Has interracial dating declined?

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So if I'm light skinned and black does that make me White Black?


No. :rolleyes :lol:

Manu Ginobli is a white (Italian) Latino

Emanuel David
"Manu" Ginóbili Maccari
Portuguese is still considered white.

Ronaldo was not born in Latin America though so he wouldn't be considered Latino
Neymar was born in Brazil and has Native, African, and European features

He would be considered mestizo (mixed) in Latin countries
Majority of DNA test results I see on youtube, the average Dominican is 50% European, 40% black and 10% native american
Majority of DNA test results I see on youtube, the average Dominican is 50% European, 40% black and 10% native american

sounds like ish i been telling ya for years already...hence why latinos cluster around ethnicity & nationality...color? nah.
Just for the sake of healthy NT debate:
Is there some unwritten rule that says you HAVE to date within your race? Like why does it matter if you aren’t interested in dating your own people?
Honestly curious about this. Not trolling or anything.

no one has to do anything, you're entitled to your preferences when you date around.
means hatians aren't in da latin diaspora, which means they aren't latino.

This where you start to wild out.
I’m claiming Haiti and Brazil.

Guyana, probably the country that I would think is not a Latin country, mostly cause their culture so different from ours.
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