yeah's the same 'ol story.

hopefully jt3 can get things turned around with a quickness
III was quoted saying the ball was supposed to go to Monroe more, but it didn't happen and the 3's were not part of the plan late.

that is at least good to surprise he understands..

but the DaJuan's and Chris' need to understand that.

This probably was not visible on TV. But Monroe was SOOOO upset at the end of the game, he walked off the court without even going near the standard post game greeting line. Walked off the court.. straight to the locker room... alone.
And we need more of this. From everyone.
pathetic from the coaching staff to the players. i was hoping the WVU game would be the wake up call but its obviously wasn't. when is JT3 gonna learn howto draw up a inbounds play? how bout a play after a time out? i'm not gonna put this all on JT3 but he has to be held accountable when a team continues tooverlook an extremely talented player in monroe. why hoist up 21 3-pters and make only 3 when you got monroe down low? sure the players are playing the gameand the coach isn't the one shooting the 3s but there comes a point where a coach needs to put his foot down and says either the big man gets the ball orsomeone drives it to the bucket, NO 3s. seton hall did just that. they started the game something like 0-11 on 3s, and shot only 2 more after the half. thatssmart coaching and a smart team. why we couldn't do that today and against WVU is beyond me.
Originally Posted by allen3xis

Originally Posted by Kis Open Doors



overrated from what?

playing the #1 schedule?

having 8 freshmen and sophomores?

look at post 1 to see the expectations...
Nah from losing to Seton Hall
From the person who knows all..


This is easily the most selfish team I have ever seen(college or pro). I have seen pro teams that do not talk to each other on or off the court. Heck I have seen a player call his travel agent at halftime of game to book a mini vacation, but this crap is ridiculous. It was a red-flag at the beginning of the cuse game when Wright looked Sapp off for a layup and took it himself. These guys have taken "GET MINE" to a new low.

Sapp. I have to give Jessie a lot of credit. He has handled the adversity and shown the character we all know he always has. Instead of sulking, he has picked his head up and played his butt off. He is not worrying about shots or being the "man", he is hustling and doing everything he can to play winning basketball. This bolds well for Jessie's future in life, regardless of whether or not he plays basketball anywhere after college.

Wright. DAYUUUM! Are you serious. I am almost at a loss for words. but how could a 19 year old sophomore have peaked during the uconn game. He has been horrendous since that game. There is nothing worse than a PG that does not try and make his teammates better. He is all about self right now. He refuses to run the offense, does not want to make the correct basketball play, and probably has the most porous defense of any PG in the Big East.

Summers. DAYUUUM! I hate when my scouting buddies are correct. But they all said that the true test for Summers will be after he has had a little success. They all believe that he is a streaky player, and wanted to see if he could play at a consistently high level. I got two text from scouts after watching Summers the last two games after the dook game. The first text read: Summers = poormans Donte Green (who is already in the NBDL). The other text read Summers: told you so. Meaning that the book on Summers in front offices is that he is one dimensional. He just looks to score, but is not even good at doing that. I posted last week that he needs to focus on becoming a complete basketball player for a reason. He can't handle the ball, does not defend well, does not pass well, and his lack of defensive rebounding his first three years is troubling.

These guys need to stop worrying about the NBA, and focus on becoming the best college players they can be. Unless a player is a special talent which these guys are NOT, the league wants winners.

Monroe. I luv the fight and refuse to lose attitude he has. He does everything to play winning basketball, but right now his teammates don't have a clue. He still has a lot of things to work on, and he will be able to address those things spring/summer. But in the meantime he just has to focus on finishing stronger around the basket and playing through the adversity.

For those people actually dumb enough to think that JT3 is not coaching defensive fundamentals, rebounding fundamentals, and preaching to run the system... get a clue. The reason Clark and Wattad were the backcourt at the end the dook and wvu games, was because other guys went rogue. Funny how people get all worked about when a few trolls come on the board and start with the usual "its the system/recruiting BS." Lets see JT3's track record in 8 years of coaching: 5 conference championships(3 Ivy, 2 BE). Final Four, Sweet 16. I am not a stats guy, but I would venture to guess that over the last 3 years in the months of Feb/March JT3 probably has one of the highest winning percentages of any major conference coach in the country...

Coach Robinson just took Oregon State into Cal and won, while Northwestern went into Mich State and won. Both teams run the same system as Gtown with much less talent, yet they won. Why, because the players ran the "system".

Very disheartening.
Originally Posted by allen3xis

Coach Robinson just took Oregon State into Cal and won, while Northwestern went into Mich State and won. Both teams run the same system as Gtown with much less talent, yet they won. Why, because the players ran the "system".

who wrote all this stuff?

i understand the system should not bear all the blame. it did get us a final four and a sweet sixteen. when was the last time a team won the tourney runningthis system? maybe i don't follow college basketball enough, but i can't remember one team running a similar offense and winning it all. in my opinionthe system worked well when we had less athletic players. now with the type of team we have we need a more free flowing, open offense. sure, the players shouldtrust the system since it has had success, but you can't blame them for being frustrated with a system that overlooks their natural talents.

after reading that post, i'm not sure who to side with, the players or the coach. i will say this, if their really is a "get mine" attitude onthe team, then i'm all for jt3 benching people.

one last comment, where was sims against seton hall???
I'm completely on III's side...

If anyone wants to play for themselves, by all means...leave.

This system has been tweaked and is not 100% Princeton slow it down offense...he tweaked it at Princeton and didn't leave those fans to happy by doing so.

He can adapt it to talents, but the kids have to buy in and no matter how he adjusts it will NEVER be suited for selfish play.

"We - coming down the stretch there - we wanted to see if we could get it inside or see if we could penetrate and get to the basket," Thompson said. "You've heard me say it before: We have good shooters, guys who can make shots. The last two minutes there, and I don't know exactly how many, I think all we took was threes and that was not the plan."

Asked to elaborate on what he said to his team about getting Monroe the ball, Thompson said, "We probably don't want to discuss that right now. As I said [to] the first question, we wanted to get the ball inside and it just didn't happen."

Jeff Green 'got it'...Greg Monroe 'gets it'....and their success speaks volumes.

who wrote all this stuff?
anonymous, but the guy is tied in with the program really well.
Originally Posted by allen3xis

one last comment, where was sims against seton hall???
that I can get on III about...Sims needs to develop. On the floor.
seriously, if no one else wants to play. let monroe and sims work off each other. let sims develop with a monroe security blanket. is sims the newmacklin? lets hope not.
I really expected them to be the best in the BE this year. I know you lost Hibbert, but Monroe has done his part to fill that void, IMO.

G'Town has the talent to turn it around, and there's still a lot of time to do it. If they don't come out fired up Wed. I'll be very surprised.
^ at this point nothing would surprise me. you'd think they would have been fired up after the wvu loss and would have really stuck it to seton hall.
my status on facebook is "Pass Greg the God damn Ball"

get a pop up from Omar saying I agree

. SMH.

I don't know what the fire is, but there sure is hell is smoke.
Originally Posted by allen3xis

my status on facebook is "Pass Greg the God damn Ball"

get a pop up from Omar saying I agree

. SMH.

I don't know what the fire is, but there sure is hell is smoke.
that's not a bad idea...hopefully they all see it
"Obviously, when you lose Jonathan Wallace, you're going to see a difference," Thompson said yesterday. "But more important, this group still needs to understand and learn what threes are good threes, and what threes are not."

Instead of pounding the ball to Monroe, the Hoyas ended the game by launching errant 3-pointers on each of their final four possessions, defying logic and Thompson's rather specific instructions.

What did Thompson say to his players during timeouts after each repeated offense?

"I probably don't want to discuss that right now," Thompson said.

"One of the main things we focused on the last couple of days was making the extra pass and trusting eachother."

Team assists leader Chris Wright has managed just three assists against six turnovers since a heated exchange with senior guardJessie Sapp late in the first half of a loss at Duke. Coincidence?

"I think so," Thompson said. "Those two just bumped into one another on a play, and they were bothfired up in the heat of the moment. It happens. It was nothing out of the ordinary. Chris is like most of the guys onour team: He's still learning to deal with the highs and lows of a full season in the Big East. He puts a lot of pressure on himself to play well at bothends of the floor.
"And when things don't go well, as they can't for a full season, he has a tendency to turn inward. We haven'tbeen sharing the ball, but I think it's been because we've been playing tight, not because we're a selfish team."

"Look, I'm a realist, and I know we've dug a little hole for ourselves," Thompson said. "But I'm nowhere close to giving up on thisgroup. I know how good they can be. And I know we're going to getthere."

School is Cancelled today..I wonder when they will re-schedule the game
Im kinda salty tho I wanted to see Monroe and Summers
I was going to ask, it is terrible around here in Cincy, is the game still on? It will only be students there that can walk, haha

I been in China for the last month, last I saw, the hoyas got pounded in the 2nd half by Pitt...i come back to the states and they have like 6 losses. Whathappened? Who's been slacking?
Originally Posted by EB4President


I been in China for the last month, last I saw, the hoyas got pounded in the 2nd half by Pitt...i come back to the states and they have like 6 losses. What happened? Who's been slacking?
no reobounding, no team play, shooting to many threes, monroe not getting the ball. that more or less covers it. everyone has been slacking jt3down to hollis. it hasn't been good.

i like what jt3 said. i hope theres a game tonight, i want to see if he finally got through to these guys.
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