Has being a hipster become......dare i say?..........Mainstream?

Its like saying every black girl with natural hair listens to Badu and Dwele while shopping at Whole Foods in bohemian skirts topless.

Your analogies are consistently terrible by the way :lol:

A Black girl can have natural hair and be into Hip-Hop, or she can be goth or into reggae and soca...or she can be a Muslim from Nigeria, etc. etc. etc.

Hair by itself doesn't mean much.

Similarly, you can't infer much from a White girl, wearing shoulder length brunette hair.

If you're going to rant in every thread....At least make sense.
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Its not that serious, man. Hipster is a pretty playful label.

And a lot of hipsters are self-effacing because of that. They don't even take them selves seriously. Not nearly as serious as you're taking them or the label.

But people who are really activists are activists, people who are really in the art world are really into it, Hip-Hop heads are almost religious about it, so are rockers, Rastas, environmentalists etc.

Hipsters try to take the cultural aesthetics and high-points of all of those sub-cultures and roll them into one. Pledging allegiance to none of them, not developing a level of competence and devotion to any of the genres....but scraping up whatever cultural cache they can from each sub-set to add to their manufactured and everchanging quirkiness.
And this is where I have a problem.

Who or what decides that you need to have an "allegiance" to hip-hop, or goth, or prep, etc? 

Why do you even have to do that?

Like I said before, its not as easy for you to to label them so you make it sound like they're just trend-hopping and being fake.

You'd rather have people classified as distinct things with rigid categories just so you can not have to invest the time to understand who someone really is. How do you know their level of competence about a culture? 

Are you fully aware of exhibit the nuances and characteristics of the things you align yourself with and do you exhibit the markers of membership? Do you know the history of the most obscure "markers" of the things you associate with, or do you make your own standard of what you find important?

On top of all of this, it assumes that every poser/hipster is THE SAME. So even on that premise alone, the term "hipster" is only just defined by whoever you ask at the moment.
Don't say, "no one cares" when its you thats going through such an effort to say that they just "fakers" and "posers." You're defending and entrenching the very lines you think are ok to cross. 

People who care about "posers" really dont know enough about themselves in the first place. 

What do you gain out of calling someone a hypebeast? I mean yeah, i'll agree that it looks stupid, but I don't think they should not  be doing something merely because of what I think about it. In fact, I feel dumb for even having an opinion on how they carry themselves in the first place. 
There will always be lines that separate people its all about respecting those differences
But you're not even doing that.

Its like saying every black girl with natural hair listens to Badu and Dwele while shopping at Whole Foods in bohemian skirts topless.
Your analogies are consistently terrible by the way 

A Black girl can have natural hair and be into Hip-Hop, or she can be goth or into reggae and soca...or she can be a Muslim from Nigeria, etc. etc. etc.
You're proving my analogy. Appearance doesn't mean anything. 
Hair by itself doesn't mean much.

Similarly, you can't infer much from a White girl, wearing shoulder length brunette hair.
Oh really?

Originally Posted by goldenchild9  

You can be a white or asian rasta, as long as your vibrations are irie and you take it seriously people will embrace you. But if you're a rich dude that grows locks and smokes weed just to fit in or standout...if the only song you know from Bob Marley is "Jammin" and you drive around playing Matishayu in a convertible E-Class....people might throw you into the "Trustafarian" category.

The memory...how does it work?
If you're going to rant in every thread....At least make sense.
You're having that problem where you say something, then you forget that you say it. 
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I wear slim pants cause i'm slim. I don't shave my face cause i'm a bum. These dudes jockin my style out here.
Listen, man.

There is nothing to argue here.

Things get labeled. Its just how we as humans compartmentalize and experience reality. Whether it be on the levels of nationality, ethnicity, race, culture, nature, geography, etc. There will always be differences on this physical plane and to communicate and understand a world full of variety, human use labels.

Now if you like something enough, you will do the due diligence associated with attaining a level of competence in that field. Whether it be Hip-Hop or art or medicine or physics or economics or Reggae or Rock or cycling etc. etc. If you're faking the funk, the level of understanding and commitment of the other people who really care about those genres will be the judge, not me in particular.

I've seen you label people on here as pseudo-scientific too many times to count. So stop acting like you don't have an understanding of this very basic concept, just for the sake of an argument.

If you wear locks and talk with a fake accent and wear patches of Selassie and try to fit in with that community but you really don't have a fundamental understanding or a true commitment to that ideology and culture....you might be a poser, a fake rasta.

If you wear the latest "urban wear", try to talk like you're from an urban locality that you've never even visited and you only know the rap artists and songs that play on MTV....yet you think its your place to argue about the top 20 MCs and best battles in Rap history...you might be a poser, a fake Hip-Hop head.

Now if you're posing as a rasta, and a hip-hop head and an environmentalist and a social activist and a modern art connoisseur and a cyclist and a photographer and whatever else is culturally relevant at the moment....there's a label for people like that, its called a hipster.

Conversely, if you have a level of mastery of in multiple categories you're known as a Renaissance man or a multi-genious, etc.

Its a quite simple concept.

Just because you don't rock with a particular lifestyle or you're not fawning over a distinct group of people....doesn't mean you don't respect their differences or their right to have those differences.

The terms Hipster and hypebeast are inherently innocuous, its the behavior that is practiced by the people in these groups that carry a stigma.

If you don't camp out weeks before the release of a sneaker, while wearing the whole Supreme Fall lookbook and Yeezys....people won't as likely to label you a hypebeast.

And if you're not a hipster or a hypebeast, brush it off. People will always label you as one thing or the other. Its how society works...If it don't apply, let it fly.

Its a simple science.
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Listen, man.

There is nothing to argue here.

Things get labeled. Its just how we as humans compartmentalize and experience reality. Whether it be on the levels of nationality, ethnicity, race, culture, nature, geography, etc. There will always be differences on this physical plane and to communicate and understand a world full of variety, human use labels.

Now if you like something enough you will do the due diligence associated with attaining a level of competence in that field. Whether it be Hip-Hop or art or medicine or physics or economics or Reggae or cycling etc. etc. If you're faking the funk, the level of understanding and commitment of the other people who really care about those genres will be the judge, not me in particular.
Medicine (mostly) and Physics have objective qualifications that art, reggae, cycling and sometimes economics, DO NOT.
I've seen you label people on here as pseudo-scientific too many times to count. So stop acting like you don't have an understanding of this very basic concept just for the sake of argument.

If you wear locks and talk with a fake accent and wear patches of Selassie and try to fit in with that community but you really don't have a fundamental understanding or a true commitment to that ideology and culture....then you are a poser of a fake rasta.
I have a Jamaican heritage and I know more rastas that probably most of NT. Honestly, if there is someone who wants to emulate that culture, I'm not going to stop them or even challenge them on being "fake" because at the end of the day, it doesn't mean anything. 

People wear locks and blast reggae aren't any more or less "rasta" than those that don't. 
If you wear the latest "urban wear", try to talk like you're from an urban locality that you've never even visited and you only know the rap artists and songs that play on MTV but you want to argue about the top 20 MCs and battles...you're poser and a fake Hip-Hop head.
Again with these lazy qualifications

Who are you to qualify the voluntary association to movements and various sorts of cultures?

None of the american black people I know have ever been to africa or an NAACP meeting or a civil rights march/protest, are they really pro-black?
Now if you're posing as a rasta, and a hip-hop head and an environmentalist and a social activist and a modern art connoisseur and a cyclist and a photographer and whatever else is culturally relevant at the moment....theres a label for that, its called a hipster.

If you have a level of mastery of in multiple categories you're known as a Renaissance man or a multi-genious, etc.
So the difference between a hipster and renaissance man is a level of mastery? 

...what sort of foolishness is this?

Horus forbid that someone actually be interested in all those things without you making them feel like less of a person. 
Its a quite simple concept.

Just because you call someone out for who they are, or you don't rock with a particular lifestyle or you're not fawning over them....doesn't mean you don't respect their differences or their right to have their differences.

The terms Hipster and hypebeast are inherently innocuous, its the behavior that is practiced by the people in these groups that carry a stigma.

If you don't camp out weeks before the release of a sneaker, while wearing the whole Supreme Fall lookbook and Yeezys....people won't as likely to label you a hypebeast.

Its a simple science.
Yeah, this is all a major fail.

I hope you're happy finding that balance between labels placed upon you and I hope you can rise to the occasion to defend them.

I really feel like people who chastise "posers" or "hipsters" or "hypebeasts" are people who are even more LOCKED in their respective ideological boxes than those who toe the line

Its really you that are trapped because you spend so much time trying to distance yourself from things that you've been told that you aren't.
You're having that problem where you say something, then you forget that you say it.

Homie you're too intelligent to be constantly acting so simple.

My quote that you underlined has 4 different qualifiers listed, besides hair.

How are you citing that as an example of me using hair by itself, as a means of identification?

Like....come on, b.

Cut it out.
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You're having that problem where you say something, then you forget that you say it.
Homie you're too intelligent to be constantly acting so simple.

My quote that you underlined has 4 different qualifier listed, besides hair.

How are you using that as an example of me using hair by itself, as a means of identification?

Like....come on, b.

Cut it out.
It. Was. An. Example. Of. How. Not. To. Judge. Based. On. Appearances.
What happened to this thread?

FutureMD entered. :lol: :smh:

Some of the most knowledgeable and chill Hip-Hop fans are upper middle class Caucasians. Go to any Hip-Hop concert and club and they blend in and are totally accepted as part of the in crowd, even if they are dressed a little different from everyone else. Just look at dudes like Peter Rosenberg.

Real sneaker collectors span the gamut of social classifications, Chinese, Japanese, Pakistani, Black, White, Latino, etc. Once you put in the due time and effort to understand and respect the culture, its all good.

You can be a white or asian rasta, as long as your vibrations are irie and you take it seriously people will embrace you. But if you're a rich dude that grows locks and smokes weed just to fit in or standout...if the only song you know from Bob Marley is "Jammin" and you drive around playing Matishayu in a convertible E-Class....people might throw you into the "Trustafarian" category.

Vacuous, pretentious, trend-hopping posers are universally looked down upon in all cultures. Whether they be hype-beasts or hipsters.

That doesn't mean that you are an island of uniqueness or that they aren't human...it just means that they're faking the funk and everyone can see it.

I don't know why you can't take simple things at face value and always have to distort a convo until its unrecognizable....just so you can make a point that no one else is even arguing.
I can't believe i'm putting this, but SillyPutty is right in this instance. Just using too many words to get his point across

No culture or group is original. All knowledge is passed on, it doesn't just magically "come" to you. And in this case knowledge being fashion and lifestyle. Whatever group you "subscribe" to, you're equal with a "hipster" . You're not more "legit" than a hipster. Same concept, different name.
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And you're going to evaluate their experience to music, in this case, as being less valid than yours?

You're coming off as an elitist in this sense.

You might as well call everyone who wears a polo shirt a fraud who doesn't understand country club culture or the origins of prep culture.

Lets just all wear white sheets and robes. 

Don't get it twisted, I understand that there might be a context in which a style was developed, but who are you to limit who as access to it? 

You might as well say that certain people, shouldn't do, certain things. Ever.

And that's really what it boils down to it seems.

Us vs them mentality. "They" are stealing "our" culture.

There's no room for influences. People can't have far flung interests and passions. That OB4CL example is ridiculous. And some of you have the nerve to point the finger and say "hipsters" have the need for authenticity? This pot kettle black **** is killing me. Why does it matter when a person first found a record they like? How does that in any way diminish their fanhood?

Exactly, but they're over here championing their adherence to "urban wear" as something thats only unique to them. 

So how about I just call all you all "thugs" and whatever you associate with that?

umm yea, ever seen good fellas? god father? scarface? how bout boyz in da hood and menance to society? last time i checked, thugs didn't dress monolithic..people actually had their own identity..so all you doing

is graspin at straws and its sad.... :lol:

when RUN DMC first burst on da scene wit da leather blazers and unlaced adidas, who were they emulating? cuz it damn sure wasn't a "well this is gonna b my urban look" there was NO SUCH THING as "urban wear" at all.

hell mainstream America still couldn't figure out that you can rape rap music for millions they were still TERRIFIED of it

...hell they didn't even WANT to advertise to minorities, so blacks and Hispanics in da inner cities just TOOK stuff and made it theirs...

hence creating a BRAND NEW original lane that was trailblazed by 80s babies....ya kiddies now got everything paved out for ya with cute lil signs and blog posts.
What decade did track suits and Adidas tennis shoes originate in?

They just freaked the gear from the 70s!

Even RUN DMC wasn't "original"

Urban wear brands of the early 90s just took clothes that urban youth were wearing and tried to streamline it AND marketed it to them. Thats it. 

There was nothing "original" about the styles themselves.

Way to over simplify originality...lemme guess, accordin 2 u jordan & da

Fab 5's influence of wearing long baggy basketball shorts wasnt original

Either, after all somewhere they MUST'VE seen people with ill fitting clothes

& they just copied..smh lol
Son, the fab 5 might have been the first to PUBLICLY wear their clothes like that on that stage can cause all that ruckus, but it doesn't point to the real originators playing streetball that those kids emulated. 

Try again 
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hypebeast annoy me more then hipsters....

they're both at da ends of a lifespan of a ________

a hipster will discover something or adopt something abandoned, or know something...which give em a feeling of superiority...they thrive on manufactured exclusivity

soon as they lose that edge they lose their powers...

hypebeast are da last wagon of a trend before it gets played out..kinda like a star shines it brightest before it flames out and dies...they always playing catch up

so their change wit da winds..lames

da trick to fend off these subcultures is just be knowledgeable with whateva you like to do..a hipster can't tell a REAL rap fan about wu-tang, they can fool their non hipster

friends, but to someone who knows they stuff they frauds. a hypebeast would only know what da LATEST rap act is, so they would act like OFWGKTA is da OG powerful rap collective.

and tomorrow they'll jump on kirko bangz wit snapbacks and star tattoos...no morals whatsoever, lames.

He hit da nail on da head
Reading the back and forth Silly Putty got smoked by Ninjahood. Lol. Putty just sounds mad. Ninjahood couldn't have said it any better. Language and style were regional from borough to borough. In internet erased all of that. What was unique is now all over the place. Which is why you got some wack kid in Witchita Kansas talking about how ill he is. :smh:
It ain't nothing. It's just trends and cultures blending into others, what someone wears or acts doesn't make them a certain person. Are you gangsta or hood if you sag and wear bandanas? Same ****.
I think what is going on here with the younger dudes here is that they really don't have a grasp of the concept of originality. Everything was so cookie cutter by the time you guys came along. No, the ingredients those from the 80's had weren't original (shoes, clothes etc). HOWEVER, the outcome, the way they rocked it, or put their own spin on it was. Now you have hipsters looking at that and trying to make themselves seem cool and act like they first discovered a style that was already there. Hipsters are like "I wear______ this way", not realizing it was done. The purple tape example was spot on with this concept.
Way to over simplify originality...lemme guess, accordin 2 u jordan
Son, the fab 5 might have been the first to PUBLICLY wear their clothes like that on that stage can cause all that ruckus, but it doesn't point to the real originators playing streetball that those kids emulated. 

[if IE]><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="640" height="390" /><![endif]

Try again :rofl:

By laughin u do realize that u are agreeing wit my point of 90s generation

ORIGINATING that style right?

U fighting SO hard to not be wrong that u drowning in your own web of flawed argument..
I think what is going on here with the younger dudes here is that they really don't have a grasp of the concept of originality. Everything was so cookie cutter by the time you guys came along. No, the ingredients those from the 80's had weren't original (shoes, clothes etc). HOWEVER, the outcome, the way they rocked it, or put their own spin on it was. Now you have hipsters looking at that and trying to make themselves seem cool and act like they first discovered a style that was already there. Hipsters are like "I wear______ this way", not realizing it was done. The purple tape example was spot on with this concept.
This doesn't even make any sense. 

So you're original because of HOW you wore it, but they're not original in HOW they wear it?

You weren't even original when YOU adopted the stuff you did. THAT had been done before. 

A bunch of elitists exposing themselves here. 
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Way to over simplify originality...lemme guess, accordin 2 u jordan
Son, the fab 5 might have been the first to PUBLICLY wear their clothes like that on that stage can cause all that ruckus, but it doesn't point to the real originators playing streetball that those kids emulated. 

[if IE]><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="640" height="390" /><![endif]

Try again 

By laughin u do realize that u are agreeing wit my point of 90s generation

ORIGINATING that style right?

U fighting SO hard to not be wrong that u drowning in your own web of flawed argument..

Son, you said the Fab 5 started something AND THEY DIDN'T. They stole the idea from someone who stole THAT idea from someone.


You're trying so hard to prove how unique you are when you just need to admit that you CLEARLY fell in line with "hip-hop culture and clothing" more than the New England prep scene. 

You're just immune to marketing and influence, aren't you?

But let me guess, you're the OG when it comes to this. Right? Everyone else is the copy, except you? Right? 
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I think what is going on here with the younger dudes here is that they really don't have a grasp of the concept of originality. Everything was so cookie cutter by the time you guys came along. No, the ingredients those from the 80's had weren't original (shoes, clothes etc). HOWEVER, the outcome, the way they rocked it, or put their own spin on it was. Now you have hipsters looking at that and trying to make themselves seem cool and act like they first discovered a style that was already there. Hipsters are like "I wear______ this way", not realizing it was done. The purple tape example was spot on with this concept.

This doesn't even make any sense. 

So you're original because of HOW you wore it, but they're not original in HOW they wear it?

You weren't even original when YOU adopted the stuff you did. THAT had been done before. 

A bunch of elitists exposing themselves here. 

Young man, you need to read. I was going with the premise that NOTHING is original. A point that was brought up in the thread earlier and is true. I was merely stating that you can take stuff that has been around before and put a completely new spin on it and make it original and your own. Hipsters grab on to things, making it seem like it's new, but had they done their research would know their style isn't new. I see these types and shake my head all the time. Now you sound like you want to be mad and start an internet fight because you're bored. Why are you so mad? This thread was started yesterday. Let it go and back away from the keyboard. You sound backwards anyway.
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