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Birx is MAGA

@ shibadekobe shibadekobe

as always terrific read on a terrible situation

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Yet, the virus is so new noone (that I know of) has stated the long term effects on a child. Could be some time before we know, hell we really dont know the long term effects of COVID on adults... grandma was just telling me a bit about polio and the effects it caused later down the line. Scary to think that Trump just wants to throw the kids back out there, we dont even have enough data to support that. That I know of I mean the virus IS only 1 year old. Sad to imagine in 10 to 20 years we could have countless people having health problems and disabilities still even if we eradicate this virus... not enough data yet.

So when is it safe? In 2-3 years when everyone is vaccinated?
:smh: @ people really entertaining just not voting while we’re in a thread about a ******* pandemic that didn’t have to grow to its current magnitude if the current President actually knew what the **** he was doing. And we won’t even get into all the other issues outside of COVID.

This is why America is doomed. Bunch of clown *** dudes who really want to play the “both sides are the same” game after almost 4 years of daily chaos. Unreal.
:smh: @ people really entertaining just not voting while we’re in a thread about a ****ing pandemic that didn’t have to grow to its current magnitude if the current President actually knew what the **** he was doing. And we won’t even get into all the other issues outside of COVID.

This is why America is doomed. Bunch of clown *** dudes who really want to play the “both sides are the same” game after almost 4 years of daily chaos. Unreal.

This 100%. Even if you truly think that Democrat = Republican please think of even just the past year. Kids in cages, gross negligence leading to 100's of thousands of deaths, police brutality and white supremacy becoming normalized, gross corruption, the list goes on.

Vote whoever you want down ballot but this dumbass clown NEEDS to get out the paint. If not for you, then for the people around you who are getting killed out there or for the kids still locked up in cages.
:smh: @ people really entertaining just not voting while we’re in a thread about a ****ing pandemic that didn’t have to grow to its current magnitude if the current President actually knew what the **** he was doing. And we won’t even get into all the other issues outside of COVID.

This is why America is doomed. Bunch of clown *** dudes who really want to play the “both sides are the same” game after almost 4 years of daily chaos. Unreal.

I'll end up voting always have I'm just being dramatic. It wont be Trump, possibly Biden but he just hasnt shown me enough, if not it'll be a 3rd party or write in.
your better off not voting at all none of them are going to make your life any better

it’s just for betterment of the politicians family and the power they hold

it does nothing for the Average person
Republican Or Democrat it’s all the same

please I don’t want to argue with anyone
thats just how I always felt and now more then ever

Just ignorant man. The closest the bold might be to being true is exclusively for white males, but even then it's still not true.
your better off not voting at all none of them are going to make your life any better

it’s just for betterment of the politicians family and the power they hold

it does nothing for the Average person
Republican Or Democrat it’s all the same

please I don’t want to argue with anyone
thats just how I always felt and now more then ever

they might not make your life better but they can definitely make your life worse. see: the last 4 years.
I'll end up voting always have I'm just being dramatic. It wont be Trump, possibly Biden but he just hasnt shown me enough, if not it'll be a 3rd party or write in.

I completely get not being enthused with Biden—is anyone???? But he’s the only choice you have that will get this asshat out of office. Voting 3rd party isn’t gonna do that.

This isn’t a difficult decision. You have two choices. 4 more years of this or not. It’s that simple.
I completely get not being enthused with Biden—is anyone???? But he’s the only choice you have that will get this asshat out of office. Voting 3rd party isn’t gonna do that.

This isn’t a difficult decision. You have two choices. 4 more years of this or not. It’s that simple.

exactly. The choices might not do much for some but they certainly can make your life worse. Why would anyone want to give trump another chance to mess with their life again?
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