Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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don't mean to derail but stay away from benzos if possible, I've been on them for a little over two decades and just tapering them is quite hellish. withdrawals can cause seizures and you could die. tapering 1/4 mg's of klonipin can take like 6 months before you feel OK, if you find yourself at the mercy of a psych doctor who doesn't know you they are likely to treat you like a drug abuser and cut you off entirely. valerian & L-Theanine are decent sleep aids.
Where did you get this from that’s pretty scary
Exactly how people would respond.
Then they would do no Research.
Especially if the SOURCE had Millions of followers.
They would just accept it as the Truth, and tell as many people they could Everytime the subject of COVID came up. They'd talk with such confidence and act so in the know about how everybody(including themselves) contracted the COVID, and they'd have a plan on how to fix it.
weed is still illegal in nys im sure your on the west coast

klonopin is another abuse drug
I don’t think in need all these drugs more then anything I need to clear my head and sleep or a sleep aid that I can get off of and just get rest Naturally.

I'm in Houston but my dude gets everything delivered from cali. I'd suggest talking to a psychiatrist if you haven't already, theres way too many drugs on the market that seem like they could almost immediately treat the anxiety if you're against benzodiazepines. Before I knew I was bi polar my PCP prescribed me 5 days of valium when my brother was murdered. It actually got rid of my stress, cleared my head and I didnt go out seeking anymore and also no refills, it was basically just to get me back on track, calm me down, clear my head etc. The remeron I mentioned earlier also treats anxiety. Hope that helps man sleep and a clear head are vital to you're health, I'm sure you already know that though.

If you run across these I can vouch for them buy em all the time.

As you can tell I go though alot LOL.
don't mean to derail but stay away from benzos if possible, I've been on them for a little over two decades and just tapering them is quite hellish. withdrawals can cause seizures and you could die. tapering 1/4 mg's of klonipin can take like 6 months before you feel OK, if you find yourself at the mercy of a psych doctor who doesn't know you they are likely to treat you like a drug abuser and cut you off entirely. valerian & L-Theanine are decent sleep aids.

Benzos could be good in a short pinch, i.e death to a loved one, fear of flying etc., but unless you have some severe anxiety issues (which I have) I wouldn't want to be on them long term. I too have been on them over 2 decades. Mine is more of the other meds I take that cause irritability and contribute to my anxiety. All of our situations are different I'd trust a psychiatrists advice over anything though, plus I have an incredible Dr.
There's many ways to slice it. In terms of overall number of deaths, it's a fractional increase, so it's not like there's going to be a drastic reduction in the population size or something like that.

One thing to keep in mind is that it's 1000 for the whole country, but the majority of deaths are concentrated in a few regions. For those communities, the deaths are a bigger impact in terms of proportional impact. Also, one death also means 2 or 3 people were in the ICU for 2 weeks (and need longer term care after that), 10 or so were hospitalized, and, if the hospital was at capacity, then lots of routine care and elective surgeries had to be postponed and resources redirected.

It's worth mentioning that the deadliest cancer (lung) claims 370 lives per day. But heart disease claims 1700 lives per day.

So there's many ways to phrase it. I agree though in general that it's a bit sensationalistic to look at absolute numbers. The better question is how many of those deaths are preventable and what is the associated societal cost of each.
This was a month or two back but excess deaths actually appear to under count the actual COVID death rate of 3 jumbo jets per day. That’s scary and I haven’t quite looked too much into it

Then there’s the group that says 90% of the untested have had it already with antibodies, so death rate is lower.
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Damn i just got an email from Illinois unemployment saying the extra $600 is ending july 25th
And so it begins...
Stay safe everyone

jeez bro that sucks This might sound like an extremely stupid question but is this going to happen to everybody around the country That’s been getting $600 a week for the past few months
This was a month or two back but excess deaths actually appear to under count the actual COVID death rate of 3 jumbo jets per day. That’s scary and I haven’t quite looked too much into it

Then there’s the group that says 90% of the untested have had it already with antibodies, so death rate is lower.
Yeah, we're probably undercounting the deaths due to COVID, although I think now that gap is closing a bit since we have more testing. This is excluding the indirect causes of mortality, like someone not getting medical care for a heart attack because the hospitals were full or they were afraid of getting COVID.

Some rough numbers -- true death rate is likely 0.5-1%, so for those 1000 deaths, 100k-200k people have been infected (and we detected about 50k of those cases). Earlier in the pandemic, when we were seeing 2000 deaths per day, 200k-400k were getting infected and we were detecting 30k of those cases. So we were missing 90% of cases then but now it's closer to 50-75%.
I think (hope) at the worst case they lower the extra money, kinda taper us off. I'm thinking at the lowest they match the state Ui benefits, but also believe (hope) they go down to $400 to $450 if the $600 is really gone. Still waiting on 3 months of backpay... TWC is such a joke.
I'm sure they want to do a lot of things. The main reason they can't is because states do not have the hardware and infrastructure to pick and choose how to pay all of the unemployed. So they have a range.

The Republicans acting like the 600 was just pulled out of their pass and not based on a formula. Anything less than that and the earnings of the unemployed put them at poverty levels.

I read somewhere they want to lower the extra to 200-400.

So say it's 200....there were people barely making it at their regular job. And making less on unemployment.

So someone that makes 15 an hour normally, makes like 32k a yr. 600 a week, But on unemployment, makes 300 a week. So with the extra, they're making 5 a week, or 1k per check. 2 checks a month, 2 grand...oh but their bills are 1500 a month. Just bills. Not food or gas for the car, etc.

So you're asking someone to survive during a pandemic on 2 grand a month. Which is actually less than 500 a month. And don't let them have kids.

No bro. Fk no.
I'm sure they want to do a lot of things. The main reason they can't is because states do not have the hardware and infrastructure to pick and choose how to pay all of the unemployed. So they have a range.

The Republicans acting like the 600 was just pulled out of their pass and not based on a formula. Anything less than that and the earnings of the unemployed put them at poverty levels.

I read somewhere they want to lower the extra to 200-400.

So say it's 200....there were people barely making it at their regular job. And making less on unemployment.

So someone that makes 15 an hour normally, makes like 32k a yr. 600 a week, But on unemployment, makes 300 a week. So with the extra, they're making 5 a week, or 1k per check. 2 checks a month, 2 grand...oh but their bills are 1500 a month. Just bills. Not food or gas for the car, etc.

So you're asking someone to survive during a pandemic on 2 grand a month. Which is actually less than 500 a month. And don't let them have kids.

No bro. Fk no.

It's crazy because they don't wanna keep helping people with the $600 bonus unemployment because they think it's discouraging people from getting jobs, which I'm sure is a very common situation. However, I've been applying for jobs for quite some time now and it's been rough. I either get the rare rejection email or no response at all.

Companies are posting jobs and they're getting 10x the applicants they already had. So in a hard hit area like NYC where I'm at, a job that normally had 200 applicants before is gonna have 2000 now. You gotta beat out 1999 people to get a job
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