Gator snatches 2 y/o at Disney Resort #FLLiving

Spending my whole life in FL, I never liked going swimming or doing anything near fresh water bodies. Even when I would visit my friends lake house in the middle of the state, I would be freaked out swimming because of snakes/gators that move through the lakes. I don't have a problem swimming in the ocean as long as it's not dark out. Even the fish from our fresh water bodies taste like crap.

My current landlord has lost 3 dogs to alligators over 15 years, and one of the dogs he has now has scars from being bit from a gator. We live in a more rural area compared to what's around us, and there's a lot of canals and lakes surrounding us. There's a 1.5 mile dirt road to get to our place from the closest main road, so it's way more untouched than the rest of the area. There is tons of wildlife: deer, otters, boar, snakes, Hawks, parrots, all different types of Everglade birds, armadillos, raccoons, possums, fish, gators... I love it, but it comes with its downfalls. I wouldn't even consider going in the canals here due to them being really dirty/toxic and also filled with all sorts of biological life. On my way out to the store yesterday, just on the dirt road I saw a baby alligator (3-4ft), snapping turtle, blue heron, and a corn snake.

Summer is a dangerous time since all biological processes are happening more rapidly (I.e. Breeding). Mosquitos are abundant, gators everywhere, etc. Thats horrible what happened to the kid. I can't imagine how the parents feel. It sucks because I'm sure they didn't know any better being from out of the state (maybe they didn't see the no swim signs?). But if I raise my kids in FL you can bet I will not be taking them to any fresh water bodies to enjoy a swim. Salt>fresh
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As a Florida resident, it's definitely only the pool or the beach. No lagoons, canals or lakes. Take it as a pro tip if you guys ever come down here.
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Which is more aggressive? And can you train any of them?

Salties were said to be more aggressive, at least according to this article...

...and as far as training Salties, im assuming they can be somewhat trained, at least in captivity and when food is involved, as noted below...



If dudes like this were to get eaten alive I wouldn't have a single ounce of sympathy. :lol:
The second dude could've been food any second 
Authorities Search for Boy Dragged Into Water by Gator. ... to the Magic Kingdwom waited to hear news of efforts to find the child. ... He said the alligators will be cut open and their remains examined after they are euthanized.
See man..............SMH

Are we looking for moral victories now? No disrespect to that family but that child is probably digested at this point right? So why do this?
I mean, just say if they find which Gator ate the boy. Then what? The gator is already dead, so there is no way to get "revenge." The boy's body is GONE, so there is no way to have a traditional funeral. What are we really trying to do here man

No swimming signs.. nobody else playing in the water there.. cmon famb.

Can someone with a 2 year old please tell me if they would be caught in this situation? Honestly.

Because if you're staying at Disney Restort, ISN'T THERE A POOL YALL COULD'VE BEEN IN INSTEAD?! :x
Just read they have already killed four gators that showed no signs of eating a child.

I wonder when the #justiceforgators protests will begin.
My 4 year old not even allowed to let my hand go inside indoor water parks. Me and my girl was at paradise island in the bahamas and didn't go past the point where the water was at your calf and that's clear water. Point being I'm scared as hell what's inside bodies of water, I'm in their territory so I don't take no chances.
See man..............SMH

Are we looking for moral victories now? No disrespect to that family but that child is probably digested at this point right? So why do this?

I mean, just say if they find which Gator ate the boy. Then what? The gator is already dead, so there is no way to get "revenge." The boy's body is GONE, so there is no way to have a traditional funeral. What are we really trying to do here man

I agree ppl are dumb as ****
I hope they at least eat the gator tails.

My landlord gets a permit whenever it is gator hunting season. He said he popped 2 in one day, one 10ft and the other 12ft.

After he shot them he lifted them up by a noose on his tractor to cut them up and clean them. He said as soon as he lifted them up, both the gators penis popped out and shot out a gallon of reproductive fluid.

Writing the story out here was kind of foul. But hearing him tell it was hilarious.
My 4 year old not even allowed to let my hand go inside indoor water parks. Me and my girl was at paradise island in the bahamas and didn't go past the point where the water was at your calf and that's clear water. Point being I'm scared as hell what's inside bodies of water, I'm in their territory so I don't take no chances.
Same here.

I remember during my Honeymoon in Maui, I was snorkeling at a reef and began swimming farther into the ocean, water began getting colder and darker and my brain was quick to remind me of sharks.

I freaked lol.
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