Gator snatches 2 y/o at Disney Resort #FLLiving

Innocent animals are getting killed to make a family feel better.

Living beings are getting KILLED.

How is that cool and acceptable?

But yall are talking about PRAYING for folks?

Yea, makes sense. Endorse senseless violence and then tell others they need Jesus
"Living beings"...they're not killing dogs, cats, birds or chimps. They're killing overgrown, overpopulated dangerous lizards. WHO CARES?
Honestly I wouldn't want my half eaten child remains, but too each his own.

Yeah. If parents are so adamant about having a mess of a corpse to bury. Have em pay for the resources or do it themselves. It's so common to have people negligent AF and we are all supposed to blindly look past it, without question.
The child is dead and it's a horrible situation anyway you look at it. When do we start holding the parents accountable for their actions?

The point was why are we killing the gators TO retrieve an eaten up body.

Follow along dude

Correct. If there is another sentient being witnessing all these stories day in, day out, we'd look like complete idiots for the way we act.
The parents absolutely deserve closure. It's a HORRIBLE situation.

That being said, I don't agree with the measures they're taking to find the remains. I get that it needs to be done, but it just doesn't sit well with me.
"Living beings"...they're not killing dogs, cats, birds or chimps. They're killing overgrown, overpopulated dangerous lizards. WHO CARES?
Why are cats, dogs, and birds less deserving of mass killings than Gators?

Because they are OUR pets? (Goes back to my idea of human arrogance).

Since WE don't have emotional attachments to gators, it is cool. Kill them.
The real questions are

Is DC male or female

is it a basketball player or a wrestler

which site consumes more of its time nt or operation sports

will it ever have a kid or atleast a significant other to not respond so black and white

will it ever give 2ks myplayer a chance??
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Thats YOUR point, thats not the subject me and filthy are discussing. Why is that so hard for you to understand?
Seems like you are the one that doesn't understand.

The person you are "arguing" with just said it.
Correct. If there is another sentient being witnessing all these stories day in, day out, we'd look like complete idiots for the way we act.
At the end of the day, I won't lose sleep over the loss of a few gators.

If we are going to argue the compassion level of humans vs. animals, I find as if people are more upset for (say) an innocent dog or cat that is killed because they offer a sense of 'friendship' to a person/home. What is an alligator offering us?
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The real questions are

Is DC male or female

is it a basketball player or a wrestler

which site consumes more of ITS time nt or operation sports

will it ever have a kid or atleast a significant other to not respond so black and white

will it ever give 2ks myplayer a chance??
Yes and No to all questions.
At the end of the day, I won't lose sleep over the loss of a few gators.

If we are going to argue the compassion level of humans vs. animals, I find as if people are more upset for (say) an innocent dog or cat that is killed because they offer a sense of 'friendship' to a person/home. What is an alligator offering us?
The point is why does it have to offer us ANYTHING for us to respect their existence? 

Again, human arrogance
Alligator digestion is sped up because their stomach acid has to quickly putrefy the prey's bones or else it can kill the animal. Dudes are arguing that retrieving the body should be given added importance, when in reality... There will not be much to retrieve at this point. The closure you all think these people want is closure I doubt they'll ever get. The kid was eaten, fam. I can't imaging wanting the image of whatever's left of him being burned into anyone's memory as the wild life folks cut the animal's organs open and pull out whatever ligaments "remain".
Why are cats, dogs, and birds less deserving of mass killings than Gators?

Because they are OUR pets? (Goes back to my idea of human arrogance).

Since WE don't have emotional attachments to gators, it is cool. Kill them.
Those animals I mentioned have feelings and can show affection like humans do. They're similar to us in that regard.

Gators?... :lol:
Those animals I mentioned have feelings and can show affection like humans do. They're similar to us in that regard.

How do you know Gators don't have feelings?

Think about what you are saying man
If I get eaten by a gator somebody better damn well get my remains out of there. Getting crapped out of an alligator butthole doesn't sit well with me.
At the end of the day, I won't lose sleep over the loss of a few gators.

If we are going to argue the compassion level of humans vs. animals, I find as if people are more upset for (say) an innocent dog or cat that is killed because they offer a sense of 'friendship' to a person/home. What is an alligator offering us?
The point is why does it have to offer us ANYTHING for us to respect their existence? 

Again, human arrogance

Probably the first time in a while I agree with DC.
People.....we are talking about a child's remains. It doesn't matter if they're bones by now, it's still their child to be buried and let the fam have closure.

You really feel bad for a bunch of unfeeling cold blooded overgrown overpopulated gators? Florida has plenty more so don't worry. Can't believe you value animals over humans.
Yes I feel bad for living beings being cut open (killed) without probable cause. Why shouldn't I?

Let me use your same logic against you.

The world has plenty of humans. There are 360K humans born every day, you really feel like retrieving the "remains" of a dead baby is worth taking other lives?

I don't see ANY consistency in that logic

Wouldn't the remains of a child be probable cause.

You have a gator that will attack humans. That gator needs to be found a dealt with.

Not to mention retails on rare occasions will regurgitate their food to attract other prey or if they cant digest it. the last thing we want is bits of a child turning up in the Florida swamp.
I seriously wonder if the people that care so much about gorillas and alligators truly care or are just those people that dont like a good artist cause theyre "too mainstream" / want attention / think it makes them look smart
Smh how in the world you let your kid get eaten by a gator at Disney World? Like did y'all come there to feedhim to it?
They were there first though.

You sound a little Columbusy with that type of a statement man.

We kill their habitats with housing/businesses, then we say there are too many of them?

Come on Waves

First thing- use your brain lil momma. Alligators been around forever and they aint going anywhere.

Second thing- dont ever call me waves. My name is wavy daddy.

If yall dudes are feelin sad for some alligators yall are some soft cats man. Its not like they are killin all the neighborhood dogs or a animal that is never a real threat to humans.
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