Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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I’m starting to think it’s just a matter of time before I get this ****ing thing.

Ah man, don't say that. If your overall healthy, with no preexisting health issues, taking ample precautions, wearing a mask, using hand sanitizer when you leave a store and keep your distance, and limit visiting people who could possibly have it and be asymptomatic, you should be ok.

Me, on the other hand, am freaking terrified to go back to work come August 10th. Being a transplant patient, highly immunocompromised, having to go back to auto sales, and deal with the public daily, inside with swirling A/C, and outside where the customer may take off their mask, scares the bleep out of me. I have ZERO clue who they were in contact with.

I'm very thankful to be out on short term disability due to Crohn's. Couldn't have picked a better time to go. I just pray that my scope I have to have done, in early August, shows that my Crohn's is still reaking havoc with my insides and the doctor recommends that I go on long term disability. Then, I will be safe for a good while. I know that will definitely put my wife's mind at ease. She is more scared than I am, that I'll catch it. 😞😞
Hindsight is 20/20. I thought this would be like Avian Flu, H1N1, or SARS, can't fault me for thinking it would be like recent pandemics.
no one would fault you
i fault the governments of the world

Just ****ing wit you bro. A lot of people didn't know how bad this was going to get
Yeah, this is far worst than what I expected.

don't take this the wrong way guys but i guess you didn't see the videos on twitter at the start of the year of people dropping dead in the streets of wuhan and full hospitals plus lines of people waiting to get into hospitals in china
hospitals full of people flatlining all at once

governments across the world even china at this point we all know they held back information
china didn't care that this was going to be as bad as it has been to the rest of the world as they allowed their own people to travel outside of china but closed off all travel inside of china

but the US federal government has really let the american public down
if you ask me the job the US did was way worse than anything china did

this was known since november to our federal government and they did nothing to protect the public
we as a country are going to be paying for this for years to come if not the rest of our lives

all of this could have been avoided

important reads everyone should look at
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So far so good.
Getting tested every Monday.
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