Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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Saw some racists say the Nike drop in revenue was due to them supporting Kaepernick and not the fact that physical retail has been shut down for 3+ months. Or the fact that Nike makes apparel for all 3 major American sports and every league had to suspend it's season. Americans really are dumb as ****
I'm surprised they didn't blame the looters for drying up Nike's supply.
Leadership has shown if they're utter trash by how they'ved handled this. The president of brasil who is an absolute clown like who we have here. The governor's of texas, florida, we got mayor de blasio in NY. If they get re-elected or people similar voted in then those voters don't care about their well being or anyone's.

Abbott is such a two faced crook he sued for his injury, then curbed the law on how much one could sue for after he collected his $$ in a nutshell. I think this is the article I read. I just skimmed it, busy watching dark but the info is online if you're willing to look for it. Just wanted to put this out there for anyone who didn't know.https://www.texastribune.org/2013/08/04/candidate-faces-questions-turnabout-and-fair-play/
The UK is not part of the EU anymore. The UK is open, you just have to quarantine for 14 days and yes they will check on you daily. So if your plans was for less than 14 days.. then it’s a dub. I have 4 months vacation, I plan on spending 1 month in the UK next month. Hopefully after that, the restrictions will lighten up and I’ll spend 3 months in Germany, going directly from the UK to Frankfurt.

So literally stay in the hotel or whatever til 14 days is up? They doing random calls or check ins? Id love to spend a month in the UK. Gimme an airbnb in Covent Garden or Camden and im set.
i just don't see how the nba will restart on the scheduled date (jul 30) with florida hitting record levels

I still think it gets canceled numbers just keep blowing up in Florida and no lockdown no mask wearing come on man I’m just waiting till they start tweeting that they got no more space in the hospitals . 9k in one day is crazy
Florida gonna get the NBA season delayed because they can't stop kissing their step mom and passing the virus on.
The county Disney World is in made masks mandatory last week. A lot of people don’t follow the order, but it’s a start. I’m glad they shut down the bars too. From what I’d heard downtown Orlando bars and clubs were business as usual since the phase change.
The county Disney World is in made masks mandatory last week. A lot of people don’t follow the order, but it’s a start. I’m glad they shut down the bars too. From what I’d heard downtown Orlando bars and clubs were business as usual since the phase change.

It'll be the same as Houston Governor will make it too hard to local authorities to enforce. Harris county tried the same thing and it didn't work.
It'll be the same as Houston Governor will make it too hard to local authorities to enforce. Harris county tried the same thing and it didn't work.

The newest mask order in Houston/Harris County happens to be the best compromise that even forced dumbass Abbott to agree to it.

The businesses have to enforce the Mask policy, if you don't........the businesses lose $1k for every single reported violation. Best way to enforce a social distancing order is to attack the wallet of the people that are struggling the most during this pandemic, the businesses themselves.

That's why you've been seeing probably close to 90%-95% of folk wearing masks out in Houston lately, and not because of the rising numbers.

Not sure if DeSantis's thick *** head will approve the same deal with his county governors like Harris County was able to pull off with Abbott's stubborn old ***.
The newest mask order in Houston/Harris County happens to be the best compromise that even forced dumbass Abbott to agree to it.

The businesses have to enforce the Mask policy, if you don't........the businesses lose $1k for every single reported violation. Best way to enforce a social distancing order is to attack the wallet of the people that are struggling the most during this pandemic, the businesses themselves.

That's why you've been seeing probably close to 90%-95% of folk wearing masks out in Houston lately, and not because of the rising numbers.

Not sure if DeSantis's thick *** head will approve the same deal with his county governors like Harris County was able to pull off with Abbott's stubborn old ***.
It'll all come down to money, Harris county just couldnt afford to enforce it from what I've read. They needed the cops enforcing real crime not citizens not wearing masks. God forbid businesses refuse customers for not wearing masks it's all about the money who they dont care who dies as long as it's not them. They leave it to the retail employees to enforce and for their minimum wage job you think they really care. Then again I could be totally wrong, I guess we'll see soon.
It'll all come down to money, Harris county just couldnt afford to enforce it from what I've read. They needed the cops enforcing real crime not citizens not wearing masks. God forbid businesses refuse customers for not wearing masks it's all about the money who they dont care who dies as long as it's not them. They leave it to the retail employees to enforce and for their minimum wage job you think they really care. Then again I could be totally wrong, I guess we'll see soon.

It'll probably be more effective with the local SMALL BUSINESSES, than your ******* big box Walmarts and Targets. Those small businesses have more to lose from $1k being lost from their business accounts than those corporate big boxes that like to use their underpaid employees as scapegoats.

I do know HEB and Kroger have publicly stated in the media that they will commit to a "No Mask, No Entry" policy for all their stores EVEN BEYOND the June 30 expiration of the mask order, and I have so far seen no conflicts from those stores since the order was put in place this past monday.
It'll probably be more effective with the local SMALL BUSINESSES, than your ****ing big box Walmarts and Targets. Those small businesses have more to lose from $1k being lost from their business accounts than those corporate big boxes that like to use their underpaid employees as scapegoats.

I do know HEB and Kroger have publicly stated in the media that they will commit to a "No Mask, No Entry" policy for all their stores EVEN BEYOND the June 30 expiration of the mask order, and I have so far seen no conflicts from those stores since the order was put in place this past monday.

Valid point, but you really think the billion dollar companies care about 1k fines especially if noone even reports it? Are they gonna have police stopping people at the front door? Honest question, I dont know. I just ran to grab a carton of smokes so I wouldn't have to leave home for a few days at an outside Murphy's USA 3 guys in line had no mask and cashier had hers pulled down to her chin SMH I still dont think the severity of this virus has set it 4 months in...
Abbott took away the power to enforce the capacity limits for the most part. Establishing that there would be no criminal or civil penalties for failing to comply. That’s why everything has been packed.

Here in Austin only a handful of bars finally got shutdown for violating the limits. Took TABC forever to do anything.
🤣 movie theaters May 1 was the death wish from the start, should have been one of the last things to open along with bars, gyms, and schools. 🥺

And Alamo issued a statement this week that they weren’t opening yet but it would be soon. And it would be the safest place you could go. Nah, ain’t gonna be me. Kodi been taking care of me all quarantine just fine.
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