Guardians of the Galaxy (Film) - 8/1/14 - Starring Chris Pratt, Dave Bautista, Zoe Saldana, Benic

The guy in a red jumpsuit that everyone wants to believe is a cape :rofl:

View media item 1153623


no clear pics yet.

Only real beta ray bill easter egg was the horse skeleton on Morag. Not Beta Ray Bill but still. Also makes no sense since Korbinites don't usually have horse skeletons
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I don't care either way for the character but when I watched it live I focused on his cage and saw dude move when they came in to the room. It was him.

Probably not gonna get a clear pic of it soon. Most likely a quality gif will come out first.
I was very late to seeing this, but in short.. might be my favorite Marvel movie yet.

From the soundtrack, to the balance of comedy and dramatic moments, to the CGI and action... it hit every note I'd want out of a comic book movie.

I need to see it again already.
I hope this isn't going to be Iron Man all over again. First film surprises everyone, and the sequels being ****.
Can't be IM. They are actually writing a script. Marvel knows they have a Star Wars competitor in the same house.

The first Star Wars did 700M and people went to the movies way more back then. That's why they don't adjust for inflation. If you do the highest box office of all time is drastically different.

Not saying Guardians will be bigger
When asked about the film, Downey stated, "Galaxy in some ways is the best Marvel movie ever. And it's odd for someone with — on occasion — an ego the size of mine to actually say that!"

Downey added: "It's like you have a great quarterback, and his brother plays for another team, and then you say: ‘Look, this is their second cousin and we think he has a great arm and he should start.' And then he goes and wins the Superbowl!"

The gawd has spoken :smokin
Can't be IM. They are actually writing a script. Marvel knows they have a Star Wars competitor in the same house.

The first Star Wars did 700M and people went to the movies way more back then. That's why they don't adjust for inflation. If you do the highest box office of all time is drastically different.

Not saying Guardians will be bigger

Movies were cheaper ticket wise back then also
I loved The Avengers, but it was honestly 40 minutes until we see our heroes in any kind of real action scene. I know they had to set up the story and bring everyone together, but it needed to be quicker. I remember thinking that in the theater and I still think about it when I rewatch it. Yeah, you had the chase scene with S.H.I.E.L.D. in the beginning, but ehh, that's not what we came to see. Obviously, they weren't going to give you the Battle of New York in the first 20 minutes, but we've already been through everyone's solo movies and at times they felt like they existed just to get us to The Avengers.

You can still establish the plot and set up the stakes but keep it more interesting. And that's what GoTG did well, quickly give you some backstory and emotional stakes, skip ahead to the present and we jump right into it with Star Lord stealing the orb.
IDK I never get the "I want action w/in 17mins of the opening credits" people. But then when you have a bunch of action and no story you complain even worse.

I enjoy the pot brewing beforehand.

Anyway I found Rocket Raccoon Concept art.

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I though the model they used was dope, even though when they first revealed him I was hoping he would look more like his comic look (like he does in the concept). But I am glad they went with a realistic raccoon look.

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But I thought the gun they used was weak. They did much better with the concept art guns
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IDK I never get the "I want action w/in 17mins of the opening credits" people. But then when you have a bunch of action and no story you complain even worse.

I enjoy the pot brewing beforehand.
Agree. I prefer character development but Michael Bay movies make kajillion dollars every summer so it isnt surprising that people want non-stop action in their summer movies.

I thought the pacing in Avengers was fine. Shrugs...
Yea I enjoyed the buildup.. Everything with cap when he first got on the helicarrier.. The build up with banner.. Hell black widow's interrogation

Stark's 'entrance'
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The guy in a red jumpsuit that everyone wants to believe is a cape :rofl:

View media item 1153623


no clear pics yet.

Only real beta ray bill easter egg was the horse skeleton on Morag. Not Beta Ray Bill but still. Also makes no sense since Korbinites don't usually have horse skeletons

I have the art book for this and after seeing it much clearer, it's actually a red "prison" suit. Not a cape.
With the success of GOTG and the Chitauri, Dark Elves, 9 Realms, etc. already making Marvel appearances. I like how this graphic illustrates what we've seen and what may still be coming in the MCU.

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An accidental win for Marvel. It's just this easy for them

I took my little brother (who falls on the autism spectrum) to see Guardians of the Galaxy and after this scene he lit up like a Christmas tree and screamed “He’s like me! He can’t do metaphors!” And for the rest of the film my brother stared at Drax in a state of rapture.

So for the last 6 days I have heard my brother repeatedly quote all of the Drax lines from the movie verbatim (one of his talents), begin studying vocabulary test words, and tell everyone he knows that people with autism can also be superheroes.

Now I am not saying that Drax the Destroyer is, or was ever, intended to be autistic. All I am saying is that it warmed my heart to see my brother have an opportunity to identify himself with a character known for his strength, badassness, and honor. And that is pretty damn awesome.

So while I adored Guardians of the Galaxy as a great fun loving film with cool characters I can do nothing but thank Marvel Studios and Dave Bautista for finally bringing a superhero to the screen that my little brother can relate to.
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Finally saw the movie today.

It was decent. Dialogue got real corny at times (I've noticed this trend in superhero movies where every line has to be a hilarious one-liner), but overall story, special effects, and action were great.

People saying it was better than Avengers though

Best part of the movie was Thanos by far.

This dude had the VILLAIN, who was no joke himself, just absolutely SHAKING with fear, son! I really don't know how the Avengers are going to deal with homie unless they join up with some cosmic-level heroes, stat. Quicksilver, Falcon, and Scarlet Witch ain't finna do **** to Thanos

Also didn't expect the Nova Corps to play such a major role, but I think this means that the actual superhero called Nova (Richard Rider) won't make an appearance? Doesn't he have his powers because the rest of the Nova Corps is dead?

And since the Kree are an official species here, what about the Skrulls? Why were they warring with Xandar and not the Skrulls? Or were the Skrulls the Chitauri from Avengers a la Ultimate Marvel? Lots of fleshing out to do in this universe. I hope some more cosmic-level Marvel characters get their own feature films.

I didn't think it was a fantastic masterpiece like a lot of people seem to, but it was certainly enjoyable and worth making a sequel
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