i used to watch both religiously as a kid, but i used to get more exited when Recess came on. T.J's wild shenanigans/bravery always had me
... ahhh thememories
Hey Arnold was more realistic and wholesome. You could learn life lessons from that show.

Hey Arnold > Recess
Hey arnold was so wholesome and entertaining. And the colors were so mature.
my boy used to say recess was tight, but i never gave it a chance.
didn't have cable growing up but i've caught up on most Hey Arnold episodes but I have to go with Recess.
Recess is hilarious because of the 5th grade king? and Randall Weems, but Hey Arnold had stoop kid, monkey boy, and other hilarious stories too. It's atough decision, but I would have to go with Hey Arnold.
very tough choice. both are pretty dead even to me...both defined what kids like us were going thru at that age.

out of loyalty i'll just go with hey arnold cuz i got onto that first
Originally Posted by CROSSISOM

Hey Arnold was more realistic and wholesome. You could learn life lessons from that show.

Hey Arnold > Recess

What I was going to say.


fiendxxx its Mr. Nguyen not Winn.
hey arnold ! by a mile

that one episode where arnold teaches the star bball player to shoot freethrows rick barry style.
and the fat kid harold thought tai kwon do was a food.
this should be out on dvd.
Hardest question asked on NT besides that Halle Berry vs Stacey Dash thread...

I can't pick... I feel like I'd be doing the other a disservice by picking just one.
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