Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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So because I stated an unpopular opinion I'm immature and selfish?Got it. I'll be on my way now not worried about getting sick 👍🏽

3 million cases and 132,000 dead Americans with no end in sight and the idiot Americans (which you pointed out) that’s making it 100x worse and you think it’s blown out of proportion, I’d say that’s a pretty crappy opinion not just unpopular.
AZ has a backlog of testing by a few days and I wouldn’t be surprised if FL and TX are in the same boat, so the rate of infection is probably higher than what is being reported

Deaths will be coming next

It will be NY but much much worse
It's not that's it's not real but its blown way out of proportion. If your healthy and you take care of yourself you shouldnt need to worry. It's just that 90%of the people in this country dont know how to take care of themselves so the rest of us gotta put up with this bs

I pray your stupidity and ignorance does not get any of your family sick and potentially die from this.
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If your that scared stay yo *** in the house in a bubble 🤣

A quick Google shows about 8 million people have beat covid. Take care of your body and it will take care of you

Your replies are extremely selfish! Am I scared? Yes I am! Why am I scared? Because I'm in that extremely high risk category due to having a liver transplant years ago. I'm 43 and the transplant was nothing I caused. Had ulcerative colitis and that extremely small percentage caused my liver to fail at age 27. I do "take care of my body" as I don't drink, smoke, I only drink water or unsweetened tea, and eat lots of fish and chicken that is baked or grilled. Exercise daily with walks around my neighborhood (it's large enough that Im more than. 6 feet from anyone else who may be walking on the other side of the street) or by using my tennis ball machine I bought off of CL a few years back. That is a good workout.

But what scares me is the other people who just are selfish about when they are out, don't wear a mask. It's others that can make me sick. I wear a mask every time I go out (which is limited to curbside pickup of groceries). If we walk on the local paved trail, my wife & I wear masks, as there is more chance to pass other people closer than 6 feet. This situation, while it does suck, it's not BS as you stated in a prior post. It's real, and people are dying and it's not just the elderly. Be considerate to others, and pray that you don't have any family members who catch this and get sick.
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