Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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  • No

  • Only if mandatory

  • Not if mandatory

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I love this. Essentially, our current approach to testing for covid-19 is to use qPCR, which is highly accurate (rarely misses a positive case) but it is intensive (takes time and money). The system is overwhelmed so results take days or weeks to get back. This makes it almost useless for any containment strategy.

Enter antigen tests. These are cheap, give instant results, and can be used at home. The problem is that they miss a lot of positives. However, this isn't really a problem. A lot of those "positives" may not actually be infectious. It may just be someone with fragments of the virus who is not currently infectious. For containment, we need tests that are rapid, can be run frequently (multiple times a week), and that catch people when they are most infectious, not necessarily when they have low levels of virus and aren't that infectious. As the article states, "speed matters much more than test sensitivity in controlling a pandemic."

edit: this is an idea that I've seen echoed by many epidemiologists. Just came across this, for example:

we do have a vaccine for it. it just changes so quickly and there's multiple different strains every season.

so far covid has been pretty consistent, so a vaccine is possible. that could change of course.
One of the reason Covid-19 might stay around even after we find an effective vaccine is because of people refusing to take it.

So many takes I see about vaccines are rooted in ignorance of how they work. My homie is now semi-antivax because he said he got a flu vaccine and then got the flu very soon after. After some investigation, he apparently got the shot in the morning then hung around his sick GF in the afternoon. I tried to point out to him that vaccine are not an instant fix, you need to give it time to get the immune response. Instead of accepting he might be wrong, he got upset because he felt he was lied to along the way by "doctors", and therefore he doesn't trust them and is still skeptical of vaccines.

We will need effective therapeutics and rapid home testing. Human beings, especially Americans, are gonna sabotage the fight to eliminate this virus. Then they will use the damage cause by lack of compliance as proof of them being right all along. It is gonna **** show regardless, that is why it is so important the government roll needs to be on point to avoid a disaster.

Imagine if the first vaccine approved is 50% effective, requires a booster shot, and had side effects. People are gonna to avoid it and believe a ton of hot takes anti-vaxxers peddle. So even if we get a 90% effective, one shot, no side effect vaccine a year later, the damage will be done as far as public opinion.
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It’s mind boggling how opening schools is even a debate at this point. So we’ll close schools when confirmed cases are in the hundreds, but let’s open them back up now that those numbers have increased a gazillion percent. Seems sensible. :smh:

This. The US is doing TERRIBLE amongst all this and yet were debating on how to get WORSE? :lol:
It’s mind boggling how opening schools is even a debate at this point. So we’ll close schools when confirmed cases are in the hundreds, but let’s open them back up now that those numbers have increased a gazillion percent. Seems sensible. :smh:

You're absolutely right. On the surface it seems so obvious, but you would be naive to pretend you don't understand that as with most things in life, there is more than meets the eye (TRANSFORMERS!). Of course, not all parents have the luxury of being able to afford to stay home and they must work in order to support their children. While they are at work, who is going to watch those children? Are they any safer going to daycare or staying with a neighbor, friend, home alone...? Even in the case where a parent may be able to work from home, has been laid off, etc. they may not actually be educated enough to help that child with their schoolwork or may not have a computer or internet access to allow that child to be effective at remote learning. In these cases, the kids who are most in need are the ones who are at most risk of falling behind. There are other dire circumstances such as kids with learning disabilities who only have a chance to effectively learn from a special ed teacher who can sit with them and help them work through their obstacles. My heart breaks for these kids and it's impossible for us to properly assess the potential health consequences with the other factors I mentioned that could far outweigh the risks, in some cases. I consider myself blessed that my wife is able to stay home and help my kids with remote learning, but I understand that is not a reality for many others.
What the hell is this country waiting for things are getting worse
Opening up schools are people nuts ?

just shut the whole damn country down until things can get Just a Litttle better

Republican or democrat
Everybody is so worried about the damn economy soon they’ll be no people living that an economy won’t matter

I don’t know how many Florida Ohio St. Louis California license plates I’ve seen the last week in the area that I live in manhattan

I can’ t Imagine how the winter is going to be
Like Fauci said this disease is not going anywhere this will be with us for a lifetime
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