Gun toting law student schools a police officer on his rights to carry a weapon in public

Why is the same video posted on Niketalk like 8 million times and the saaaammmeee discussion happens feels like I am in a time warp
If you are a minority, the cop can be judge, jury, and executioner. Knowing your rights and all is nice, but it wont stop a bullet
I'd be more impressed if it was a minority that did this and got away with it without being arrested or shot on the spot.

That said, why provoke the cop, all your doing is giving the cop a reason to eventually give you a ticket or try and book you for the most pettiest of petty reasons somewhere down the line in a situation where 9 outta 10 times they woulda let anyone else slide.

To me there's a time to put that knowing your rights stuff to use and a time not to. If a cop is legitametely harassing you for no reason and acting like a jerk then by all means use your knowledge in that situation but in this situation all that's going to happen is that this cop is most likely going to take this out on other people he stops and act like a jerk to them for being shown up by this guy
Cop did his job. He was fine. It's not like he stopped him just because (although that's what he says). He stopped the guy because there were calls of concern about the guy. There's a difference.

Also, the student was fine to. He was just being a jackass. Open carrying is fine. The cop just asked for his ID just to make sure he wasn't a felon.

I'm sure if the student wasn't trying to just prove a point and be a jackass and showed him his ID. The cop would have just left.

There's a difference between knowing your rights and fishing for attention and being a jackass. He was asking for it.

Edit: Cop shouldn't have taken the gun though.
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I'd hate to have to be a cop and deal with *** holes like this all day​

EDIT: After watching the video, all the cop was trying to do was get son's ID to make sure dude was not a felon and that he was supposed to be carrying the gun . . . I don't see why dude thought it was necessary to make a big deal out of that​

I'm sure someone is gonna say, well why should the law student have to waste his time with that . . . well the cop says that people called in concerned about someone walking around with a gun (Rightfully so when there's a mass shooting every other week)​

Considering a weapon is supposed to be concealed, I'm pretty sure this nerd was walking around waving this gun for no reason, and likely woke up and washed his *** that morning with the sole purpose of going out, bringing attention to himself, and making this video . . .​

smh i hate people like this . . . nerdy rebels without a cause . . .​
The people saying the cop is wrong and etc would also be upset if the guy didnt give the cop his ID and he ended up being a felon and going on a murder spree.
Nobody's calling him a douchebag for knowing the law​

He's a douchebag for walking out of the house that morning with the sole intention of waving around a gun just to bait someone to call an officer, and pulling out a camera with the sole intention of trying to make the officer look dumb/victimize himself​

It's not like the officer randomly pulled him over to harass him, someone called and complained . . .​

What right was the officer violating by asking him for his ID to make sure he was supposed to have that gun. He would have had no interaction with the police officer period if he didn't presumably have it out messing around, for someone to call and complain about​

Where did it say he was Waving around a gun.. Had he done that, then they would of had a right to search him and possible detain him.. Having a gun holstered in an open carry state, and "waving a gun around" are two TOTALLY different things. I see videos like this all the time.. the guy gets his open carry license,then "randomly" is filming himself or has someone film them while they leisurely walk across a police officer just to make a video. This guy could of just recorded this for his protection, then decided to post it to youtube. Only he knows his true intentions. But with that said, he broke no laws, and I live in an open carry state, and if I am walking down the street with my gun holstered, and I get stopped because someone called the cops on me, Id be frustrated as well..
I'd hate to have to be a cop and deal with *** holes like this all day​
EDIT: After watching the video, all the cop was trying to do was get son's ID to make sure dude was not a felon and that he was supposed to be carrying the gun . . . I don't see why dude thought it was necessary to make a big deal out of that​
I'm sure someone is gonna say, well why should the law student have to waste his time with that . . . well the cop says that people called in concerned about someone walking around with a gun (Rightfully so when there's a mass shooting every other week)​
Considering a weapon is supposed to be concealed, I'm pretty sure this nerd was walking around waving this gun for no reason, and likely woke up and washed his *** that morning with the sole purpose of going out, bringing attention to himself, and making this video . . .​
smh i hate people like this . . . nerdy rebels without a cause . . .​
The people saying the cop is wrong and etc would also be upset if the guy didnt give the cop his ID and he ended up being a felon and going on a murder spree.
These videos are annoying

Dudes walking around with guns purposely to record a video
This... Dudes getting worked up asking the cops if this is "nazi Germany" and **** because the Officer is asking to see ID as the dude walks down the street with a gun on his hip...

The cops do need to be better versed in the laws however. (Regardless of how dumb the law currently is)

Basically you could be a Felon with a 9mm on your hip walking around town but as long as you aren't actually suspected of committing a crime at that time, you can just tell the cop that no they cannot have your name or check ID and keep it moving.  Does that make sense? No.

Cop: "Can I see your ID to confirm you're not a felon?"

Felon: "Do you suspect me of a crime at the current moment?"

Cop: "No."

Felon: "Then no you cannot see my ID."

Cop: "Okay you're free to go"

*Felon goes and commits armed robbery.*

Exactly . . . I'm not seeing how the kid was "harassed" . . . all cop was trying to do was make sure dude wasn't a felon . . . how would the responses be if after this video, dude went and robbed a bank or something and his gun WAS dirty?

According to NT, making sure that you are not a felon with a gun is violating our rights . . .

Lmao at Chris Dorner's name being thrown around in here

All because the cop wanted to make sure the dude wasn't a felon . . . Would be a sick twist of karma if you dudes are ever robbed/shot by someone who got away with having an illegal gun by simply reciting our "rights" back to an officer

All you need to do to walk around with an unregistered/illegal gun is be white, have a camera, memorize Wikipedia articles, and be willing to cause a scene? Word?
you guys are so.... :x ^Maybe you'd understand if a cop stopped you every day, patted you down, and referenced your id into the database.

A cop will use HIS rights just to waste your ******g time cause he doesn't like you. Lets see how fun it is if you're just trying to goto the movies, or meet your mother for dinner, and have to waste 10 minutes with your hands in a "safe" position, until the cop says its okay to move.

Who the **** is he that I have to go out of my way to prove I'm not a felon when I'm an innocent person. If you've ever been harassed or discriminated by a officer you'd understand.. but half of yall are either sheltered as **** or cruising through with white privilege.
Unless I'm mistaken, thats the guy who killed those two cops. Dude was taken out of a court room after a trial (I could e wrong here) or taken into an interrogation room, something like that. He was alone with two detectives and murdered them both. Then I believe he managed to jump out of a window and attempted to flee, but didn't get that far. When the police officers caught him... Well the picture speaks for itself. The judge didn't consider it foul play, as the man had just murdered two officers. There's a YouTube link to it if someone wants to pull it up.
Meh, if I saw someone not in a police uniform carrying around a pistol I'd call the cops.
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