Game 6 Pistons Vs Celtics Vol. NO TECHS

Originally Posted by superblyTRIFE

Damn ya'll. I'm crying tears of vodka, Red Bull and Coors Light right now.

First off, the utmost props to the Boston Celtics, who were clearly the better team. I hate your guts, but I give respect where it's due. Big ups to Boston for coming through in the clutch. Big downs to your corny, bandwagon fans--and again, props to those dudes who have been there from the jump.

I gotta give respect the the Detroit fans that I see on the regular--off the top...grittyman, Roscoe, Ultrasur, Hen Li, Mez One, suprafly and anyone else I forgot. I don't post often in S&T, but I gotta show my face when it comes to the playoffs and the Pistons.

What the %!*%--I can't even call it for Detroit next year. All I know is that I'm tired of these dudes being one of the best in the Eastern Conference and continually coming up short. That #$$$ has taken a good 10 years off my young life with the amount of cigarettes I chain smoke during the ECF(and I don't even smoke anymore!!!), along with the booze consumed. If I have health problems later in life, Joey D, I'm coming for you. Flip, too.

Either way, Perkins can still get the bozac. Same goes for Rondo and every other Celtic besides KG and Paul Pierce.

Here's to hoping the Lakers handle these fools.

Excuse me as I drown myself in Coors Light and Newports.....


Props to all my Pistons fans, Celtics fan, remember that tickets to last years games were being given away with kids meals at McDonalds, so unless you werethere from the start (I'm lookin at you James Posey) don't pop your damn jersey or talk about Celtics Pride.

Pistons fans, props on a good season, but we can al agree out results were not as expected, so it might be time to restructure.

Either way, drunk up, cause our *%@ is outta the running, go Lakers.....#@%........... *%$% it, Tequilla Ville here I come
Just got home from the game. What a bad night. First off I must say Flip must go. And Rasheed played horrible, launched to many 3's didnt hit a singleone.... stay where you are consitent, in the paint! Billups surprisingly played great. Well I'm used to it by now.... every year coming up short. I thinkits time to completely restructure this team.

2nd... I wore my Carmines... when I left it was raining

Oh well, guess Stern got what he wanted.... can't blame the refs, I thought there were more questionable calls against the C's tonight
Forgot to say, I really was hopin for McDyess to get a ring, I could care less about the rest of the team. Well the starters anyway. I love Stuck, and Maxiell.Sheed pisses me off with his careless play. As does Billups most of the time. What bothers me most though is it feels like the Celtics traded their way to thefinals. You look at Detroit, and we built a team through good drafts, and a good trade here or there, but it was not an overnight process. I kind of hope theC's get ran by LA.....
Originally Posted by Cragmatic

Forgot to say, I really was hopin for McDyess to get a ring, I could care less about the rest of the team. Well the starters anyway. I love Stuck, and Maxiell. Sheed pisses me off with his careless play. As does Billups most of the time. What bothers me most though is it feels like the Celtics traded their way to the finals. You look at Detroit, and we built a team through good drafts, and a good trade here or there, but it was not an overnight process. I kind of hope the C's get ran by LA.....
WORD. No funny stuff, but I love this dude. He's the pinnacle of a team player. This guy came into the League with the highest of hopes, gothurt, and battled his way back to being an above average player. Many teams would LOVE to have a dude like Antonio on their squad. Ring or not, he gets allthe respect from me. He will forever be a dude that I cheer for.
Originally Posted by Cragmatic

2nd... I wore my Carmines... when I left it was raining

Ouch, it was pouring out so i hope all is well with the kicks.

Good season Pistons.
I'm said to see it go to these bandwagon Bostons B's but they just played better. (Hope you all get stomped in the finals) I say that, that hobo looking coach of ours is gone. Hell i said that after we lost to Miami. I also think we need to shake it up a little bit, but i hate tosee anyone go

Good season Pistons

Go LakeShow
I wanted the Celitcs to reach the finals just cause of KG, so I have been rooting for Boston this playoffs.

With that being said, I really wish it didn't have to come at the expense of the Pistons. I've always liked their core team and I hope they don'tbreak it up. 6 straight ECF's have to say something for what that group has put together.

I guess it's gonna be a long offseason because Dumars has to evaluate whats best for the team, either trying to make another run with this core group orgetting maximium value out of the players he has now and trading them for younger people.

I can say though I've enjoyed the privelage of watching this detroit team since they won their first finals against LA. They are an animated bunch that hasbeen fun to watch.

Looking at their salary situation it's obvious 'Sheed is the most likely canidate to be traded. 13 mil expiring contract probably looks like gold tosome teams.
I really was hopin for McDyess to get a ring
He played his heart out in game 7 of the 2005 NBA finals, but too bad the starters didn't step up and couldn't buy a basket, if theyplayed like Dice, they would've won the game.. Or if Rasheed Wallace hadn't made that bonehead play at the end of game 5, perhaps the finals outcomewould've been different. But looks like McDyess will finish his career without a ring.
I got kinda tight when i heard they lost... But hopefully changes will be made throughout the off season...
Celtics are trash, they'd be lucky to make it out of the 1st round in the West.

KG = Most over-rated "superstar" in the NBA right now. A superstar is a player that can take over games and outperforms the rest in the 4th quarter. Dude has been whodini all playoffs in the clutch.

I hope the Lakers destroy the C's.
Riiiiiight, they had a 24-5 or 25-5 record against the West this year.

That really means nothing. regular season and playoffs are two different seasons, Celtics almost had a 3rd game 7 already.
Originally Posted by oO N3FF Oo

Celtics are trash, they'd be lucky to make it out of the 1st round in the West.
Riiiiiight, they had a 24-5 or 25-5 record against the West this year.

Celtics were the most rested team during the NBA regular season. While every team in the West was playing their starters down to the very last second,Boston had the luxury of resting their starters in the 4th quarter. You can do that when your conference has arguably only 2 good teams (Pistons andLeBron).

Lakers are going to teach them a lesson starting next week. Garnett is going to choke as usual and no one will be able to bail him out.
Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

Celtics are trash, they'd be lucky to make it out of the 1st round in the West.

I was going to dispute this statement, but seeing as how it's coming from a Raptors fan, all I can really do is laugh. How's that "incredibledepth" workin out for you guys?
^ I hate when people do that. What do the Raptors have to do with a statement made by a Raptors fan?

Originally Posted by ill4eva

Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

Celtics are trash, they'd be lucky to make it out of the 1st round in the West.

I was going to dispute this statement, but seeing as how it's coming from a Raptors fan, all I can really do is laugh. How's that "incredible depth" workin out for you guys?

What do the Raptors have to do with the 2008 NBA finals?

You gotta love these suddenly courageous Boston Celtic fans. Aseason ago I had never seen ill4eva on NT.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

^ I hate when people do that. What do the Raptors have to do with a statement made by a Raptors fan?


I just don't take statements from Raptors fans seriously at all, considering how they were poppin off at the start of the season about how the Cswouldn't be able to overtake the Raps in the Atlantic due to the Raptors awesome bench.
Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

Originally Posted by ill4eva

Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

Celtics are trash, they'd be lucky to make it out of the 1st round in the West.

I was going to dispute this statement, but seeing as how it's coming from a Raptors fan, all I can really do is laugh. How's that "incredible depth" workin out for you guys?

What do the Raptors have to do with the 2008 NBA finals?

You gotta love these suddenly courageous Boston Celtic fans. A season ago I had never seen ill4eva on NT.

I've been repping this team before you even got an NTaccount. Go and ask about me.
And seriously, what am I supposed to do about last year - pound my chest on NT after a 24 win season?
I just don't take statements from Raptors fans seriously at all
That's your problem, not theirs.

According to your logic, the only people that should be posting about the NBA anymore in NBA-related threads would be Lakers fans and Celtics fans.
I just don't take statements from Raptors fans seriously at all, considering how they were poppin off at the start of the season about how the Cs wouldn't be able to overtake the Raps in the Atlantic due to the Raptors awesome bench.

Who the hell said this?

I ain't worried though, after the Celtics 2-3 year window closes and the big-3 still dont get any rings, Celtics "fans" will fade away likeRichard Hamilton's hairline.
Originally Posted by ill4eva

Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

Celtics are trash, they'd be lucky to make it out of the 1st round in the West.

I was going to dispute this statement, but seeing as how it's coming from a Raptors fan, all I can really do is laugh. How's that "incredible depth" workin out for you guys?

I hope all you Laker Bum fans are ready to see your favorite team get their manhoods taken by the celtics

Kobe is overrated as hell
All he has to do is try and do soem crazy Jordan layup spin move, land on his ankle and break it, and its an EASY SWEEP for the celtics
Even if Kobe plays the best he can, the lakers still have no chance..KG and Perkins will swat his puny layups all the way to the nosebleed section of thearena..Please believe it
[h1]Wallace, Saunders & rest of Pistons have uncertain future[/h1]

Wallace was at his worst when the Pistons needed him most this year. He had more fouls (five) than points (four) in 32 minutes in Game 6 against Boston.

Wallace provided subtle signs that he might have a game like that.

First, he was a little tardy for the game-day shootaround and missed stretching with his teammates. Several hours later, he didn't follow his routine before tipoff.

Wallace's teammates always circled around him before games and he dances wildly, getting himself and his team fired up. The Pistons created a circle for him Friday night, but he simply got in the middle and barely busted a move.

Wallace was known for whipping his adoring fans into a frenzy by pointing to each side of the arena and twirling his right index finger above his head. He left The Palace waiting for that pregame tradition in Game 6.

this guy

you know he got all bent outta shape cuz of what lindsey and rip said about the whole KG situation.
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