Giants @ The Chicago Bears Vol. E. Manning vs Grossman - :sickface

How was that not a safety?
my point exactly

hes a D-back... big deal... lol at refs letting the bears challange the play AFTER the next play was done with and no whistles blown:rofl:
The refs already on that bullish
How was that not a safety!? And how do you get a challenge after the play was run? WTH!?

Whats really good with the refs ?

Just keep the ball out of Elis and Hesters hands we'll win.
Um.....what kind of b.s. call is that? You allow a challenge after the next play was run already?

Officiating is very suspect in a lot of NFL games the past few seasons.
Originally Posted by chino905

the bears are cheaters for real

So wait your calling the Bears cheaters when it's clearly the refs fault.

You still get the TD anyways.
People are worried about another collapse and what not?

This team is always injury depleted during the second half of the season, and this year is no different. There is no deep threat with Toomer slower than ever,and Plax with the injured left knee and right ankle. You can't blame Manning for everything, he's basically your above average QB.

With that said, they can still win 10 games this season, and the Lions have an even tougher schedule than the Giants, so it would take a lot of horrendousgames for the Giants to simply blow another playoff berth.
Damn...a 14 point swing...the G-Men almost got robbed...

Where's that one dude who post alla time?

"Moss woulda caught that, easy...Hester sucks"
Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx


1. That was a safety.

2. The challenge flag was thrown in after the snap.

the challange was certainly garbage.

but no way that grossman sack is ever called a safety, he was wrapped up at the 1
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