Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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Hoops are back up in NYC parks. Went yesterday with 2 friends just to shoot amongst ourselves and the court opposite had people playing a whole game. I cant do the whole pickup game with strangers right now, honestly think its a bad idea for the city to put up hoops at all right now. Solo shooting around cool, couple close friends cool. Strangers? Nope.
Some malls open back up today in NY.

Barbershops opened up a while ago. My dad got a haircut like 2 weeks ago.
Hoops are back up in NYC parks. Went yesterday with 2 friends just to shoot amongst ourselves and the court opposite had people playing a whole game. I cant do the whole pickup game with strangers right now, honestly think its a bad idea for the city to put up hoops at all right now. Solo shooting around cool, couple close friends cool. Strangers? Nope.
I’m only comfortable enough to shoot alone
Kids aren’t cattle. Smh

only way I see around this is an educational overhaul to incorporate virtual learning and some sort of tax or pay for a stay at home parent. I’ve had my kid home since March between teaching him and working from home... it’s truly a challenge.
Its hard AF. I'm a terrible teacher. I haven't done a good job with the kids learning from home. But I'm more prepared for it this time around.
There is nothing more I would want than be able to go back to my classroom. But only if it’s safe.

Kids aren’t cattle. Smh

only way I see around this is an educational overhaul to incorporate virtual learning and some sort of tax or pay for a stay at home parent. I’ve had my kid home since March between teaching him and working from home... it’s truly a challenge.

The thing is education in this country is already severely underfunded and neglected. COVID didn’t create these problems it’s just outlining them in bold.
NY (at least downstate) is giving 2 choices for fall schooling : 1/2 week at school plus remote learning or fully remote learning. Deadline to decide is Aug 7th. Hate to say it, but I will probably pick full remote. Apparently, they will give a chance to reconsider somewhere in the fall.

3 months of 3rd grade learning was horrible. I shudder think about another 3 months. Still glad we have a choice unlike Florida...
NY (at least downstate) is giving 2 choices for fall schooling : 1/2 week at school plus remote learning or fully remote learning. Deadline to decide is Aug 7th. Hate to say it, but I will probably pick full remote. Apparently, they will give a chance to reconsider somewhere in the fall.

3 months of 3rd grade learning was horrible. I shudder think about another 3 months. Still glad we have a choice unlike Florida...

I’ve seen high schoolers take candy that was just in their friends mouth and eat it....you’re making the right choice.
Whats so special about downtown Disney? Earl of sandwiches is gone so there’s no reason to go. Lol. People be wildin. I’ll just buy Disney stuff online in the comfort of my own home while staying safe.
Earl of Sandwich has been back for almost over a year now.

A lot of people flocked to the opening to get the 65th anniversary merchandise. And of course, the Disney vloggers were there too.

You can tell a lot of people are going or went just to go.

Spot where they sell beignets is closed, so I don't have any interest in going.
Heard that Japan is allowing 5,000 fans back into baseball stadiums now.

Good for them.

China said samples of imported shrimp tested positive for the coronavirus, raising questions again over whether the pathogen can spread through food or frozen products.

The virus tested positive on both the inside and outside of the shrimp packaging, said China’s General Administration of Customs. The samples were from three Ecuadorian plants, and imports from those processors will be halted, it said.

“The test result doesn’t mean the virus is contagious, but reflects the loopholes in companies’ food safety regulations,” said Bi Kexin, director of the food import and export safety bureau in the customs department. “Customs will further strengthen control of the origins of imported cold-chain food.”

China last month pointed to imported salmon as a possible culprit for Beijing’s fresh Covid-19 outbreak, sparking a boycott of the fish as supermarkets took the produce off their shelves. China also began mass testing of cold food imports at ports, and blocked shipments from meat plants abroad that reported infections among workers.

READ: Food Is Unlikely to Spread Coronavirus, Experts Say

Evidence suggests that it’s extremely unlikely for the virus to be transmitted through food, said Gorjan Nikolik, associate director of seafood at Rabobank.

“It’s a typical food scare” he said. “I expect them to be very short-lived.”

Low Risk
Chinese officials have also agreed with global experts that imported food poses a low risk of transmitting the virus. That’s led to confusion overseas over why China is continuing to test and halt shipments.

The tests are “an important measure to prevent the risk of the virus being transmitted from imported cold chain food channels,” Bi said. “This is a necessary measure taken to protect the health of the people and does not interrupt normal international trade.”

Employees in some countries are still working even after becoming infected with the virus, raising the risk of food contamination, Bi said. Because there are epidemic clusters at some overseas facilities, China halted meat imports from a total of 23 plants, including Brazil, the U.K., the U.S. and Germany, he said.

For shrimp, China is a much bigger buyer than it is for salmon, Rabobank’s Nikolik said. Chinese purchases are on the same scale as the U.S. and Europe, and Ecuador is a leadingsupplier, he said.

China’s customs authorities also tested a total of 227,934 samples and the rest of the samples were negative, it said. The shrimps that tested positive were delivered to ports in Dalian and Xiamen and have been destroyed, it said
No my complex has pretty strict rules right now. You're supposed to reserve it a day in advance and they keep most of the gates locked. And there's a max if 15 people at any time. 4th of July was the busiest it's been all year. Other than that it's hardly anyone out there.

That’s better than my complex by a mile. You have any idea if she disclosed testing positive to the complex? Be interesting to know where they stand on people confirmed positive previously using the pool whether or not they passed the quarantine timeframe.

Our pool stays busy and it seems like they just don’t want to deal with reservations or anything.

They even got upset about people making noise jumping or dropping weights working out in their apartments, reminding everybody that the complex gym is open and should be used.

Ironic that counties aren’t censuring Abbot when he finally starts taking responsible action. Just lets me know the counties to avoid like the plague. Idiots.
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