Giants @ The Chicago Bears Vol. E. Manning vs Grossman - :sickface

that was fast.

Damn it I knew I should of picked up D.Clark this week.
damn, Giants D made rex look like Tom Brady right there

that is a preview of the Pats for Giants fans... just drivin down the field easy
Why couldn't Adrian Peterson start over Cedric Benson? Did they have to start #32 due to where he got drafted? I mean it would be unpresendented for a pickas high as benson not to be the starting RB right? Peterson can ball. I remember a run he ripped off at GSU back in the day where he was doing a ridiculousamount of trucking and breaking tackles on his way to a score. To keep things balanced in the WC race, I hope the G-Men lose
Wow, i know the bears have had a rough season so far, but that possession made Grossman look like an allstar...

Great hurry up offence. Definately the only reason why they were able to score that drive.
Why couldn't Adrian Peterson start over Cedric Benson? Did they have to start #32 due to where he got drafted? I mean it would be unpresendented for a pick as high as benson not to be the starting RB right? Peterson can ball. I remember a run he ripped off at GSU back in the day where he was doing a ridiculous amount of trucking and breaking tackles on his way to a score. To keep things balanced in the WC race, I hope the G-Men lose
Of course that is why, Benson has never shown anything to be worthy of the starting job except his draft spot.

Troy Aikmen had the nerve to say "obviously he (Adrian Peterson) doesnt have the talent of a Cedric Benson"
Benson aint got no damn talent dude runs into the line and falls over No vision no speed noburst nothing
Troy Aikmen had the nerve to say "obviously he (Adrian Peterson) doesnt have the talent of a Cedric Benson"

LOL...that is why I typed what I did....I have a feeling the Bears offense will respond better to Peterson in the backfield rather than Benson.
Although hester dropped that bomb.. you have got to get him more reps he can do that whenever
damn... that was horrible

i agree with henz0, let him practice that more and he will be dangerous
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