Have we replaced God with Celebs?

It is really a silly argument. Pope vs. Jackson. What is the point man. Get back on topic and get OP to understand that none of this is new.

It isn't the end of the world man.
If only OP posted a picture of Goku, peace & blessing be upon him, he would've been onto something.

[does the sign of the Kamehameha]
You look at the bible as a book of tall tales, I  look at it more as a book of inspiration,

replace "book" with "song" "movie" "art"... etc.

The thing is, society as a whole is a lot smarter than it was in the past.. most religions that were rooted in dogma and ignorance and losing ground because of this.

Fiction taken as non-fiction is dying out (word to rick ross) But inspiration and motivation can be seen in our fellow humans and the hardships and accomplishments they have.
There are plenty of true tales about rising above disparity, true love, self realization, and building empires.

We no longer need to rely on fairy tales to give us hope.
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I find it hilarious that some people think a lack of religion is a sign of "the end of the world" when religion has been a factor/cause of more deaths and wars in world history than anything else. 
I stand by my statement. How many of you similacs were even alive in 84?:lol: And how many of you were old enough to remember any of it? Let me rephrase it. There has never been a celebrity more popular than MJ was in 84.

Hitler was more well known than MJ
the bible speaks the truth though... 

Psalms 82:6

"I have said, Ye are Gods, and all of you are children to the most high"

I usually avoid threads like this but I will say that although celebrities are like idols to the younger generation we could say that for ANYTHING. once anything takes your sole focus away from God you have idols. The bible says we all have sinned and fallen short! To the members who claim that there is no god........what if your wrong?     If I am wrong then okay... I lived my life so called "missing out" on things that can lead to destruction...but at the end of the day I will be in heaven.... But if your wrong.... you lived your life enjoying what could potentially destroy you...and would go to a place of fire.

Whether or not you believe, please take a step back and make sure you have really evaluated whether or not its for the right reasons. Do not hate religion just because of history, many people have used God's name for the wrong reasons, and they are still using his name now for the wrong reasons. 

But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power.

2 Timothy 3:1-17  
To the members who claim that there is no god........what if your wrong?     If I am wrong then okay... I lived my life so called "missing out" on things that can lead to destruction...but at the end of the day I will be in heaven....

So do you pray towards mecca every day? You want to make sure you get into heaven right?
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I usually avoid threads like this but I will say that although celebrities are like idols to the younger generation we could say that for ANYTHING. once anything takes your sole focus away from God you have idols. The bible says we all have sinned and fallen short! To the members who claim that there is no god........what if your wrong?     If I am wrong then okay... I lived my life so called "missing out" on things that can lead to destruction...but at the end of the day I will be in heaven.... But if your wrong.... you lived your life enjoying what could potentially destroy you...and would go to a place of fire.

Whether or not you believe, please take a step back and make sure you have really evaluated whether or not its for the right reasons. Do not hate religion just because of history, many people have used God's name for the wrong reasons, and they are still using his name now for the wrong reasons. 

But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power.

2 Timothy 3:1-17  
if you are wrong then you will have lived your life missing out AND at the end of the day not be in heaven because well... you were wrong 
Few Things
1. Holding idols over God without being a blasphemer is a new thing, I'm talking 50 years or less.

2. Make one statement, regardless of what you actually say, everyone is going to attribute a bunch to you. Never said its the end of the world, never said I was religious. Lol alas, say A, ppl read CDEF, which is cool. Glad I could facilitate a legit convo, after two pages of 'niketalk' lol. Keep it goin.

I really wonder how different 'celebrity' is from being a religious figure. Is it getting kids to wait in line for hours to do something you told them to do (listen to my sermon, buy my *insert shoe, tix...bs* ) is it getting a generation to rebel against their heretic parents for criticizing your behavior? What is a celebrity? What is a religion? I imagine if we examine both, they'll be more similarities than we think.

Btw so many posts in this thread supposedly arguing against me, explain my position (celebrity idolatry has replaced religion) better than I could have. Lol I need to do some thinking.
Think before modern Hollywood, if marlon Brando said he was God, even off cuff, his career would have died. My generation doesn't understand 'blasphomey' but my mom, n the like, speak all the time of the value we put on celebs. In their minds, no matter how big a star was (ppl couldn't be as big as they are now because of tech limitations) he was still second to God for the majority. In a lot if places they wouldn't have concerts on Sundays, they'd always get shut down. Name one star who survived pre 1980 that survived calling himself God.
Think before modern Hollywood, if marlon Brando said he was God, even off cuff, his career would have died. My generation doesn't understand 'blasphomey' but my mom, n the like, speak all the time of the value we put on celebs. In their minds, no matter how big a star was (ppl couldn't be as big as they are now because of tech limitations) he was still second to God for the majority. In a lot if places they wouldn't have concerts on Sundays, they'd always get shut down. Name one star who survived pre 1980 that survived calling himself God.
Your mom's generation, or not more than a few decades prior, although that separate but equal was acceptable. Your argument is flawed and comparing things that aren't the same. I don't believe in God. I believe in spiders though because I just saw one. Therefore I am putting spiders before God?
Think before modern Hollywood, if marlon Brando said he was God, even off cuff, his career would have died. My generation doesn't understand 'blasphomey' but my mom, n the like, speak all the time of the value we put on celebs. In their minds, no matter how big a star was (ppl couldn't be as big as they are now because of tech limitations) he was still second to God for the majority. In a lot if places they wouldn't have concerts on Sundays, they'd always get shut down. Name one star who survived pre 1980 that survived calling himself God.
‘Don’t you know I’m God?” taunted Muhammad Ali, in the first of the epic trilogy of heavyweight prizefights with Joe Frazier that defined the early 1970s. Ali even took to accompanying each word —Don’t — you — know — I’m — God? — with a swing of his fists, unleashing another flurry of his lightning-fast punches. Frazier, undaunted, singularly unaffected by Ali’s sophomoric doggerel and sophisticated psy-ops, kept boring in on his opponent, a steady, bobbing, weaving machine, and spat back through his bloodied mouthpiece: “Well, God, you gonna get whupped tonight!”
I see where op is coming from

Some people worship celebs like gods. Their ish stinks too.

The more power the media has over the masses via tv, social media, radio, etc the more the people worship celebs. This comes from the fact that we as a society place importance on your job/career/money. We are taught to think that way from a young age. Go to college. Get a job/career. America is strictly a business. It's all about the money. Problem is that money does not buy happiness hence celeb suicides. Money can solve many problems/situations which makes people believe they will be happy if they only had more money. False, I don't buy that ish.

The lesson to take away from this is to follow your dreams. Plan it out and truly go for it. You are what you think
A. What happened to Ali? He tried beig larger than himself n they destroyed him, both physically n mentally. Name someone who had a career saying that. They took his belt, for nothing more than his arrogance, his believing himself to be above America, Above God.

B. to datznasty do u believe in love? Hate? Fear? Happiness? U may dismiss them as emotions, but my belief in God is an emition, something I feel without being able to define, without being able to see hear or touch. God is no different from any other 'idea' I believe in, will I know any of them? No. will I die for all if them? Yes.
I see where op is coming from

Some people worship celebs like gods. Their ish stinks too.

The more power the media has over the masses via tv, social media, radio, etc the more the people worship celebs. This comes from the fact that we as a society place importance on your job/career/money. We are taught to think that way from a young age. Go to college. Get a job/career. America is strictly a business. It's all about the money. Problem is that money does not buy happiness hence celeb suicides. Money can solve many problems/situations which makes people believe they will be happy if they only had more money. False, I don't buy that ish.

The lesson to take away from this is to follow your dreams. Plan it out and truly go for it. You are what you think
this is just the way it has always been though, people need to be told who they should look up to/idolize. today its the media having power over the masses, yesterday it was the church having power over the masses. its the exact same thing, just with a different name
My p
this is just the way it has always been though, people need to be told who they should look up to/idolize. today its the media having power over the masses, yesterday it was the church having power over the masses. its the exact same thing, just with a different name

My point exactly. Most of history we were told God, in 2013 were told Beiber.
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Your mom's generation, or not more than a few decades prior, although that separate but equal was acceptable. Your argument is flawed and comparing things that aren't the same. I don't believe in God. I believe in spiders though because I just saw one. Therefore I am putting spiders before God?
Your argument is flawed as well....Just because you see something and believe in what you saw does not mean your putting it before God.....I could say....I dont SEE gravity therefore it is not real. Yet we know gravity exists....just because we cannot "see" gravity does not indicate it does not exist.

Here is the definition of an idol-

An idol is an image or other material object representing a deity to which religious worship is addressed or any person or thing regarded with blind admiration, adoration, or devotion.
A+ thread OP

I actually had a class on myths and legends... and my professor talked about celebs and athletes quite often....

He talked a lot about the overblown legend of Michael Jordan
Your mom's generation, or not more than a few decades prior, although that separate but equal was acceptable. Your argument is flawed and comparing things that aren't the same. I don't believe in God. I believe in spiders though because I just saw one. Therefore I am putting spiders before God?

Your argument is flawed as well....Just because you see something and believe in what you saw does not mean your putting it before God.....I could say....I dont SEE gravity therefore it is not real. Yet we know gravity exists....just because we cannot "see" gravity does not indicate it does not exist.

Here is the definition of an idol-
An idol is an image or other material object representing a deity to which religious worship is addressed or any person or thing regarded with blind admiration, adoration, or devotion.
You can empirically prove the existence of gravity, quite easily in fact.
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