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I completely get not being enthused with Biden—is anyone???? But he’s the only choice you have that will get this asshat out of office. Voting 3rd party isn’t gonna do that.

This isn’t a difficult decision. You have two choices. 4 more years of this or not. It’s that simple.
We've entered the (even more) crimes against humanity phase of his presidency. How there could be any thinking that they’re all the same just blows my mind. Kids in cages, racism and corruption. Just today he said the Comey should be in prison. When this nightmare is all over, I bet there will be a record of the SOB making the phone call to have Epstein killed. He has no bottom.
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I completely get not being enthused with Biden—is anyone???? But he’s the only choice you have that will get this asshat out of office. Voting 3rd party isn’t gonna do that.

This isn’t a difficult decision. You have two choices. 4 more years of this or not. It’s that simple.

Valid point, I have thought about if Biden selects a running mate more on par with my beliefs I'll lean that way. It hurts for these candidates because they cant get out and campaign, hold rally's etc. I voted 3rd party last time because I was totally behind Gary Johnsons policies (even after his Aleppo mishap) and for a 3rd party, he didnt do as bad as most thought he would. No way I was voting for 45 or Clinton, but I felt that was my right to vote for who I wanted as president win or lose. I'll gladly do it again. As for me voting Kanye nah, just joshing he'd be so over his head. Let's do each other all a favor and discuss politics in the politic thread, I know Sunday's are slow for COVID news so not a whole lot to talk about, but this isn't the right thread for political debates. I'm just as guilty as anyone else in here talking about it. So I'm going to stop. Sorry if I offended anyone's opinion.
:smh: @ people really entertaining just not voting while we’re in a thread about a ****ing pandemic that didn’t have to grow to its current magnitude if the current President actually knew what the **** he was doing. And we won’t even get into all the other issues outside of COVID.

This is why America is doomed. Bunch of clown *** dudes who really want to play the “both sides are the same” game after almost 4 years of daily chaos. Unreal.

The biggest complainers in here don't even vote. Cant stand that ****. Makes my blood boil.

Cant take 4 more years of this ****. I can't.

Cut my Dad off and haven't spoken to him in 3 months because of his MAGA ***. He can get at me once he thinks long at hard at the BS his President spews. Hate to let politics get in the way but F that. I went years not talking to him I can go longer. I cant talk to anyone that has those type of views.
thats a wasted vote.

I have confidence in whatever administration Biden puts together. Its not really Biden who we are voting for.


shotsrangout shotsrangout casper90403 casper90403 & townbidness townbidness

Some people are not affected much (like my uncle, his biggest problem is finding lumber), or have a lease due to turn in. Now is a really good time to buy. Same with mortgages. The ones that just ran out to buy a car because of stimulus and PUI are not making good decisions unless they've been able to stack that money and buy something cash. Those just running out to buy a car to pay on for 5+ years IMO are probably making big mistakes.
160jordansdeep 160jordansdeep

Still have to vote. Cant have leaders that are racist and incompetent leading a first world country.
I see so many idiots on twitter & ig saying they can"t vote for biden because he's also racist and a pedophile. My first time hearing about him being that stuff. These people have blm all in their twitter names and profile pics but seem ok with trump winning again and continuing to make our country worse for all minorities.
thats a wasted vote.

I have confidence in whatever administration Biden puts together. Its not really Biden who we are voting for.

PM me if you want to discuss further. I'm done with politics in here. We all have our beliefs, I'm open to discussion and debate but this thread to is not the place for it at least we can agree 45 WILL go. Biden just hasnt showed me enough to gain my support, and that's my opinion. Check my receipts.
The only way I would go and vote for Biden is if Andrew Yang was his running mate

if not like all other elections I’m sitting this one out because I don’t like either one.

btw Only with a mail in Ballot only I’m not gonna go risk my life to get somebody in office Who I’m half assed about.

yang would make me vote by mail
thats it
but I agree trump needs to go
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The only way I would go and vote for Biden is if Andrew Yang was his running mate

if not like all other elections I’m sitting this one out because I don’t like either one.

So basically you're willing to give up Senate and House seats because you don't like the presidential candidates?

You do realize there are more election races up for grabs besides the damn presidency?

You know the reason why Trump made this country a ******* mess is 'cuz "non-voters" ALLOWED the Republicans to take majority power in both HOUSE AND SENATE in the general election too?
The only way I would go and vote for Biden is if Andrew Yang was his running mate

if not like all other elections I’m sitting this one out because I don’t like either one.

btw Only with a mail in Ballot only I’m not gonna go risk my life to get somebody in office Who I’m half assed about.

yang would make me vote by mail
thats it
but I agree trump needs to go
You should listen to Andrew Yang

You should listen to Andrew Yang

thats why IF he ran with biden i WOULD vote for him

andrew could endource a mule but if he's not the the mules running mate it's all worlds

shoot i would vote for bernie no question before uncle joe
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:smh: @ people really entertaining just not voting while we’re in a thread about a ****ing pandemic that didn’t have to grow to its current magnitude if the current President actually knew what the **** he was doing. And we won’t even get into all the other issues outside of COVID.

This is why America is doomed. Bunch of clown *** dudes who really want to play the “both sides are the same” game after almost 4 years of daily chaos. Unreal.

No lies detected.
:smh: @ people really entertaining just not voting while we’re in a thread about a ****ing pandemic that didn’t have to grow to its current magnitude if the current President actually knew what the **** he was doing. And we won’t even get into all the other issues outside of COVID.

This is why America is doomed. Bunch of clown *** dudes who really want to play the “both sides are the same” game after almost 4 years of daily chaos. Unreal.
currently sitting at 1347 pages. should be in the 300's at most.
You didn't watch the video....he spoke more about than just an "endorsement"

i did i see this the night of the primary on cnn
i dont need to watch it again

this was right when the virus was starting to spread

joe biden is not an outstanding citizen when he's rubbing up on women
when he son is smoking crack cocaine in a strip club

he's not any different than donald trump in alot of ways
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