Has being a hipster become......dare i say?..........Mainstream?

Some one just post that damb pic of optimus/silly putty.

My man got 80something posts per day just finna argue for da sake of arguing.

Once you see his pic, his love for aubrey....any opnion he has on culture will be null and void.

ole urkel wishing he was stephon wishing boi
Some one just post that damb pic of optimus/silly putty.

My man got 80something posts per day just finna argue for da sake of arguing.

Once you see his pic, his love for aubrey....any opnion he has on culture will be null and void.

ole urkel wishing he was stephon wishing boi

Lol tryin to air him out? :lol:. I kinda figured that was the case anyway
not at all.

but my dude going hard in da paint for no reason what so ever.

type of dude to be throwing haymakers in a sparring match.
not at all.

but my dude going hard in da paint for no reason what so ever.

type of dude to be throwing haymakers in a sparring match.

Yeah, he does. I'm done though. Ninjahood is right. I guess Putty doesn't get it (or just wants to fight) meh.
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I think what is going on here with the younger dudes here is that they really don't have a grasp of the concept of originality. Everything was so cookie cutter by the time you guys came along. No, the ingredients those from the 80's had weren't original (shoes, clothes etc). HOWEVER, the outcome, the way they rocked it, or put their own spin on it was. Now you have hipsters looking at that and trying to make themselves seem cool and act like they first discovered a style that was already there. Hipsters are like "I wear______ this way", not realizing it was done. The purple tape example was spot on with this concept.
This doesn't even make any sense. 

So you're original because of HOW you wore it, but they're not original in HOW they wear it?

You weren't even original when YOU adopted the stuff you did. THAT had been done before. 

A bunch of elitists exposing themselves here. 

Young man, you need to read. I was going with the premise that NOTHING is original. A point that was brought up in the thread earlier and is true. I was merely stating that you can take stuff that has been around before and put a completely new spin on it and make it original and your own. Hipsters grab on to things, making it seem like it's new, but had they done their research would know their style isn't new. I see these types and shake my head all the time. Now you sound like you want to be mad and start an internet fight because you're bored. Why are you so mad? This thread was started yesterday. Let it go and back away from the keyboard. You sound backwards anyway.
A. Anyone who responds is automatically unhappy or angry. Basically if someone disagrees with you, its because they're "lesser" than you, not that they legitimately find your stance to be flawed. 

B. Hipsters don't do anything that everyone else doesn't already do. They embrace stuff and they freak it to their own. They're no different than you are. 

C. Demanding "research" or "credibility" is merely a way to reinforce an "US vs THEM" mentality. There is nothing that you're owed to join "your crowd." You just want to make it seem like you're more than what you really are. Are you going to start collecting taxes on people so that they can prove their worth to you? Stop reinforcing boundaries just so you feel like you're more secure in who you are. You don't get any points for being more "real" or "true" to a concept or movement. If anything, it makes you look like someone who doesn't have any sense of individuality, yourself. 
Yeah, he does. I'm done though. Ninjahood is right. I guess Putty doesn't get it (or just wants to fight) meh.

yea ur right man.

putty actually makes good points, but gets lost is the redundant, rabblesome, sea of highlighted, bolded text, google quotes, and useless articles he floods NT with.

If he kept it simple and respectful, he could rock.

But in the realm of hip hop, and other cultures I just feel like hes faking the funk.

Same cats who study googl articles of jordans and claim they were down since 1984 type steez
I still dont know exactly what a hipster is. I cant even tell when I see them in public. IMO just do you. You wanna hop on trends get to hopping, you wanna stay original stay original. JUST DO YOU!
Yeah, he does. I'm done though. Ninjahood is right. I guess Putty doesn't get it (or just wants to fight) meh.

yea ur right man.

putty actually makes good points, but gets lost is the redundant, rabblesome, sea of highlighted, bolded text, google quotes, and useless articles he floods NT with.

If he kept it simple and respectful, he could rock.

But in the realm of hip hop, and other cultures I just feel like hes faking the funk.

Same cats who study googl articles of jordans and claim they were down since 1984 type steez

You are correct sir. My whole reasoning is this, they weren't there to experience it because they were too young or weren't born yet. So they fake it like they know it and they were there. That in itself is the essence of that era. If you don't fake it and still appreciate it, you'll be fine.
Umm baggy clothes & shorts ORIGINATED at one point because guess what?

Size runs of clothing was ALOT smaller in da 80s & early 90s. Someone HAD to PURPOSELY

Buy a size that wasnt his originally and make it his. THEN da market catered to da emergin trend. This isnt a circle of life

Argument that underpins ur WHOLE point. There was a Origin to certain styles. 80s babies were influential

In havin a hand at spawning these looks. Hipsters & apparently YOU cant fathom that *gasp*

Someone actually did this FIRST...lol
Yes, Ninjahood. Fashion and styling ceased to evolve on your birthday. The world has been in a tailspin since. 

But wait...where have baggy clothes gone since the 90s to today? Fitted clothes? Tighter fits? ...that wouldn't be...an EVOLUTION, would it? 

Did you know women started wearing pants in the 80s too?


watch this video again and learn how style evolves:

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Y'all taking this to a whole other level... Really not that serious. Let people do what they want. If you have issues with a "type" of person, it's only due to your insecurities and nothing more.
Yeah um FutureMD/Putty, that "tight fit" style of clothing is European 60's style. Wiki/Google that. That style isn't new either.:smh:
Yeah um FutureMD/Putty, that "tight fit" style of clothing is European 60's style. Wiki/Google that. That style isn't new either.

I'm done here. I mean really. 

Dudes out here trying to act like because they blessed the earth with their presence that they single handedly revolutionized fashion. 

Everything influences everything else. 

"but we rolled our right pant legs up!" he says. 
 " but the hipsters rolled their left pant legs up!" he says. 

Tell me when someone makes a bulletproof T-Shirt out of spider silk or something. 

Thank Zeus that NinjaHood wasn't born in the 60s and trying to remind us how it was the greatest decade EVER!
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What is even being argued now? Authenticity? What a subjective term. It's a non-starter of an argument. Like any one person is an authority on what is authentic or not. No one can really judge another's personal passion or attachment to anything. You just come off as a hater (as played as that word is.) Let these kids rock with Wu-Tang and Waka Flocka, wear throwbacks, and ride their fixed gears. Who cares.

The point I'd like to make is that the word "hipster" is inherently negative. It's intention is as a diss. And what for? No one here can even define what a "hipster" is supposed to be because it's such a vague and general umbrella term used to describe "others." Because you, personally, don't understand or associate with this group, suddenly they're this group worthy of ridicule. It's the same as using the term "fob" or "thug" or whatever other inherently negative umbrella term. It's intellectual laziness.
What is even being argued now? Authenticity? What a subjective term. It's a non-starter of an argument. Like any one person is an authority on what is authentic or not. No one can really judge another's personal passion or attachment to anything. You just come off as a hater (as played as that word is.) Let these kids rock with Wu-Tang and Waka Flocka, wear throwbacks, and ride their fixed gears. Who cares.

The point I'd like to make is that the word "hipster" is inherently negative. It's intention is as a diss. And what for? No one here can even define what a "hipster" is supposed to be because it's such a vague and general umbrella term used to describe "others." Because you, personally, don't understand or associate with this group, suddenly they're this group worthy of ridicule. It's the same as using the term "fob" or "thug" or whatever other inherently negative umbrella term. It's intellectual laziness.
This is all it really comes down to.

People have invested so much into their own appearance and identity that they don't take kindly to people borrowing bits and pieces of it from across the map. However they're unwilling to realize that these "borrowers" are actually MORE original and unique than these hard-lined members of these groups because they're not limited by those same boundaries.

People are only mad at "hipsters" because they want to claim whatever they cling to more tightly. Its them who have the identity issues in the first place. 
didn't the whole baggy look come from dudes coming home from jail? The jail uniforms were either too big or too tight so dudes opted for the bigger sizes. once they came home they kept that "look"
Moral of da story, hipsters is lame & da proliferation of social media

Has made their exploits that much easier.

Da end.
Moral of da story, hipsters is lame & da proliferation of social media

Has made their exploits that much easier.

Da end.
B-b-b-but they didn't pay their dues! Only we can rock those shirts and jeans!


This isn't like working at a company. We're talking about personal style and dress here. No one has to prove ANYTHING to you nor are they obligated to fall in line with your expectations for how they should carry themselves and to what extent. 

Just admit you don't want people in your little "club"

Like I said, the people who "toe the line" of these groups often are the most unique people out there in their reluctance to be classified one way, or another. 

I'm not even trying to sound like I'm trying to "son" you but I just think its ridiculously obnoxious to claim that YOU are the SOLE agent of originality. 
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