Has NT changed your outlook on life a little bit vol. dont lie

Originally Posted by Black Milk

Originally Posted by Bowzer Blitz

NT made me realize how corny the internet and people in general can be at times.

Ironic, you are the same dude who argued with the admins for pages because you was banned on ya OG name. I thought you said you was never coming back?

Before you talk about things you do not know....I was not arguing with the Mods because I was banned on my name... Unlike others I can care less about aname....And I never asked for my name...brownosed or anything to these admins...I argued with them on how they pick and choose when they wanted to enforce therules on here. So Ironic you get issues straight....I wasn't coming back but when HT went down...I had no where to waste my time online...and plus I wantedto sell somethings...I hardly post now...so you be easy and be easy Hah on trying to pull cards. But if you're saying I took an L coming back Iagree....with this other NT I might not be here as often.
Niketalk informs me of a lot taking place in the world from politics, to sports, and music...... lmao..... last night before I fell asleep for some reason Iwas thinking bout the post about the dude who friend requested the girl on facebook im about to knock out like "hmmm wonder if she ever accepteddude" lol
Originally Posted by TaquitoLOVER91

im definitely more open to things, i take life less seriously now too, no stress.

yeah its weird...I was going to say that too but figured I'd sound foolish lol
Originally Posted by MidEastBeast

Hell yeah. I love NT.
The impact NT has on folks (or just myself) probably goes deeper than a person can explain by typing, and I frankly don't feel like taking the time to typethat %$$%.
Originally Posted by Rexanglorum

A while ago, in an econometrics class the professor wrote "heteroskedasticity=bad and homoskedasticity=good." I copied it and then wrote in the margin "AYO?!"

I also have laughed driving around and I see plates with an "SMH" on it.

I also realized that I spend way too much time on NT when I saw an ad on a bus bench that said "for the price of a chicken adobo, you can make a 15 minute call to Manila" and I understood exactly what it meant.

It made my female standards higher.

Made me think ahead so I don't take L's.

Taught me if im in the friendzon I have small hope but the brother zone I don't.

I give people the stoneface a lot more now.

I dress better. Cause I don't spend all my money on shoes.

Updated my vocabulary. My knowlege of women.

That simping is never ok.

Nt has given me a lot of life lessons. Im a lot more stress free since the general forum. Thanks
Hells yea.... I've been introduced to a lot of new #%# over these years.

I don't feel alone on certain #%# when I hear some of these stories on this joint,lol
Originally Posted by PJ and Bompton

definitely...NT has got to be one of the best all around websites out...might be my favorite...

NT has taken the place..of google(general) sometimes, ebay(Buy /Sell) , and even websites like kixandthecity and soleredemption(Sneaker Showcase)..
Yes I don't really get to watch too much sports but from browsing the S&T I pick up enough to carry a convo about sports and not sound like a ******
Originally Posted by The Minister

i dont think its changed me but its made certain parts of my life more entertaining.
I totally agree.

Niketalk gives me different points of views from different people which I find neat.

I also started to say "FTW or that dudes suspect"

Niketalk =
-how not to dress.
-started saying "ayo"
-always asked for pics on other forums
-kept me updated on sneaker info

-killed a lot of time
-i should be doing my project right now which is due tomorrow but im on NT
this coming from a female, i most certainly can say that NT has changed my outlook on things. seeing things from mostly males opinions really put things intoperspective for me.
I honestly believe that NTers have an advantage over those who aren't NTers.

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