Have you ever felt like murdering another person??

Originally Posted by ILLIONAIRE

From one of your other threads:


dawg this aint about being gangsta its about a %%%#% taking my brothers life and gettin away with it! i never claim to be gangster bro, i just want him to die!
Originally Posted by Tfromthe617

Originally Posted by Mateen Cleaves

damn so he murdered your bro and hes out? how is that possible?
only plausible reason i can think of is that he was found not guilty in trial

i been talkin to people that know him and from what i hear it never went to trial the case was dropped because the only witness died. {idk the circumstances tothat} and that there was not much evidence and no other testimonies...
Don't do it. When you're on death row you'll regret it. Make something of yourself, that will make your brother happier than u behind bars untilthey kill you.

Move away to a new environment and get away from this lifestyle you're living.
Originally Posted by SwanginOn4z

okay here is the scenario..

back in november of 2006 my brother went out to the club and whatnot wiid his potnas, the usual. and ended up missing for 3 days, upon search of him i found my bro dead at his house and his car (candy red drop top on swangaz} and everything he owned gone! the streets talked and word was his own homie robbed and killed him. after a few months of searching for him the police got him on valentine day of 2007. and here it is december 2009 this +*@+$ just got released! i never followed through on his case because during those times i was only 15 and my life was goinng downhill. after my bro death my granny died and my mother went to prison so i never really knew if he had got convicted or whatever i just assumed he was gone be gone for life since it was a capital murder charge. well my homie just called me and told me some news and now im at home in tears and this is real talk! i want to go and murk this +*@+$ mayne i swear to god! what should i do because obviously the law is not on my side!

*my bro got killed
*found out his "potna" robbed and killed him
*he went to jail
*he got out
*i want to kill him!!!!!!
*what should i do?

plz dont come in here wid that bs nt!
I stopped reading after that.

Seriously, think about the consequences. Could you live with yourself knowing you killed a man?
While avenging your brother might what you desire. You have to look further down the road and think about how you might feel about this for the rest of yourlife.

You might be putting yourself into a situation where there is no return. Do you know what it is like to kill another man? To have that on your for your entirelife is a heavy load to carry. The legal repercussions won't be any better. The last thing you want is to get caught up in the system!

You may be livid now, hell you might be livid about this forever. But it's not worth it... Are you going to let this guy ruin your life too?
if you kill him it wont bring your bro back, dont trip off that dude hes gonna ge this down the line.
life in the pen isnt somethin you wanna do, jus roll up a fat 1 take it to tha head an jus let that $#% ride
Think about it...

If he can get off for killin your brother... you can get off for killin him. Easy

Just do it
and the worst part of all this he is known to be a trigger man, 2 years before my bro he killed a dude from what i hear. and okay i was/am talkin stupid, iaint got no heart to just murder a dude but damn this kinda puts fear in my heart cause i knw people is tellin this man about me. how i been talkin down on himover the past years and shiid even worse im riding on swangaz now. this man could prolly off ME over all this stuff. real talk im SCARED and i want this dudelocked up or IN JAIL for my safety!
Killin dude will bring your brother back right? Itll make everything right in the world wont it? Its not like youd be locked up or anything right fam? Nothinmatters but your pride and ya swangaz i feel you. Because of course if you killed dude, absolutely NO ONE would feel compelled to kill you for"revenge" the way you feel towards him right now. Of course not. Smart choice my dude. And making a thread about it on a public forum as well,fantastic.

I work in Customer Service. A couple days ago, a customer came in with a product they bought at least 6 months ago. We have a pretty liberal return policy,even without a receipt we grant store credit. I had just gone on break, so another supervisor handled the return. As soon as she asked the customer if he had areceipt, he went off on her, yelling who keeps receipts, etc. etc. I came back from break, and the customer was in line making the return. He started arguingwith the cashier about the price of the return, so the cashier called me over to the register. He said he paid way more for the product than $5.99, and that itwas an absolute rip off. I told him there was nothing we could do about the price, we don't carry the product anymore, and that I couldn't just make upa price to make him happy. I said he could speak to a manager if he wanted, so I called up the store manager. As soon as the store manager came up, thecustomer did a complete 180. He said he wasn't disputing the price, he was just a good customer trying to make his purchase. He said that I came over andwas giving him attitude from the start, that I was having a bad day and taking it out on him. I looked him in the face, and said, "so you're tellingme that you weren't disputing the price? What were we doing for the last 5 minutes?" He said "no, you came over here with a bad attitude andI'm just a good customer trying to make a purchase." I wanted to bury my fist in his face. I was furious. I needed about 10 good minutes to calm down,and every time we talked about it after that I kept getting pissed off. I can't handle liars.
for the 74013740197351395th time....i turned myself in at the city jail thinkn that they would transfer me to the county jail after i sat my traffic ticketsout but they didnt so i must turn myself into the county jail and now i dont even want to cause im afraid i wont get out b4 christmas...
Serious answer:
Don't do it. What good will it do except for the satisfaction of killing someone you hate for a few hours, then afterwards, you still don't have yourbrother
. If you kill him, think about the people it might affect (hisfamily, friends, loved ones...). And then they will feel how you feel right now.
Don't kill him. Just gather your homeboys beat him to within an inch of his life. Since he just got out of jail he won't try anything stupid (i.erevenge).

I'm talking broken arms, legs... etc.

I know that's what I would do if someone killed someone I loved and only got a BS sentence...

You dudes are bugging talking about "Leave him alone, get money".

What are you guys gonna do, wave to him while he's mowing his lawn?

You guys gonna hob-nob with a dude that rapes and chops up your moms? Live with the fact that dude only got 2 years for something like that?

I guess we're just built different
Originally Posted by AlanDutch

oh yea..why you always talking about swangaz fo?

shiid it comes back to my bro...he damn near raised me, so growing up i wanted to do what he did and have the nice things he had...its slighty diffrent now buta slab is still my goal.
All of this is coming out of anger. Sometimes you got to ignore it and let karma and God handle it. What goes around comes around, it's not worth it at the end.

As much as how messed up the situation is, take the higher road for yourself. Look how far you made it without them, they'll always be watching over you.

Don't let revenge be the only thing running through your mind, be smart about it. I know it's gonna be hard, but you gotta do what's the best for you.

Keep gettin' that money, get a job, family, and do better.
The Bachellor

you aint helping.

Who would try something with someone like him, hes got a history. you guys really think he wont get revenge and have you dead?
You guys dont watch the news? imagine all the tragedies that didnt make it to the news.
you're on NT asking if you should kill a guy?

if you're seriously asking and not trolling.
you don't have it in you, so let it go.
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