Harvey Weinstein = Hollywood dumpster fire.

:lol: @ "drunk". Dude wasn't drunk.

Franco's accuser said she gave him oral sex in the car "because she didn't want him to hate her" and continued a consensual sexual relationship with him afterwards :nerd: **** is getting crazy...
Oh wow. Shorty got issues.

Eliza Dushku Alleges She Was Molested During Production of True Lies
“It has been indescribably exhausting,” the actress wrote, “bottling this up inside me for all of these years.”
January 13, 2018 2:58 pm
By Paul Archuleta/Getty Images
In a lengthy Facebook post on Friday night, actress Eliza Dushku accused stunt coordinator Joel Kramer of sexually molesting her on the set of True Lies when she was 12 years old, and he was 36. “I have struggled with how and when to disclose this, if ever,” she wrote. “At the time, I shared what happened to me with my parents, two adult friends and one of my older brothers. No one seemed ready to confront this taboo subject then, nor was I.”

The Buffy and Dollhouse star said Kramer, had gained her and her family’s trust over the course of the shoot, and alleged that he used it to lure her into a hotel room alone with him.

I remember, so clearly 25 years later, how Joel Kramer made me feel special, how he methodically built my and my parents’ trust, for months grooming me; exactly how he lured me to his Miami hotel room with a promise to my parent that he would take me for a swim at the stunt crew’s hotel pool and for my first sushi meal thereafter. I remember vividly how he methodically drew the shades and turned down the lights; how he cranked up the air-conditioning to what felt like freezing levels, where exactly he placed me on one of the two hotel room beds, what movie he put on the television (Coneheads); how he disappeared in the bathroom and emerged, naked, bearing nothing but a small hand towel held flimsy at his mid-section. I remember what I was wearing (my favorite white denim shorts, thankfully, secured enough for me to keep on). I remember how he laid me down on the bed, wrapped me with his gigantic writhing body, and rubbed all over me. He spoke these words: “You’re not going to sleep on me now sweetie, stop pretending you’re sleeping,” as he rubbed harder and faster against my catatonic body. When he was ‘finished’, he suggested, “I think we should be careful…,” [about telling anyone] he meant. I was 12, he was 36.

According to Dushku’s post, she said that Kramer had nicknamed her “Jailbait” on set and even jokingly used the nickname in the presence of other crew members. She also alleged that she had been injured on set after one of the adults she had told about the incident visited the production. “To be clear, over the course of those months rehearsing and filming True Lies, it was Joel Kramer who was responsible for my safety on a film that at the time broke new ground for action films,” she wrote. “Whereas he was supposed to be my protector, he was my abuser.” Dushku also wrote that she’d heard years ago that he’d been “found out” and had left the industry, learning only recently that he was still working. This year he did stunt coordination work for Blade Runner 2049 and an episode of CBS’s Star Trek: Discovery, according to IMDB.

Reached by phone Saturday, Kramer called Dushku’s allegations of sexual misconduct “atrocious lies.” Kramer told Vanity Fair that he and some of the True Lies crew had taken Dushku swimming and for a sushi dinner. He denied luring Dushku to his room, molesting her, or calling her “Jailbait.” He also said he did not recall Dushku having been injured on set, but said she could have bruised herself. “I would not want anyone to get hurt on my set, especially a minor,” he said.

Floyd forever gets my respect for being able to continuously troll these folks and they cant do a damn thing about it.


That's still ya man's tho, right?

That's still ya man's tho, right?

i aint gotta co sign everything he do to find his trolling of white America amusing.

We mad at celebrities for taking pictures with Trump because he’s a big meanie who says out of pocket **** but ****** get filled with black pride when 4:44 come on after the Carters allowed themselves to be used as pawns for Hot Sauce Hillary after she stole money from a sh*t hole country...not to mention all of the black and brown people behind bars based off policies Bill Clinton implemented but we over looked that because he used to smoke mid and could play the trumpet...same for all the other urban celebrities who endorsed her. FOH with that lesser of two evils **** thats what got us here...feeling like you gotta choose between two ****** options instead of saying **** that **** altogether. They gonna put Trump against a nicer version in 2020 and the cycle is gonna rinse and repeat until people get out of that Republicans vs. Democrat illusion of choice.

All these ****** do whats convenient for them at the time and you shouldn’t stand 100% behind what any celebrity does.
If that makes you feel better...:lol:

feel better about what? i just think its amusing he trolls white America, I'm not a TMT fan club member my *****. but if you wanna play that game let's talk about all the **** these politicians do and all the **** these celebrities endorse and flip flop on. Prime example is the subject matter of this thread and how people want to point fingers and act like **** is disgusting when it makes the public but ignore it in the meanwhile. People act like Trump is worse than Hillary because he's open about how he feels instead of keeping it behind closed doors. People are hypocritical.

Aziz next on that summer jam screen.


feel better about what? i just think its amusing he trolls white America, I'm not a TMT fan club member my *****. but if you wanna play that game let's talk about all the **** these politicians do and all the **** these celebrities endorse and flip flop on. Prime example is the subject matter of this thread and how people want to point fingers and act like **** is disgusting when it makes the public but ignore it in the meanwhile. People act like Trump is worse than Hillary because he's open about how he feels instead of keeping it behind closed doors. People are hypocritical.

Aziz next on that summer jam screen.


Damn, you sound ignorant

Anyone that could read could go look up the platforms of Trump and Clinton and see the difference.

Like even if you thought Hillary was just as a racist as Trump (which the evidence says otherwise), she needed to pass criminal justice reform, go hard on federal civil rights enforcement, trying to protect voting rights, and focus on bringing down inequality because the Democratic base demands it. She doesn't get reelected without pursuing those issues.

Kinda seems like you don't know politics and policy that much. And you are covering up that fact with this "both sides are the same steez"

Just saying
Wait did fam just imply Hilary feels the same way as Trump but hides it?


They probably share similar sentiments about brown/black people needing to be the fuel this country runs on considering what she helped Bill do in the 90's.

She didn't think a "**** hole" country was worthy of the monies they were rightfully owed either.

Judging people on how nice or mean they talk to you instead of what they actually tangibly do is allowing game to be ran on you like a naive girl in high school with a crush.
I'm just saying y'all hate Trump because he's a big meanie but ignore what these politicians actually do behind closed doors. Y'all feel like you gotta ascribe to a lesser of two evils instead of demanding the type of leader you want with no compromise.
They probably share similar sentiments about brown/black people needing to be the fuel this country runs on considering what she helped Bill do in the 90's.

She didn't think a "**** hole" country was worthy of the monies they were rightfully owed either.

Judging people on how nice or mean they talk to you instead of what they actually tangibly do is allowing game to be ran on you like a naive girl in high school with a crush.

I knew the superpredator comment was coming

-First off she didn't help Bill Clinton do anything in the 90s, Hillary was the First Lady, she back his positions of her husband, but she had no real power to move policy, she could not vote on it. At the time of discussion, her major talking points on it were the domestic violence stuff. Two years after the passing of the bill at a speech, she was asked about "rehabilitation," and she called gang members superpredators, not all black kids, gang members. She did it in a flippant way to say lock them up first then worry about them. I still find what she did was offensive given what that word implied and contexted it was used.

She was wrong even to say that. She knew the implied racial meaning of the word. She later apologized for her comments, and she had federal criminal justice reform as one of the most popular issues on her platform

Secondly, let us face some hard facts about the "Clinton Crime Bill." One, it didn't cause mass incarceration, the trends were there before, what it did (besides the sentencing guidelines and prison treatment stuff on the federal level) was give states money to beef up police forces, and build new prisons. States used that money to create a de-facto jobs program based on locking up mainly minorities, and poor whites when minorities were present. And That lead to the profit motive for plundering black bodies to rise. It was like pouring gas on the fire, but the fire was already there

The bill was saved by the Congressional Black Caucus because the GOP was looking like they would flip the House in 1994, and gain seats in the Senate. They wanted even more Draconian policy, so the Dems chose to pass the bipartisan bill instead. BTW, tough on crime policies, unfortunately, had support in the black community, a lot of support in fact. You can go read "Locking Up Our Own" or hear in more of the hard truth on that. So the crime bill was not something the Clinton's did to lash out at black American, plenty black Americans, unfortunately, supporting some of these policies, and had been supporting those policies for decades.

I mean it is somewhat understandable when you just want to raise your kid safely and send him to school, you look at stuff on the micro level. The primary threat to that seems like the gang in your community. And you forget the macro level with is the oppressive social and economic systems that you live under.

-Third, you know what was her major push in the 90s? Universal healthcare, which would have been one of the biggest civil and economic rights wins of the century and would have helped a ton of Americans, especially minorities, especially black people.

If anything tells you that Hillary is different that Trump is that Hillary would have nominated a liberal to the Supreme Court that would protect minorities Civil Rights and pushed for universal health care, Trump did the exact opposite. He appointed someone that is anti-civil rights and is actively trying to strip people of health insurance.

So like I said, you don't know politics, policy and political history enough. That is why you are saying the stuff you are saying. People have legit beefs with Hillary but many dudes just make **** up to slander about this woman.

Learn politics, civics, economics and political history. I promise the choice between Hillary and The Orange Bigot will become damn clear.

-You really think that a poor job of handling the recovery in Haiti is on the same level as Trump righting off the entire country and wanting to stop refugee and immigrants coming to America from the country. And Clinton believed in the exact opposite.

Dude, have your beefs, but let them be based on logic and a strong knowledge base.
I'm just saying y'all hate Trump because he's a big meanie but ignore what these politicians actually do behind closed doors. Y'all feel like you gotta ascribe to a lesser of two evils instead of demanding the type of leader you want with no compromise.
Again this is in your head. Come to the political thread sometime. Everyone that vote for her in the thread, have beefs with her. We just understand there are consequences to not acknowledging there is clearly a better candidate, and not taking that option.

Not perfect, but better.

Like my man @gry60 said. The biggest problem with people/voters is that they don't want good governance, they want a benevolent Santa Claus
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I'm just saying y'all hate Trump because he's a big meanie but ignore what these politicians actually do behind closed doors. Y'all feel like you gotta ascribe to a lesser of two evils instead of demanding the type of leader you want with no compromise.

You got some growing to do lor woe. You’ll learn in time.
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