You didn't tell me to shut up. I'm telling you to shut up because you just backtracked like hell as usual cuz you're not thinking half the time you post.

Hit the preview button next time you post bud. I'm not flying off the handles at you. You just nosed your way into this discussion and made it about you somehow as usual. Defending my actions? I'm blunt b. You're the one explaining how your saving your toys for your kids. Congratulations no one gives a ****! Do you want a hookup on a blue duck dodger cuz it's for us kid? FOH. I'm
Not offended by you or your weak *** opinions. Keep it moving.
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You lowkey tried to pull my card as to why I was struggling between Leo and but hey to me it's always been jokes....if I didn't come accross waffles I wouldn't own any of the high priced pops I own....but that's because my main focus will always be on 1/6th collectibles...but if pops was mainly my thing, I'd be dropping butt loads on these no dambs given about no bubble burst....because like kicks, he'll even furniture, when I like something...I will get it....that's what collecting to me is about....never an investment, that adds a whole different dynamic and stress to the whole then second guess a pop, a toy, a pair of kicks you actually like just because they might not hold up their value....silly.

I definitely was on some silly ish in regards to your raffle win! I'm just like that man, you won in the end regardless. Just having some fun with your victorious indecisiveness. Wish I had that problem as much as you do! I'm ALWAYS gonna poke fun at people and I'm fine with it in return. I enjoy these conversations, ALL these convos we are having. Express your opinion, speak your mind, word to Kaepernick! Next time someone post a want I'll probably post the same pop and say some drunk dumb ish! Lol! Since y'all keep talkin bout this thread is like family, I'll be that annoying *** drunk uncle everybody hates!
I definitely was on some silly ish in regards to your raffle win! I'm just like that man, you won in the end regardless. Just having some fun with your victorious indecisiveness. Wish I had that problem as much as you do! I'm ALWAYS gonna poke fun at people and I'm fine with it in return. I enjoy these conversations, ALL these convos we are having. Express your opinion, speak your mind, word to Kaepernick! Next time someone post a want I'll probably post the same pop and say some drunk dumb ish! Lol! Since y'all keep talkin bout this thread is like family, I'll be that annoying *** drunk uncle everybody hates!

Nah is all good man, I was hoping to win Ned just to rustle some jimmies in here :lol: like I said is all jokes at the end of the day, some dudes really get personal with it tho.

I personally never messed with the whole reselling culture, never liked it, never agreed with it, I think it ruins everything when dudes that couldn't care less for something make it harder for others to cop at retail prices...but life and it isn't is pops, yesterday was kicks, God knows what will come tomorrow...but as long as you stay true to your passion, hypebeast/resellers will come and go and you will still be there.
And I see you Peru trying to hijack my 30 for 30 list :lol:

But if you get that flocked pooh. Maaaaannnnn

I was soooooooo close, lost on an AMAZING deal because I didn't check my Facebook messages. Had a girl in a Facebook group offer it to me for $150 and she gave me like two days to pay. Didn't see it, someone gave her $400, I WAS SALTY!!!
I was soooooooo close, lost on an AMAZING deal because I didn't check my Facebook messages. Had a girl in a Facebook group offer it to me for $150 and she gave me like two days to pay. Didn't see it, someone gave her $400, I WAS SALTY!!!

Bruh!!!!! I'd be sick for days!!! $150?!? Damn. I'd keep telling myself it was damaged and delete the messages :lol: I'm gonna wait and see if that HT rumor is true.
Bruh!!!!! I'd be sick for days!!! $150?!? Damn. I'd keep telling myself it was damaged and delete the messages :lol: I'm gonna wait and see if that HT rumor is true.

I was TOO mad at myself. She definitely did her part trying to get it to me but I had a bunch of stuff going on and she needed to move it quick, plain missed it. I'd love to tell myself that but I know how she handles her pops and I know that damn thing was in PRESTINE condition. Can't be mad at anybody but myself...smh!
I'm not going on this anymore. I said I'm done and I'm done. djlunchbox djlunchbox say what you need to make you feel better. Whatever helps you sleep at night. People know about you and they can choose whether or not to deal with you.

This forum has turned into war zone and it needs to chill.
View media item 2172085I've told you guys over and over and over again. put some respect on His name.
none of you listened... your names were written, sacrifices were made......and boom Civil War Starts in here.

In all seriousness though this is it.. If you want to make money off pops thats cool. if you can sell pops and get yours for free that's a good thing. who wouldn't want to do that....
but this community (atleast on NT) we're all in here to help out with information get information back. No one is saying you have to sell your pops in here for retail + shipping (I certainly haven't) But if you get a help out from someone then they ask for help out or even if they're assuming you got them, be straight up with them.

We understand some pops are worth more than others and if you want to upsale that's your prerogative (again i do too)
But don't be that scumbag that takes a hand out and doesn't return the favor back, or atleast be up front about it. "Hey if i end up getting this pop ima need to sell it for XXX amount of money"
Especially don't come at him now and be like. "Well no one told you to hook me up with a great price" :smh: ....
Specifically talking about the case of Max and WSM from what I've read. WSM hooked you up and practically saved your 40-60 bucks....Even if you wanted to sell him White gama for whatever PPG was at the time. im sure he would've paid a little something. extra for that, but to come at him like he didn't freshly hook you up and save you money is low man.
Again at least be honest with dude.
WSM doesn't look for hand outs from anyone. and is always throwing out the love.
That doesn't discredit max from hooking people up before as well. (even though it was with useless commons :rofl:)

I just think as a NT community. you get info here, you share info here. and what a lot of people are trying to say is why would you screw over the same soldiers who you been getting links, info, deals from as well.

Again I sell stuff for ppg, just not on NT.
Not asking anyone to give hand outs just be up front.

Buying and selling to expand yours doesn't make you any less of a collector . I can buy what i want, decide i dont want it anymore. hell we've all done that in here. some stuff just doesn't fit with your vision in the long run.
i can't stand Snow yet i suffer him all the same cuz it completes my got collection.
but i've gotten rid of some others that just didn't fit my vision anymore. that's ok

just my 2 cents.

btw i'll get that raffle names back up in a sec i need to go back through this board.
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bruh everyone please take a step back and remember that for one reason or another we all dig these plastic figures.

regardless if we're collecting out of personal gain, reselling to fund our collections or our stimulant addiction; the super stylized mofos got us in a Mexican standoff on an online forum.


Take a step back and just be thankful that we got 10.99 or more to spend on them and be happy to be a part of a fairly decent community. If you're strictly here to make $ or comeup peesonally thata fine too (I actually envy y'all i could use the cash) but just be transparent about it and pay it forward if someone's helped you out.

all i know is, i dont want to comw in tomorrow seeing this thread locked lmao
:rofl: seriously though come with your girl. Trying to get my girl to be ygritte and tell me I know nothing all night. Tells my wilding clothes aren't sexy and she wanna be Jessica rabbit smh
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