Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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just wondering from those on the ground, how closed or open is NYC ? Masks at all times, but are offices Functioning? Are subways and buses going? How restrictive has nyc gotten to where they are .9% infected. That’s remarkable. Other areas need to catch up and follow. How packed are streets? Is jfk and lga still taking in flights with no screenings? We don’t hear much about why a place is functioning better than others. Is dine in open yet?
i'm not on the ground, but i know there are masks everywhere, even outdoors. it's not 100% compliance outdoors but it's probably better than anywhere else in the country. also, indoor dining was supposed to start in July but it was postponed out of caution. i think public transport is all running. i don't know how strict screenings are for flights coming in.

the state is fairly flat at 600-700 cases/day but I think NYC itself is slowly declining still. implementing universal masking and not letting bars/indoor dining open seem to be enough to make the cases go away.
Here in Texas(Houston) btw my mother in laws friends needed to get tested at one of the free sites before going back to work, filled all the paperwork but the line was long so they left, a few days later they get a call that they tested positive without taking a test 😂

damn. i took both the covid and antibody tests three weeks ago and resulted negative to both, but have heard lots of discrepancies and now i don't even know anymore

what does obama and uncle joe have to do with coronavirus testing what the frank is wrong with trump ?

he blames everyone but himself

Can we talk about the tweet that comes right before the one you linked?

Delk was very well-spoken, and dare I say looking handsome as well.

If you voted or plan on voting again for 45, please elaborate on what he's trying to convey?
I spoke to one of my home girls today for the first time in about a month. I know she had the virus. Along with her daughter.

She said her daughter made a full recovery. But she still has shortness of breath lack of taste and now what seems like short term memory loss . She says sometimes she just goes off into a daze/blank stare for a while then comes back to her senses.

She works for the Transit system here as a driver. So she isn't comfortable going back to work with those episodes while behind the wheel.

It's been like 2 months. Anyone hear of anyone else with these types of effects? She's in her 20s btw
my bad, i got mixed up and thought this was the politics thread.

Dellk is a term used to refer to a well-intentioned Trump supporter.
I've been seeing that name around here but I missed the origin. Can you elaborate more?

Also..what's a well intentioned Trump supporter?
I spoke to one of my home girls today for the first time in about a month. I know she had the virus. Along with her daughter.

She said her daughter made a full recovery. But she still has shortness of breath lack of taste and now what seems like short term memory loss . She says sometimes she just goes off into a daze/blank stare for a while then comes back to her senses.

She works for the Transit system here as a driver. So she isn't comfortable going back to work with those episodes while behind the wheel.

It's been like 2 months. Anyone hear of anyone else with these types of effects? She's in her 20s btw

I have read about people Who have problems with memory


the CCP has done damage that can’t be repaired to people physical and mental state

terrible stuff what this does
makes some people go Delirious
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LA Mayor Garcetti says we're on the brink of maybe going on a full lockdown in LA if things keep going the way they are. :smh:

he should do that infact the whole country should but that SOB trump will not allow it but if the governors of hard hit states even states that have it somewhat under control should go back to full-fledged shut down in order to save their states and their citizens
My kid isn’t going back to school this upcoming year, unless a vaccine rolls out. During a regular school year that place is a ******* Petri dish. I don’t give a damn how much extra cleaning maintenance does—kids will be kids and germs will spread expeditiously. It’s already bad enough that I go to work everyday. I’m def not gonna throw my kid in the mix to up our chances of infection. I’m just glad distance learning is offered and we can accommodate it without messing up work. I feel bad for the families that can’t though. In reality, no parent should have to decide between work and sending their kid off to germ central in the midst of a pandemic. But hey, this is America. We gotta have those kids in school so the parents can generate revenue for their overlords. :smh:
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