Has NT changed your outlook on life a little bit vol. dont lie

Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

this coming from a female, i most certainly can say that NT has changed my outlook on things. seeing things from mostly males opinions really put things into perspective for me.

Originally Posted by the north west

NT has made me much less materialistic
Same here! Ain't that a trip, a sneaker forum, of all places.
Originally Posted by the north west

NT has made me much less materialistic
amen to that

It has brougt me to appreciate other viewpoints that I have never thought of before.
Yes NT made me a little more open minded

You don't even know... you all definitely made my day on that.
Naw. Just makes me realize that there's way too many a-holes in the world.
But it's also comedy.
Imagine thinking of us without NT, what would we be like...I mean it wouldnt be too drastic of a change for the majority of us but all in all NT encompassesdifferent facets that can cater to each of our different personalities, but in the end it still unifies us as NikeTalker's.

The way i think of NT as a big brotherhood. It's a place of advice, entertainment, general knowledge, and just regular run of the mill b.s. like how it iswhen you post up with your boys. I actually get some of my world news from NT, and i have this theory that news gets to NT faster than it does CNN.

I've taken alot of great info off of NT, some of which is priceless.

P.S. and you gotta love the pics, gawwd how i love the pics
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