Got a new puppy *PICS*

Originally Posted by RottenPieces

I like his name, Matador
We had 3 names to choose from.


I have been dying to name a dog Megatron for the longest time. I almost got my girl to agree to it
So I named him Matador and she met me half way so the dogs name is, MatadorOmega

-The Juice

OrenthalJames wrote:

Originally Posted by aceofjays

Lil dude is cute as $#!t! How big do they get? Me and my girl are looking to get a pup, something small and apartment friendly.
Males get about 15-20lbs, females are smaller of course.

Thunderchunk6 Why are you trying to ruin my thread bro?

Also THOSE ARE NOT MY JORDAN 3's! That was just some dude on the street who wanted to pet him. I was rocking Goadomes

-The Juice

my mini schnauzer is over 20...upwards of 25 lbs. i think

don't know for certain that she's pure bred which may have something to do w/ that if she isn't

however, she's not fat...just a big girl

we measure out all of her meals

good dog for an apartment though...even litter trained her

juice, hope you dried her ears out well or put cotton balls in them when you washed him...they get infected easily if they get wet inside
Such a cute dog. I'd be scared as hell too if I was taken away from my mom at such a young age. He'll get used to his new surroundings in no time. Besure to care of him well.
Oh damn I glanced at the pic sorry. Schnauzers are good dogs though. My mom REALLY wanted one but the cost is
on some.
Originally Posted by OrenthalJames

The first night with the lil guy has been HELL! My girl and I have only gotten about 3 hours of sleep. He is so shy/scared of everything, and he whines when you walk away from him. The reason we didn't get that much sleep is because, he fell asleep on the floor wrapped up in his blanket, and I put him in his cage, and once he woke up and found out he was in a cage, he went nuts. Crying, whining, and barking for about an hour or so.
Still love the lil guy.
same thing happened when i first got my puggle. kinda heartbreaking
. think i slept on the couch that night
Originally Posted by DiPlOMaT007

cute pup , will his shedding be bad ?
From what I read the shedding is very minimal, because they technically have "hair". I have a yellow Lab (now with my parents) and thereis NOTHING worse than a Lab shedding.


The lil guy has been
today. He finally knows his name, and he has onlygone to the bathroom in the house once I believe. He starting to learn swag, but he is still a little skeptical about his cage though.

-The Juice
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