Wasn't just Horford. EVERYBODY was hittin shots.

even though Tatum had a bad game, everyone else stepped up with at least 5 threes made... smh
Wake up call. Adjustments must be made because evidently the game-plan and execution both feel short tonight. It just felt like we didn't play consistently polished on offense and got lazy on defense, especially on the perimeter.
Warriors arguably played better basketball up until the 4th qtr and the anomaly of threes Celtics strung. I highly doubt that happens again, but they’ll have to prepare for the possibility.

It’s gut wrenching to see a great game slip away, but they can’t be a prisoner to this anomaly. Hoping Poole can get his party going, tbh I haven’t seen him since the Denver series.
- Andre making those ridiculous TOs.
- Warriors being forced into playing ISO ball and shooting up contested 3s.
- Warriors allowing the Celtics and Horford to go off.

Like many have said, adjustments will be made for Game 2.
  1. limit Andre's minutes and give GP2 burn. Andre looks really rusty. Dude has played only 9 games since January and we expect him to be in-sync with the team? Nah.
  2. Poole was king of suck balls. Put him in on situational matchups.
  3. Let Steph play 40 plus minutes the rest of this series.
  4. Defend the 3 better. The W's have not done well defending the 3 during the postseason.
Tough loss, but the W's will be fine.

Warriors in 6.
that 3 ball has definitely been the doom of them for most of these losses in the Offs so far. Just gotta be sharper on rotations.

Celtics aint get here on thoughts and prayers. This is a crazy good squad very similar to the Dubs first chip. A young team that has the correct veterans sprinkled in with a 1st year coach that is coaching his *** off.
My friend is blaming Mike brown for this. LOL

he was like... 'brown gotta sit at least two seats away from Kerr'.... :rofl::rofl:
Prior to last night, the Warriors have been the best 4th quarter team in the entire playoffs, and the Celtics have been one of the worst. What happened in the 4th last night wont happen again. Not saying we wont have trouble, but it wont be like last night. You can bet on that.
i want to see dray on jaylen brown at times. klay cannot keep up with JB. have klay guard horford. the risk is dray getting in foul trouble but horford is shooting 45% from three all playoffs, his shots falling last nite aren’t a fluke
JB putting Klay in a blender. I like Klay on Horford as well with Dray putting in work on JB. If GPii can even get run him on JB will be good. But can GPii even shoot?
looks like the lights are too bright for Poole. he trying to do too much and force it. won't let the game come to him....

right now he's doing more harm than good.....

edit: where's the Nike finals gear at?!?!?!
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