Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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I still plan on taking ALL of my money out of my 401k by October and putting a pretty decent down payment on a house. This 1500/mo rent out here for an 1100 sf 2 bedroom here in Colorado is not the move. I can go back home and buy a house that's more than twice the space and being paying half what my rent cost on the mortgage. If I were single I'd buy a condo in the Philippines and retire at 35.

Double check the tax and/or any penalties on that withdrawal if not of age.

If you can afford a down payment of 20%. Never ever rent.
Horrible advice.

There is no one size fits all solution to home ownership. Where you live, your credit score, your liquidity all matter. Gotta make smart decisions. Sometimes the smart decision is to rent... eventually tho yes everyone should own property. Jus don't let your emotions guide you into making silly decisions.
I can afford 20%... but I don't think buying at house in Colorado rn is a good move, it's high as **** and I feel like it will collapse soon.

Double check the tax and/or any penalties on that withdrawal if not of age.

Read up on the CARES act
I can afford 20%... but I don't think buying at house in Colorado rn is a good move, it's high as **** and I feel like it will collapse soon.

Read up on the CARES act

There's no additional taxes/penalties due to CARES act. But, it will be taxed at your income rate. Let's say you make 100k, you do 100k withdrawal, you'll be taxed for 200k. Cares act allows the withdrawal without the normal early penalty, and allows you to spread the 100k withdrawal to be taxed over 3 years if you want (Ex. this year 133k taxed, next 2 years +33.33k to your income. Or you can pay it back as well)
DK if posted in here, too lazy to check

highlights and brief

In Brief
Using llamas immunized with prefusion- stabilized betacoronavirus spike proteins, Wrapp et al. identify neutralizing cross-reactive single-domain camelid antibodies, which may serve not only as useful reagents for researchers studying the viruses causing MERS, SARS, and COVID-19, but also potential therapeutic candidates. Crystal structures further reveal how these antibodies bind spike proteins to prevent virus entry into cells.
- VHHs isolated from a llama immunized with prefusion- stabilized coronavirus spikes
- Structural characterization of VHHs reveals conserved mechanism of neutralization
- SARS-CoV-1 S-directed VHH cross-reacts with SARS-CoV- 2S
- Bivalent VHH neutralizes SARS-CoV-2 pseudoviruses
HAARP is working overtime. They know what they’re doing.

It’s not coincidence that during a pandemic - when a virus can survive immensely during temperatures of 30-50 degrees - that we’ve seen consecutive days of snow in May for the first time in my life. Mid May at that.

We need more acknowledging of the powers the government hold during this time - and not brush it off as some sort of coincidence.

Now we’re looking at a bill labeled HR - 6666 ‘TRACE’ act where it gives unlimited powers to government during a pandemic, which include running up on your house and taking you away even with no slight evidence of you being infected by COVID-19.

If there were ever a time to properly riot (calling all rioters....*crickets*) now would be the time.
yikes. is this a joke? aren’t you a mod or used to be a mod?
I think a big flaw in the medical studies are they're focused on what COVID specifically does to mortality rates and health. It's a very singular objective and purpose they're trying to solve for. It doesn't consider the effects of mental health and what economic strain does to one's health, as those take a longer time to play out and can't be measured as objectively as deaths by COVID19.

That's not to say longer restrictions aren't the answer. I am all for those. But we need to start considering a balance between the two. I know people that are mentally losing it from joblessness and their businesses failing - if healthy young people are relatively safe from COVID, they most definitely are not immune to damaging mental health and financial ruin.

As with many things in the world, this is not black and white.

Those who say "shut everything down until a vaccine is found" and "open everything up now" are both wrong
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