Graphic Designers of NT, Come Hither.

^^^^Wait, you did that Johnny Cupcakes flier? That's a good ode to him. Looks legit.

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Fongstar - Just wanted to say I am blown away by your work. I wish I could do that kind of stuff.

Thanks yo. Appreciate the compliment.

Originally Posted by th3kid

Nahh. I'm a freshman at a community college now just to get my grades up. But I know I wanna get into design. I was gonna go to a more expensive arts school in my area, but if I can learn enough before the fall semester next year, I can just go to a different school for something else I wanna go school for, like business. 

You can always double major too (if that is something you can or want to do). I know people that majored in design and business/marketing. I thought those went hand in hand well.
I start my graphic design/web design classes in the fall semester, currently doing business. I would like to know where I can start building my skills I really don't have any to be honest. I know they say practice makes perfect but if you could point me in the right direction I would appreciate it. My drawing skills are above average I would say, still would like to get better, planing on drawing something everyday for at least 30 minutes. I guess what I'm asking is any good online places to learn web design and how to build a site. Would love to be able to make the website in my sig look kick %@*.

thanks in advance guys.
This thread is pretty cool. To those that are using this what kind hardware And software yall rocking with?
Some stuff I did
Business cards



Wine bottle



I'll post more later
really depends on what you need to achieve. the adobe creative suite, any of the apps in there are pretty much the industry standard.
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