Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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under normal conditions, I would be wishing to leave NY to Florida for summer vacation but I’m glad that I’m in NY right now. I never thought I would say that. Yes..we did have a lot of lives lost but we made a dramatic turnaround. To go from the highest in America to one of the lowest rate right now, that is an accomplishment. Of course I’m expecting a second wave later on but for now, there’s relief.

To everyone in Florida and elsewhere, stay safe. Be smart, don’t let pride get to you when wearing a mask.
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under normal conditions, I would be wishing to leave NY to Florida for summer vacation but I’m glad that I’m in NY right now. I never thought I would say that. Yes..we did have a lot of lives lost but we made a dramatic turnaround. To go from the highest in America to one of the lowest rate right now, that is an accomplishment. Of course I’m expecting a second wave later on but for now, there’s relief.

To everyone in Florida and elsewhere, stay safe. Be smart, don’t let pride get to you when wearing a mask.

don’t count your chickens before they hatch
There’s a number of cases of 20 something-year-old all around New York State
believe me I would love to be wrong but I think a second wave will come sooner in nys then the winter

man if a workplace is responsible for a possible infection and someone needs to quarantine for 14 days, they should be given that time off since its the works fault

my wife hasnt gone into the office since she can work remote, but one of the locations had a meetings and asked people to come in

one of the people attending tested positive so now everyone that went needs to quarantine for 14 days

shoudlnt the work be held liable in some regard?
Wouldnt it be the fault of the person who tested positive? If they got tested they must have suspected they were sick. Also as the other poster mentioned what were the conditions of the meeting as far as masks occupancy and distance?

McConnell added the legislation, which has not yet been unveiled, will likely be more contentious than the previous four coronavirus aid bills.
so my dad tested positive through a test with the state department, but he tested negative when he took a test at his dr's office...He took the test with the state department on the 6th, and the test at this dr's office on the 8th..He got his results back for both between yesterday and today...he's going to get retested on the 16th
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Wouldnt it be the fault of the person who tested positive? If they got tested they must have suspected they were sick. Also as the other poster mentioned what were the conditions of the meeting as far as masks occupancy and distance?
all they were notified of was if people attended a certain meeting at a specific office that there is possible exposure and all attendees should quarantine themselves

they stated an attendee tested positive so not sure what all the circumstances were

one of her coworkers that was at the meeting can't see his mom now for 2 weeks
so my dad tested positive through a test with the state department, but he tested negative when he took test at his dr's office...He took the test with the state department on the 6th, and the test at this dr's office on the 8th..He got his results back for both between yesterday and today...he's going to get retested on the 16th
got damn man, this has to be frustrating af.
shibadekobe shibadekobe great updates and posts as always

just wondering from those on the ground, how closed or open is NYC ? Masks at all times, but are offices Functioning? Are subways and buses going? How restrictive has nyc gotten to where they are .9% infected. That’s remarkable. Other areas need to catch up and follow. How packed are streets? Is jfk and lga still taking in flights with no screenings? We don’t hear much about why a place is functioning better than others. Is dine in open yet?

These new wave dejavuu cases are just haunting me. We can’t learn from the immediate past ? Just two months prior. How stubborn are are? Does every city need to be a nyc 2.0 to get the lesson across?
So a new theory a doctor has reported is immunity and antibodies only last 21 or so day. Had a patient tested positive twice. Was sick sick. Then got better. Had 2 negative tests. Felt great. Then started feeling bad again. Got tested about 30 days later...positive. and it was bad. Had to check into the hospital for a couple weeks. Better now.

Says he doesn't believe herd immunity is possible with this and can do more harm than good because of ability of reinfection.
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