Started my MBA journey at UVA last week


And there's a picture of my daughter lol


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Congrats! Im not gonna lie I was a little nervous about the workload/difficulty/price of Darden so I didnt apply. But they are so well recognized


The price tag is nuts. Fortunately for me, I was in the military and I have 100% of my GI bill so Darden is completely free for me (I actually end up turning a profit because I get a housing allowance each month we have classes). The cost is why I chose UVA over Duke (despite the fact that I like Duke a little bit better)

Also, I'm doing the executive program, not the full-time program. アミーゴ アミーゴ made a lot of good points in regards to going full-time versus part-time but I can't afford to take 2 years off of work in my 30s, especially now that I have a kid.

Career services at Darden has been awesome so far so hopefully I'll be able to make the career transition I'm hoping for. If not, it didn't cost me anything financially 🤷🏿‍♂️
atlsfinest atlsfinest Congrats on starting your MBA journey!

You'll love the curriculum over at Darden--A lot of case studies. Any reason why you elected not to go for the JD/MBA program?

I went to HBS for my MBA, and a lot of the lecturers we had jumped shipped, was poached by UVA 🤣
I'm looking to start a MBA program in spring and still need to complete my letter of intent and letter of recommendation. Been slacking on staying on track of my professional goals.
First three classes started off strong, all As. Next three classes procrastination started creeping in but still managed to get all A minuses. Currently taking a micro econ course. Doing solid but need to manage my time better and get the readings done. 4.0 GPA is out of the picture but I can still finish with straight As at least. A personal goal of mine to make up for a terrible undergrad academic career.

I'll be done December 2022 barring any unforeseen circumstances.
My employer is offering to cover up to a certain amount of a Part-Time or Online MBA, something like up to $25K a year with no clawback.

Thing is, I don’t really think I need it. I have a pretty solid network in my industry, I’m a Top 1% earner in the US, and I’m not really sure where I’ll be geographically 6-12 months from now.

I was thinking of finding an online MBA program if I wanted to move forward. I guess my only motivation to get it would be to makeup for my undergrad credentials. I went to an large, unranked state school and didn’t have the best GPA. Nothing awful, but far from what most of my peers had.
My employer is offering to cover up to a certain amount of a Part-Time or Online MBA, something like up to $25K a year with no clawback.

Thing is, I don’t really think I need it. I have a pretty solid network in my industry, I’m a Top 1% earner in the US, and I’m not really sure where I’ll be geographically 6-12 months from now.

I was thinking of finding an online MBA program if I wanted to move forward. I guess my only motivation to get it would be to makeup for my undergrad credentials. I went to an large, unranked state school and didn’t have the best GPA. Nothing awful, but far from what most of my peers had.

I would only get an MBA if you can go to a top 10 part-time/executive program. Even if it's free, there's no point in getting an online degree from University of Phoenix. If you want to learn econ, decision analysis, finance, etc there are tons of free resources out there. This is especially so when your case because you're already making good money. An MBA from Grand Canyon University isn't going to help you at all.
I would only get an MBA if you can go to a top 10 part-time/executive program. Even if it's free, there's no point in getting an online degree from University of Phoenix. If you want to learn econ, decision analysis, finance, etc there are tons of free resources out there. This is especially so when your case because you're already making good money. An MBA from Grand Canyon University isn't going to help you at all.

Yep that’s a given. I’m in finance and majored in Business Econ + Math so I have the skill set.

I’ve only been looking into reputable programs at solid schools and trying to figure out what works from a cost standpoint. I took the GMAT a couple years back and got a 740 so my overall profile is competitive. 5 years of work experience.
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Yep that’s a given. I’m in finance and majored in Business Econ + Math so I have the skill set.

I’ve only been looking into reputable programs at solid schools and trying to figure out what works from a cost standpoint. I took the GMAT a couple years back and got a 740 so my overall profile is competitive. 5 years of work experience.

With a GMAT score like that I'd look at an M7 full-time program. Assuming your GMAT is decent (or you can explain your lower GMAT) you have a very good shot at a top school.
Any graduates or experiences with a Doctorate of Business Administration (DBA)? Insight on how it’s impacted your career?

Figuring out what’s next after the MBA. Part of me wants the DBA just to say I’ve done everything I could in academia. And a specialization in Management Info Systems aligns with my professional interests. I’d be the first in my fam with a terminal degree. I do see myself eventually pursuing a c-suite position or being an independent consultant. While it’d mostly be for personal satisfaction, I need to make sure the ROI is somewhat there if I’m paying 60k+…
Any graduates or experiences with a Doctorate of Business Administration (DBA)? Insight on how it’s impacted your career?

Figuring out what’s next after the MBA. Part of me wants the DBA just to say I’ve done everything I could in academia. And a specialization in Management Info Systems aligns with my professional interests. I’d be the first in my fam with a terminal degree. I do see myself eventually pursuing a c-suite position or being an independent consultant. While it’d mostly be for personal satisfaction, I need to make sure the ROI is somewhat there if I’m paying 60k+…
DBA is unnecessary.
Appreciate the feedback. I plan to reach out to some graduates to get their take. A doctorate is far from necessary for my professional aspirations. It would mostly be for personal gratification if I’m being honest with myself. Though I can also think of a dozen other gratifying things to do with 50-60k in would-be tuition payments :lol:

Just a passing thought. Not seeing the ROI unless somebody paid for it. And definitely in no rush to commit to another 3+ years of postgrad work.
O yea i forgot to mention:

Our MBA cohort was supposed to have an international trip to Scandinavia this summer - they do it every year. Visiting businesses like Lego, Maersk, etc. I was hoping we’d be out of the COVID weeds by then, but sounds like the trip is cancelled. Theyre proposing a domestic trip (Seattle) instead

Just extrmely disappointed i didnt get this opportunity, have not traveled internationally and thought it would have been an awesome experience for the cohort and I.
Funny I’m in a supply chain class now and doing a case analysis involving Maersk as I type this :lol:

My cohort is going to Portugal in a couple weeks. I passed though it does sound like a great time. Had a bad experience recently with international travel during COVID and want to save my PTO for a honeymoon eventually.
Funny I’m in a supply chain class now and doing a case analysis involving Maersk as I type this :lol:

My cohort is going to Portugal in a couple weeks. I passed though it does sound like a great time. Had a bad experience recently with international travel during COVID and want to save my PTO for a honeymoon eventually.
I cant believe the university is allowing yall to go. Thats dope, a dude i know is out there right now loving it
Funny I’m in a supply chain class now and doing a case analysis involving Maersk as I type this :lol:

My cohort is going to Portugal in a couple weeks. I passed though it does sound like a great time. Had a bad experience recently with international travel during COVID and want to save my PTO for a honeymoon eventually.

Where are you guys getting your MBA’s? CrownRoyalDaddy CrownRoyalDaddy s0lefunk s0lefunk
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