Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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and THIS is why white folks think its fake. First thing thy askk before they make a bogus *** hot take is 'do you know anyone that has had it????' then they point out how no one they know or know of have had it or died. And since a huge portion of white folks do not in fact have black friends or fk with black people like that like instagram would lead you to belive, they can truthfully say they've been unaffected by Covid-19 except financially.
Blame white people for these Covid spikes.
done. my phone filling up with things I can blame on them.

I have an external hard drive tho. what else can I blame? I wanna say this humidty getting on my nerves too. They did something foul didnt they?


Gotta feel for everyone that has to live next to dangerously simple minded folks like this :smh:

Big reason why we're seeing these kind of numbers in certain areas as the rest of the world is slowly flattening the curve is loud and proud ignorants like this who think they know much better than the experts who have studied and trained most of their whole lives for this type of moment just because they watched a video on facebook or youtube and think they're so much smarter than everyone else all of a sudden instead of realizing they're selfish narcissists.

I pity the healthcare workers that are getting overwhelmed and pushed to their limits as a direct result of that kind of brand of stupidity, would love to hear guys like that patronize and talk down to those healthcare workers the same way they talk down to public officials trying to enact public safety measures

This was a complete failure here. That “25% capacity” **** was far exceeded right out the gate.
This whole "reopening timeline" was a stupid ******* idea from the start. It's not like reopening in phases is going to trick the virus or something. The whole concept is idiotic.

The real approach should be that you selectively open certain things while keeping an eye on the Rt in the community. If Rt ever gets above 1, you have to shut down some things. If it's below 1, you can try reopening some things. The goal is not to reach some "phase X" where everything is open. The goal is to move up cautiously until you hit the point where Rt is 1 and stay there.
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