Have we replaced God with Celebs?

I read a book about five years ago called American Gods by Neil Gaiman that was kind of like what OP is talking about to an extent. It's a work of fiction, but basically it's about how the Gods of the olden days "Odin and the like" had to come to America with the immigrants that worshiped them. Fast forward hundreds of years later and those Gods are losing their power/have no real power anymore because the new Gods "Internet, Porn, Money" have taken their place. A battle ensues. Really good book.
At least we know celebrities are real.
Disagree, society has created a "celebrity" (whatever that means) we deem who are and who aren't by who we pay attention to. To me a "celebrity" is as real as God, in the since both are created by society as something to be admired, revered.

Is the Celebrity Cameron Diaz real? or is Cameron Diaz a person who we throw the socially created label of "Celebrity" upon, meaning SHE is real, but her "Celebrity" is a social construct, much like Religion is a social construct, I've seen her about as many times as I've seen "god" i.e I've only seen her through the lens, through someone else's perception.

I believe God to be true, I believe her to be a celebrity, only because I was taught both.

take a second to think about that, if you don't get it this thread probably isn't for you.
At least we know celebrities are real.
Disagree, society has created a "celebrity" (whatever that means) we deem who are and who aren't by who we pay attention to. To me a "celebrity" is as real as God, in the since both are created by society as something to be admired, revered.

Is the Celebrity Cameron Diaz real? or is Cameron Diaz a person who we throw the socially created label of "Celebrity" upon, meaning SHE is real, but her "Celebrity" is a social construct, much like Religion is a social construct, I've seen her about as many times as I've seen "god" i.e I've only seen her through the lens, through someone else's perception.

I believe God to be true, I believe her to be a celebrity, only because I was taught both.

take a second to think about that, if you don't get it this thread probably isn't for you.

Do you know what "celebrity" means bruh :lol:
Cameron Diaz is a talented person who has found a way to market herself into opportunity, wealth, and fame.  That's real. 

God?  Not so much.....
Boy sit your *** down ....

1. Who goes to church to envy god? Like seriously, did you pay attention during your sittings?

2. The coolness of Atheism's? What freaking state are you from? Since when is this the new "now"?

3. Celebrities have been around since before you, how is this a new concept? 

Lastly, I can grant you that some celebrities are idolized, but once again, this is nothing new! People are idolized and worship, this is call CULTS! 

Go to sleep now!
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Boy sit your *** down ....

1. Who goes to church to envy god? Like seriously, did you pay attention during your sittings?

2. The coolness of Atheism's? What freaking stay are you from? Since when is this the new "now"?

3. Celebrities have been around since before you, how is this a new concept? 

Lastly, I can grant you that some celebrities are idolized, but once again, this is nothing new! People are idolized and worship, this is call COLTS! 

Go to sleep now!
At least we know celebrities are real.
Disagree, society has created a "celebrity" (whatever that means) we deem who are and who aren't by who we pay attention to. To me a "celebrity" is as real as God, in the since both are created by society as something to be admired, revered.

Is the Celebrity Cameron Diaz real? or is Cameron Diaz a person who we throw the socially created label of "Celebrity" upon, meaning SHE is real, but her "Celebrity" is a social construct, much like Religion is a social construct, I've seen her about as many times as I've seen "god" i.e I've only seen her through the lens, through someone else's perception.

I believe God to be true, I believe her to be a celebrity, only because I was taught both.

take a second to think about that, if you don't get it this thread probably isn't for you.
Please provide me with whatever you're smoking on.
I hope you know that a strong majority of this board (or so it seems) are not very religious so you're question might not be as relevant as you would hope.
Boy sit your *** down ....

1. Who goes to church to envy god? Like seriously, did you pay attention during your sittings?

2. The coolness of Atheism's? What freaking state are you from? Since when is this the new "now"?

3. Celebrities have been around since before you, how is this a new concept? 

Lastly, I can grant you that some celebrities are idolized, but once again, this is nothing new! People are idolized and worship, this is call CULTS! 

Go to sleep now!
1. I hope you paid attention in sunday school, I was taught to want to be like God, to envy him for his perfections and try to emulate him. WWJD

2. Atheism has gained great popularity, 200 years ago you would be stoned, 50 years ago you would be ostracized, history provides context, learn some.

3. The celebrities of yesteryear were protected by the studios, and people worshiped them, but kept God in context. Now a days (read some of the responses to this thread for example) we don't hold God or religion as high as those use to, Joan of Arc did what she did because of God, so did almost every other hero of the past, Constintine changed half the world for God, not for him (political question we could debate, I think he did it to save an empire either way) but for God, it was always God first. Even up until recently the first thing celebrities said when they won awards is "First and foremost I want to thank God" now, that's kind of cliche because doing that is no "Cool"

Lastly, Babel, Egypt and others were destroyed for their false idol worship (bible story) whether that's true or not, the idea that we should not have false idols was engrained in every religious culture, consequently in every society up until recently.

Wake up now!

The big disconnect here is that most people have never sat down and thought about religion, sure they think about Funny hates, and diddling, but do they think what religion actually is, the socio political consequences of mass religions, compare that with Jay and Ye going on the WTT tour. Compare how we feel about our religion and how we feel about our celebrities. I'm beating more people spend their time searching for the latest Yeezy and Kim K news than do searching for scriptures of the bible. It may be a generational thing, but thats my whole point.
Do you know what "celebrity" means bruh
No..like seriously I don't. I can give you a dictionary definition, but please provide me with an actual definition, cuz I don't know what seperates someone who made a bunch of money and movies and is still reletivley unknown, Mel Brooks for example, vs. someone who has done nothing and is talked about every day i.e Kim K. And yes, Mel had "celebrity" status for a bit, that would be celebrity is a temporal idea.

btw This is why I heart NT. Some people get what I'm saying, others it goes over heads, either way, I love the conversation and banter.
OP you sound like a victim of a youth/urban pastor thats found a way to connect current pop culture and religion to keep you believing.

Religion does just as much harm as it does good.  Live your life and don't waste your time preaching to those that don't believe what you do......that's how wars start.
Your comparison is kind of stupid because you are comparing something that can be objectively proven and actually exists to a book of tall tales. I don't even like most celebrities, but yea I have googled downloading the latest Kanye album more often than trying to learn about how the sea stood still and parted and let Moses and them walk through it then swallowed up their enemies, or dude getting swallowed by a big fish and living in its stomach for 3 days and then being spit out and surviving, or an old *** blind dude being strong enough to push over the pillars of a cathedral, or umm 2 of every animal living in an ark for 40 days and 40 days nights, or a dude living to be 969, etc. etc.

Dr Suess, Aesop's Fables, the Bible; all the same type of literature, just for some reason people will defend forever the plausibility and base their life on the last one but they're all just collections of cute stories with magical characters and impossibilities happening that we are smart enough to know are impossible.
A. I'm agnostic, I believe but have reservations about "religion" believing and religion are not intertwined to me, a little more complicated than that. I like the stories, don't believe them but believe in the message they try to convey

B. I have never owned a shirt that said "swagger" -_- I don't have celebs or crosses on by walls, nor will you catch me with a cross around my neck or Kanye Shades on my eyes. I don't like either concept, I don't idolize anything, which is kind of weird, but I truly don't.

Couldn't give a F what a celeb does in their off time, I care for them as far as whatever their craft is.

As far as religion, I read my bible, but seldom go to church; to much of...welll this...niketalk...narrow minded intellectuals who have figured everything out, I have a few to many questions to have figured out anything. However, I do love talking with preachers, bums, the super religious, the anti-religious, the rebellious, the confused and any one who has an opinion about our current culture, whether I look "crazy or not lol, cuz in so many I'm sure I am.
have we replaced god with celebs


i dont think george zimmerman prays at night like "please ja rule don't let me go to jail" or some s*** like that.

"god" is too big to be replaced by something imo, weather you believe it to be real or the actual meaning of the word
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Your comparison is kind of stupid because you are comparing something that can be objectively proven and actually exists to a book of tall tales. I don't even like most celebrities, but yea I have googled downloading the latest Kanye album more often than trying to learn about how the sea stood still and parted and let Moses and them walk through it then swallowed up their enemies, or dude getting swallowed by a big fish and living in its stomach for 3 days and then being spit out and surviving, or an old *** blind dude being strong enough to push over the pillars of a cathedral, or umm 2 of every animal living in an ark for 40 days and 40 days nights, or a dude living to be 969, etc. etc.

Dr Suess, Aesop's Fables, the Bible; all the same type of literature, just for some reason people will defend forever the plausibility and base their life on the last one but they're all just collections of cute stories with magical characters and impossibilities happening that we are smart enough to know are impossible.

This is the current idea of religion. This is the idea I reject. Whether it's a tale of a kid growing up in the hood and owning a sports agency, or the tale of a kid taking a slingshot and killing a gaint, both require faith, faith in yourself. Where that faith comes from I refuse to pontificate on, either way it helped that individual get whatever he wanted to accomplish done.

You look at the bible as a book of tall tales, I  look at it more as a book of inspiration, whether they are true or not doesn't matter. It's like reading a good book, 1984 never actually happened, but the idea we should keep a check on our gov. before it becomes despotic is very real. The issue, most people now a days don't read any books, they spend most time trying to avoid reading, google about Kanye instead of Googling some tale from the bible they've never heard.

Lol Thanks for the entertainment NT, always makes work go by so much faster. ScKid made the most sense of anyone in this thread, myself included, whether I agree, Idk but that is a lovely response.
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To be honest...you're all over the place OP. You sound lost.  You're talking about Kanye, Google, the gov't, and the bible.  Then you claim to be religious but then you aren't.  Which one is it?  What is your point? Whats the meaning of life? Where's Ja Rule to make sense of this thread?
1. I hope you paid attention in Sunday school, I was taught to want to be like God, to envy him for his perfections and try to emulate him. WWJD

2. Atheism has gained great popularity, 200 years ago you would be stoned, 50 years ago you would be ostracized, history provides context, learn some.

3. The celebrities of yesteryear were protected by the studios, and people worshiped them, but kept God in context. Now a days (read some of the responses to this thread for example) we don't hold God or religion as high as those use to, Joan of Arc did what she did because of God, so did almost every other hero of the past, Constintine changed half the world for God, not for him (political question we could debate, I think he did it to save an empire either way) but for God, it was always God first. Even up until recently the first thing celebrities said when they won awards is "First and foremost I want to thank God" now, that's kind of cliche because doing that is no "Cool"

Lastly, Babel, Egypt and others were destroyed for their false idol worship (bible story) whether that's true or not, the idea that we should not have false idols was engrained in every religious culture, consequently in every society up until recently.

Wake up now!

The big disconnect here is that most people have never sat down and thought about religion, sure they think about Funny hates, and diddling, but do they think what religion actually is, the socio political consequences of mass religions, compare that with Jay and Ye going on the WTT tour. Compare how we feel about our religion and how we feel about our celebrities. I'm beating more people spend their time searching for the latest Yeezy and Kim K news than do searching for scriptures of the bible. It may be a generational thing, but thats my whole point.
1. My son - you are highly delucional. From my theology of god and religion, I have never once heard anyone say envy GOD! If they thought you this, then they thought you wrong. I mean this in a biblical kind of way, especially since envy is a SIN!

2. Atheism has gain great popularity? 200 years ago? How do you know? Was you around 200 years ago, for all I know it's more accepted now, but still in the past 25 years I have not notice any increase in Atheism. Plus 200 years ago? Come on now .. You trying to validate a point that has no validation!

3. Once again, you are speaking out your rear! The notion of someone having fame and wealth self labeling themselves as god has been around for centuries! A lot of the self proclaim Jesus could be consider celebrities now a day! Do some research, you might be enlighten!

Lastly, religion is still very profound in our culture and around the world and still today wars are being fought over it!

The problem here is that you are confusing roll models with god! 

I have yet to hear someone in trouble or facing a life threating event say:

Maybe you're right,espacially when it comes to this generation coming up,maybe they have replaced God with celebrities.

But I think above all,even when it comes to celebrities that Americans espacially no matter how regilious or atheist they may claim to be have replaced God with money.Becuase in our society money plays a major part in the outcome of a lot of situations,from healthcare,the judicial system,fame and in many circumstances even wealth because it takes money to make money.

:smh:The things people will do for that mighty dollar and it reaches across all lines.
Maybe religion is falling off because of technology and recorded history.

Its pretty hard to believe in all the stories of the bible or a God in general when we are cloning animals, going to outer space, and able to record all events. Sorry homie.
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