Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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But when receipts are posted on the lengths that they are going to to inflate that covid 19 cause of death classifications all that is ignored. Thats why I’m saying it’s pointless to argue these statistics. Bottom line this is not a REAL pandemic and that’s my original point.

You are right. Every country in the world came together and colluded to lockdown and destroy the world economy because of the flu. Makes perfect sense.

This is easily the dumbest thing I’ve ever read
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But when receipts are posted on the lengths that they are going to to inflate that covid 19 cause of death classifications all that is ignored. Thats why I’m saying it’s pointless to argue these statistics. Bottom line this is not a REAL pandemic and that’s my original point. The media is trying their best to make this worse than it is.

What's a real pandemic, the Black Plague?

So swine flu, sars, mers, fake pandemics, huh?
Could this all have been avoided? Sure. A lot of things could have been. Also I meant no disrespect to anyone who passed or lost someone.

i'm sorry for getting all hostile
you seem like a good guy just from your comment

there are many members of niketalk talk who have lost friends loved ones neighbors coworkers people close to them
also many on here have become sick and for the most part what i have read got over this

i would hope none of our members have passed away from this

that’s actually not accurate but ok. I’m going by the numbers you all live and die by but I’m sure a quick google search will find anything contrary. Arguing statistics is pointless. My thing is why can’t most people start questioning whether or not the media is doing everything in their power to make a bad situation worse? It’s obvious.

may of these deaths unfortunately not all and hundreds of thousands around the world could have been avoided it china wasn't so secretive
people higher in our government also have blood on there hands for the way things were handled
$1200.00 is not going to bring anyone back

and yeah for arguments sake it's quite possible the media could have blown this up but i really don't think so
it does make you sound like a conspiracy theorists asking a question like the one you did

many of these people didn't need to die
alot of these people not all but alot had many years to live and when you question their deaths or say this is all for shock valve you're no different than the people who want to reopen bars to go drinking gyms to work out in or just to go shopping for crap we don't need when a good part of
the country and the world is nowhere close to defeating this plague

dont forget its just not old people passing away from coronavirus

well the shock is that many of those deaths could've been prevented. this isn't "every year"
the mishandling of this crisis by the federal government is egregious. almost purposeful

100% correct
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But when receipts are posted on the lengths that they are going to to inflate that covid 19 cause of death classifications all that is ignored. Thats why I’m saying it’s pointless to argue these statistics. Bottom line this is not a REAL pandemic and that’s my original point. The media is trying their best to make this worse than it is.

When someone comes into the hospital with a broken leg and dies of infection and is NOT tested, they will not be marked with COVID death. If they have same scenario, and test positive, they are added to COVID death count. Whether you agree with this categorization or not, the TOTAL DEATHS paint the picture that SOMETHING is causing significantly more deaths this year/month (more than double) of ALL DEATHS.

Deaths in NY:

Only other outlier is a terrorist attack. This year ain't over

What's causing so many deaths all the sudden now?
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When someone comes into the hospital with a broken leg and dies of infection and is NOT tested, they will not be marked with COVID death. If they have same scenario, and test positive, they are added to COVID death count. Whether you agree with this categorization or not, the TOTAL DEATHS paint the picture that SOMETHING is causing significantly more deaths this year/month (more than double) of ALL DEATHS.

Deaths in NY:

Only other outlier is a terrorist attack. This year ain't over

What's causing so many deaths all the sudden now?
My wife works in icu. In the covid unit. Regularly since this started. Forgive me if I take these statistics with a grain of salt. Forgive me if I don’t believe you when you say someone who is not tested isn’t classified as a covid death. Go ahead and post statistics all day I know that it’s really bad in New York. Everyone knows that. Well just wait and see.
My wife works in icu. In the covid unit. Regularly since this started. Forgive me if I take these statistics with a grain of salt. Forgive me if I don’t believe you when you say someone who is not tested isn’t classified as a covid death. Go ahead and post statistics all day I know that it’s really bad in New York. Everyone knows that. Well just wait and see.

Not sure I understand. You just stated it's not a real pandemic. But your wife works in the hoax covid unit? And the fake pandemic is causing things to be really bad in New York?

Help me understand
this is like the 3rd inning of this terrible game. Every batter has now had their turn at seeing the pitcher. Lets see where things go from here.
But the pitcher is also an octopus and a genius and can change it's stance whenever it wants. And the best batter we have is basically the inside of the pencil sharpener..or what it looks like if you open a grilled cheese.
Not sure I understand. You just stated it's not a real pandemic. But your wife works in the hoax covid unit? And the fake pandemic is causing things to be really bad in New York?

Help me understand

I never said anything about covid19 being not real or a hoax lol. Show me where I said that? My point is that the media has sensationalized this times 1000. And my bad, when I say it’s not a real pandemic I’m saying people of all ages aren’t dropping dead in the street so I was wrong in wording my point that way.
I never said anything about covid19 being not real or a hoax lol. Show me where I said that? My point is that the media has sensationalized this times 1000. And my bad, when I say it’s not a real pandemic I’m saying people of all ages aren’t dropping dead in the street so I was wrong in wording my point that way.
How many people have to die for it to be a REAL pandemic?
I never said anything about covid19 being not real or a hoax lol. Show me where I said that? My point is that the media has sensationalized this times 1000. And my bad, when I say it’s not a real pandemic I’m saying people of all ages aren’t dropping dead in the street so I was wrong in wording my point that way.

Sure, Right here:

But when receipts are posted on the lengths that they are going to to inflate that covid 19 cause of death classifications all that is ignored. Thats why I’m saying it’s pointless to argue these statistics. Bottom line this is not a REAL pandemic and that’s my original point. The media is trying their best to make this worse than it is.
Using the flu as a measuring stick for Covid 19 is pure ignorance
The flu is just a stronger version of the common cold with congestion in your lungs
Some people get the flu, self medicate at home and get rid of the virus after a couple of days

Pneumonia is a closer comparison to Covid 19 than the flu
If you get pneumonia and don't go to the hospital you will most likely die
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