Game of Thrones prequel series: House of the Dragon

Can someone tell me how those sticks are gonna help those dragon keepers fend off dragons?

D&D would’ve CGI’d some marshmallows on the ends:lol:
Daeron is Viserys and Alicent 4th and youngest child.

My mans was pumping out kids with her before he turned full Skeletor. :lol:

They've mentioned him in passing on the show like you said as he was made a ward for one of the Hightower lord.

Hearing how he's flourishing from Uncle Gwayne just reaffirmed my belief of Alicent being a **** mother.

Let's look at the tape:

- Aegon is a nepo baby, usurper king who has accomplished nothing on his own but thinks he's him. His biggest accomplishment is being turnt into dragon toast. Not to mention, he is a sexual deviant of the highest order

- Aemond is a vindicative sociopath with big one-eye energy who will stop at nothing to achieve his goals even at the expense of his own family. Be IT killing his cousin Luke, burning his burning brother or telling his mother to go home and be a housewife widow. Also a deviant.

-Heleana is the most "normal" of her Kings Landing siblings but at best she can be described as "loopy" at worst bat**** crazy.

Now what do all three of them have in common? They were all brought together under the guidance and tutelage of one Alicent Hightower.


Gwayne was being diplomatic when Alicent asked him if she was the reason Aegon and Aemond turned out like they did.

Mans definitely wanted to hit her with the


TLDR - Alicent the OG Triple OG Power mother.
Now look at the attributes of Daeron

Only one not raised by Alicent :lol:

I'm starting to lean with Team Green with Daemon being away and Aemond taking over for Aegon

Team Green is a lot more entertaining. Even the council members are better.
Finished season 4
I can’t believe this show tricked me again had me really thinking the FAN prince was gonna be here for a minute just to go out to the mountain like that smh

My guy Jon Snow stepping up fr fr that battle at the wall against the wildlings his respect for Manse that scene with them talking the day after the battle was so good. My boi stepping up almost ready to get in the game. Stannis loser *** popping up surprised the hell outta me that was a cool moment. He gonna get his tho bro messing with this death cult gotta catch up to him.

I don’t like how the red witch was lookin at my boi Jon tho


Tywin Tywin Tywin talkin all that mess to go out like a sucka on the toilet that’s what his *** get. Lannisters cooked now tho. Tywin dead, Tyrion on the run and now it’s just cersei and Jamie stoopid selves in charge?! lol. Good luck wit that.

Varys with the funniest moment of the season after helping Tyrion get on the boat was about to head back to the castle then heard them bells


Also what in the dark souls was then skeleton warriors Bran ran into 😂

Observations I came too talkin with the wife after tho before starting season 5 things I realized after just discussing the show so far….where tf is Aryas dire wolf I just realized hers isn’t accounted for after all this time. Also Ned’s great sword that Tywin melted down…where tf did Ned get a great sword made out of Valyrian steel knowing how rare that is even the richest family in the show didn’t have a Valyrian steel sword in their possession till they melted down Ned’s.

Edit: how could I forget Reek. I almost feel bad for him till I started thinking about how he killed then two innocent kids and I blame him for Robb losing the war with that stupid move taking winterfell. His fault don’t feel bad for him no mo…..

He is getting is rough tho I can’t lie
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