like to believe it or not. The problem is people aren't willing to sacrifice their "freedoms" (going out to eat, barbers, etc) for it to happen. :smh: Meanwhile I have been cooped up in the house since this thing hit, and like MakeNTGreatAgain MakeNTGreatAgain im burnt out. Sucks but ill keep going until I feel its the right time.
Because of people living reckless like this no one will stop this virus forget about Defeating it
you really think this guy is going to care who’s president whos president he’s gonna do what he wants and thats why this country is in trouble

That's where enforcement needs to step in to protect citizens. Assuming that activity is run by a business, they need to be enforcing mask wearing. If they are not, it should be shut down.
That's where enforcement needs to step in to protect citizens. Assuming that activity is run by a business, they need to be enforcing mask wearing. If they are not, it should be shut down.
they can shut down a business if a bathroom door is a foot too close to an exit but won’t shut down places that won’t follow health guidelines. Gyms are the worst at this too.
One thing to correct. Trump and his administration do have a plan. They've been peddling this **** for months and it's Herd Immunity

Now ain't the time to both sides this argument

We are looking at two very drastic paths this county will go moving forward
Herd “mentality” and mediations that have been proven deadly. Let’s make it exact
all a bunch of political bull****

neither trump or Biden have a plan to control this plague and the American public gets screwed in the end
1. 73 million ppl watched the 1st presidential debate.
2. 57 million ppl watched the vice presidential debate.
3. 27 million ppl watched the town hall. 14m for Biden, 13.5 for Donald.
4. 63 million ppl watched the 1st presidential debate.

And apparently you weren't one them b/c a plan was stated for both sides. One side said a crock of ****, but a plan was stated.

Now would you please just shut the hell up & inform yourself b4 you open up your god damn mouth to peddle this stupid you continue to peddle. It's really starting to get on my nerves.
Fauci's facepalming during Trump COVID briefings just hit different after finding out that

This dude has been more cited than Stephen Hawking.

America, you really sunk to the bottom here, and it can get deeper than this...

fauci literally wrote the textbook for medical students. Literally as in he’s the lead author out of hundreds of distinguished doctors and he has to put up with this ******** it’s infuriating
1. 73 million ppl watched the 1st presidential debate.
2. 57 million ppl watched the vice presidential debate.
3. 27 million ppl watched the town hall. 14m for Biden, 13.5 for Donald.
4. 63 million ppl watched the 1st presidential debate.

And apparently you weren't one them b/c a plan was stated for both sides. One side said a crock of ****, but a plan was stated.

Now would you please just shut the hell up & inform yourself b4 you open up your god damn mouth to peddle this stupid you continue to peddle. It's really starting to get on my nerves.
Stop being a nervous Nancy
fauci literally wrote the textbook for medical students. Literally as in he’s the lead author out of hundreds of distinguished doctors and he has to put up with this bull**** it’s infuriating
There’s no other person on earth better at this than he is and a man with a 3rd grade level of education and billions in debt is the one firing him. Welcome to America.
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