Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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I found my old post in here from March 31 saying that I was 100% sure that the treatment was ******** simply because Trump endorsed it.

Countless times, we've seen the non-scientists, especially those on the right, be wrong. They were wrong in March, they were wrong in April, and they're still wrong in May. How many lives have we lost? How much have we prolonged and magnified this pandemic because we gave them a chance to speak?

word tho. it gets realer every day.

...and to learn just how real, ima hand it off to Mexican crisis correspondent cosmiccoffee9 cosmiccoffee9 .

Good Friday afternoon lady and gentlemen of NT, it´s great tolerable to have you back here in the newsroom as the die is cast in the First Fortnight of the reopening in beautiful shiny Puerto Vallarta.

Though major installations such as supermarkets continue to monitor public health until June 1, all but the most rudimentary safety measures have been discarded by local businesses and the general populace.

Restaurants are currently limited to 50 percent capacity and businesses that don’t draw crowds can start to reopen. While out in public, people will have to wear masks and maintain social distancing.

According to official figures, the municipality continues to enjoy what can only be described as divine protection from COVID-19, with this city of two cruise ports, an international airport, and 250,000 people claiming just 147 infections and 14 deaths even as the state of Jalisco continues to record record highs daily.

It is perhaps this inexplicable blessing that has convinced many everyday citizens that the national and global response to the COVID-19 crisis is mostly the invention of media outlets such as Channel 9 CCNN.

In response to this shockingly dominant sentiment, local medical professionals have teamed up to present these COVID deniers with a once in a lifetime opportunity to put their stupid *** beliefs to the test.


(rough translation: ¨bring that booty chatter down here then, we could definitely use the help.¨)

Regardless, the fact remains: virus, no virus, or global 5G military false flag psyop training drill sponsored by Microsoft Windows, the city of Puerto Vallarta will damn sure be open for business beginning the first of June.

Moreover, the end of the current quarantine is expected to signal the end of public intervention of any kind.

By all appearances, at the federal level Mexico has quietly elected for the deadly herd immunity strategy espoused by less advanced states such as Russia and the Untied States of America. This is evidenced by the ongoing turmoil in the nation´s capital, which has become an epicenter for the pandemic on the continent.

While the national government has conspicuously delayed announcing any implementation of mass testing or a social stability net to combat the effects of the virus at this time, it did find time to issue an official statement on the resumption of beer production in Mexico City because that´s what matters, obvio.

Watch this craft brewery canning machine can some beer / Boing Boing

(GIF provided because interesting)

The official explained that Mexico City will be at a red light until June 15, but these essential activities will be able to resume operations from June 1.

Grupo Modelo Ab InBev, the owner of the Victoria, Modelo and Corona beer brands, has a production plant in the Mexican capital and about 21% of the country’s craft beer plants are concentrated in the capital, according to a report issued by Acermex.

Grupo Modelo has 56.80% market share in Mexico and Heineken Mexico 40.80%, according to Euromonitor. Modelo’s production capacity is approximately 70 million hectoliters.

Even more confusing in the context of these developments is the US State Department extending its restriction on border crossings through late June, forbidding all but ¨essential travel¨ at these entry points.

This restriction somehow only targets land crossings used by migrant workers and low-income visitors, but seems fine with the additional disease vectors air and cruise ship travel consistently bring to any locale.

Doesn´t seem to make any [bleep]ing sense from a public health standpoint, and so for clarification we have invited Actual Presidential Economic Recovery Advisor Vincent Kennedy McMahon Dammit to offer insight.

Please...make this make sense to me, Vinnie Mac.

Money GIF | Gfycat

Damn. I get it now...thanks Vince.

Welp, that´s that I guess...what more is there to say? On behalf of Channel 9 CCNN, this has been Mexican crisis correspondent cosmiccoffee9 cosmiccoffee9 reminding you as always to stay safe, mask up, and wash your hands.
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word tho. it gets realer every day.

...and to learn just how real, ima hand it off to Mexican crisis correspondent cosmiccoffee9 cosmiccoffee9 .

Good Friday afternoon lady and gentlemen of NT, it´s great tolerable to have you back here in the newsroom as the die is cast in the First Fortnight of the reopening in beautiful shiny Puerto Vallarta.

Though major installations such as supermarkets continue to monitor public health until June 1, all but the most rudimentary safety measures have been discarded by local businesses and the general populace.

According to official figures, the municipality continues to enjoy what can only be described as divine protection from COVID-19, with this city of two cruise ports, an international airport, and 250,000 people claiming just 147 infections and 14 deaths even as the state of Jalisco continues to record record highs daily.

It is perhaps this inexplicable blessing that has convinced many everyday citizens that the national and global response to the COVID-19 crisis is mostly the invention of media outlets such as Channel 9 CCNN.

In response to this shockingly dominant sentiment, local medical professionals have teamed up to present these COVID deniers with a once in a lifetime opportunity to put their stupid *** beliefs to the test.


(rough translation: ¨bring that booty chatter down here then, we could use the help.¨)

Regardless, the fact remains: virus, no virus, or global 5G military false flag psyop training drill sponsored by Microsoft Windows, the city of Puerto Vallarta will damn sure be open for business beginning the first of June.

Moreover, the end of the current quarantine is expected to signal the end of public intervention of any kind.

By all appearances, at the federal level Mexico has quietly elected for the deadly herd immunity strategy espoused by less advanced states such as Russia and the Untied States of America. This is evidenced by the ongoing turmoil in the nation´s capital, which has become an epicenter for the pandemic on the continent.

While the national government has conspicuously delayed announcing any kind of mass testing or social security net implementation to combat the effects of the virus at this time, it did find time to issue an official statement on the resumption of beer production in Mexico City because that´s what matters, obvio.

Watch this craft brewery canning machine can some beer / Boing Boing

(GIF provided because interesting)

Even more confusing in the context of these developments is the US State Department extending its restriction on border crossings through late June, forbidding all but ¨essential travel¨ at these entry points.

This restriction somehow only targets land crossings used by migrant workers and low-income visitors, but seems fine with the additional disease vectors air and cruise ship travel consistently bring to any locale.

Doesn´t seem to make any [bleep]ing sense from a public health standpoint, and so for clarification we have invited Actual Presidential Economic Recovery Advisor Vincent Kennedy McMahon Dammit to offer insight.

Please...make this make sense to me, Vinnie Mac.

Money GIF | Gfycat

Damn. I get it now...thanks Vince.

Welp, that´s that I guess...what more is there to say? On behalf of Channel 9 CCNN, this has been Mexican crisis correspondent cosmiccoffee9 cosmiccoffee9 reminding you as always to stay safe, mask up, and wash your hands.

Thanks for the update! Always appreciate your posts and updates.
Today was the first time I've visited my liquor store since the covid breakout.

I was happy to see the owner wearing a face shield, gloves and a mask and all the patrons donning masks. Only four patrons in the whole store and we had more than adequate social distancing.

The person who assisted me in finding the right whiskey was also wearing a face mask and even took a step back when I took a step forward.

I felt very safe in buying all my liquor.

Now I will probably go kill my liver tonight rest assured that I did not contract covid today.


Also I don't think liquor stores are supposed to be open but I'm not complaining lol
Liquor stores are the most essential lol
I cant believe u haven’t bought liquor since quarantine
Surprised he listed synagogues and mosques

he has to he wants everyone’s votes even if it means killing people

he’s a idiot for opening up houses of worship but trump don’t care about anyone but trump and opening up everything too early Is not a good idea

dont forget his daughter is jewish
Like Rao's in Harlem. Before corona, you couldn't get food from there unless you owned a table or someone that owned a table took you. And that's how it's been 40 yrs. People have lived in NY their whole lives and never been able to eat at that exclusive place that has been written about and awarded for yrs.

Corona hurt business and the first time ever, they open up for curbside. Had a new menu and everything. Can't afford to be exclusive or snobs anymore.

Corona changing the game.
Man, I grew up playing ball in Jeff and always wondering what the inside of that place was like. Never really considered it as I got older because of that snob label. Might take a peek now. :lol:
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