Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Only if mandatory

  • Not if mandatory

  • Undecided

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What's the background: exposure, symptoms, etc? Wishing you all the best!

I mostly feel fine. The main thing is a minor sore throat that I can only pretty much feel when I swallow and hasn't gone away. Also tested negative for strep so. Been a little phlegmy, stuffy nose, congestion. All in all, my symptoms almost seem allergy related. But usually my allergies give me watery/itchy eyes which I haven't gotten. Called up doc yesterday and he scheduled me for a test today.

Coworker tested positive a couple weeks ago.
I mostly feel fine. The main thing is a minor sore throat that I can only pretty much feel when I swallow and hasn't gone away. Also tested negative for strep so. Been a little phlegmy, stuffy nose, congestion. All in all, my symptoms almost seem allergy related. But usually my allergies give me watery/itchy eyes which I haven't gotten. Called up doc yesterday and he scheduled me for a test today.

Coworker tested positive a couple weeks ago.
hopefully you’re all right

wow that water up your nose feeling does not sound good
I mostly feel fine. The main thing is a minor sore throat that I can only pretty much feel when I swallow and hasn't gone away. Also tested negative for strep so. Been a little phlegmy, stuffy nose, congestion. All in all, my symptoms almost seem allergy related. But usually my allergies give me watery/itchy eyes which I haven't gotten. Called up doc yesterday and he scheduled me for a test today.

Coworker tested positive a couple weeks ago.

Hope that you're negative but if you're positive, hoping for a speedy recovery.
I mostly feel fine. The main thing is a minor sore throat that I can only pretty much feel when I swallow and hasn't gone away. Also tested negative for strep so. Been a little phlegmy, stuffy nose, congestion. All in all, my symptoms almost seem allergy related. But usually my allergies give me watery/itchy eyes which I haven't gotten. Called up doc yesterday and he scheduled me for a test today.

Coworker tested positive a couple weeks ago.

No loss of smell/taste?
One of the reason Covid-19 might stay around even after we find an effective vaccine is because of people refusing to take it.

So many takes I see about vaccines are rooted in ignorance of how they work. My homie is now semi-antivax because he said he got a flu vaccine and then got the flu very soon after. After some investigation, he apparently got the shot in the morning then hung around his sick GF in the afternoon. I tried to point out to him that vaccine are not an instant fix, you need to give it time to get the immune response. Instead of accepting he might be wrong, he got upset because he felt he was lied to along the way by "doctors", and therefore he doesn't trust them and is still skeptical of vaccines.

We will need effective therapeutics and rapid home testing. Human beings, especially Americans, are gonna sabotage the fight to eliminate this virus. Then they will use the damage cause by lack of compliance as proof of them being right all along. It is gonna **** show regardless, that is why it is so important the government roll needs to be on point to avoid a disaster.

Imagine if the first vaccine approved is 50% effective, requires a booster shot, and had side effects. People are gonna to avoid it and believe a ton of hot takes anti-vaxxers peddle. So even if we get a 90% effective, one shot, no side effect vaccine a year later, the damage will be done as far as public opinion.
I'm hoping the vaccine is more like 90% effective, so that we don't have to rely on herd immunity. We can rely on culling of the herd.

But likely it won't be, but at least it'll give the vaccinated a competitive advantage along with continued usage of masks and avoidance of gatherings while the anti-vaxxers pick each other off.
I mostly feel fine. The main thing is a minor sore throat that I can only pretty much feel when I swallow and hasn't gone away. Also tested negative for strep so. Been a little phlegmy, stuffy nose, congestion. All in all, my symptoms almost seem allergy related. But usually my allergies give me watery/itchy eyes which I haven't gotten. Called up doc yesterday and he scheduled me for a test today.

Coworker tested positive a couple weeks ago.

Seems like youre ok, if you test positive you might be one of the milder cases.

Are there still Fauci fans on NikeTalk ?
Yes, he is a competent civil servant. I have tons of respect for him

He is saying that some of the decision Trump made help saved lives, no one debates that. If he done zero, it would have been a even worse disaster. People are saying that his mistakes/other decisions cost lives too.

Consider if there were three scenarios

a) Nothing and let the virus run wild, have deaths be at half a million plus

b) Half *** the response (after waiting too long, and undermine many other efforts) and have deaths around 200K

c) adequate response, and have deaths in a few tens of thousands of deaths

Trump did b) and his supporters want credit for doing b). Fauci is saying Trump did b) over a). People are pissed because he could have done c) and chose not too.

Also Fauci is might be scared for his job given how Trump and his cronies are high on retaliation against people that are not loyalist.

But keep on thinking you have some sort of "got ya" moment on your hands.
But keep on thinking you have some sort of "got ya" moment on your hands.
If that’s directed at me I’m not thinking that at all
In fact I agree with everything you said
I trust Fauci more then I trust trump
But fauci did make some mistakes

Everyone did the best they could and then mistakes where still made And I’m sure he didn’t do them intentionally

this is a first time for everyone
If that’s directed at me I’m not thinking that at all
In fact I agree with everything you said
I trust Fauci more then I trust trump
But fauci did make some mistakes

Everyone who did the best they could and then mistakes where still made And I’m sure he didn’t do them intentionally

this is a first time for everyone
Miss me with this

He clearly did things that ****** up the response intentionally.

Fam, just put on the MAGA hat and be honest with everyone, because you a low key Trump apologist.
Miss me with this

He clearly did things that ****ed up the response intentionally.

Fam, just put on the MAGA hat and be honest with everyone, because you a low key Trump apologist.

I don’t support trump on how he handled the virus I would never see this as a hoax or a flu

at one time yeah I supported some of the things he did but Not everything and I didn’t vote for him in 2016
Because trump only supports trump

He wasn’t looking out for my best interest for me to go out of my way to vote for him then and I’m Certainly not going to vote for him now or anyone else for that matter

I don’t want to get into this again
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