H&M is under fire for racist hoodie

I think a big problem in corporations that lead to ish like this is a clear lack of diversity in upper echelon management & also dept heads. If there were more minorities in key leadership positions, you wouldn't see a lot of this. Don't get me wrong, it will still happen but I don't think it would be so prevalent as it is today.
We really gonna be naive enough to act like most the people who are outraged aren't gonna be back up in h&m by summer? People's attention spans are short. They'll forget all about the hoodie fiasco in a couple months.
the term "outraged", like plenty of other words, is overused. Those who are truly "outraged" likely won't be back. I do think that many of the people making noise about what happened want the issue to be addressed and steps taken to prevent it from happening in the future.
We'll see.

But I have noticed a trend of late, NFL being a prime example, of us actually having an impact and sticking to our word.

Few years ago I would have completely agreed with you that it would just go away and people would forget, but speaking for myself and a lot of the people I know and speak with about this, we've been pushed to the edge. A lot of us are learning that sticking to your guns in that kind of scenario can actually have an impact which only pushes us to make our voices heard in this way when these situations arise.

Of course people will go back and spend their money, but the days of doing something like this and after a month there being no further impact to your bottom line are over.

They didn't lose a customer with me because I stopped shopping there at like 24, but there are a lot of early twenty year olds out there who are coming to the same point.
The power in our pockets is REAL. H&M to shut down 170 stores after drastic drop in sales

They might be blaming something that was already planned on this goof.

The drop in sales happen in the 4th quarter too. Before the story came out

I mean it has not even been a month yet. People have short memories, and if the black shopper was that important I would think they would try to win it back before closing so many stores.

And they are expanding at the same time.

Seems like a reorganized
H&M is and always has been overpriced garbage. They're only good to go to when you need somethin last minute like a cheap dress shirt

Your statement is contradicts itself but I see what youre saying. :lol:

Overpriced? H&M has always had decently cheap pricepoints. Where do you shop where you think its over priced? :lol:
HM is overpriced? Sure the quality is **** but their stuff is pretty cheap

If you wanna call something overpriced. Look at Zara. It’s a higher end HM IMO with the same **** quality and much higher price for no reason
HM is overpriced? Sure the quality is **** but their stuff is pretty cheap

If you wanna call something overpriced. Look at Zara. It’s a higher end HM IMO with the same **** quality and much higher price for no reason

Facts. Although some of the dress shirts in Zara are fire
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