Sorry everyone not involved, that was the last thing I have to say about this issue. It really is. Its not worth holding up the forum over something so unimportant. Y'all know what can happen if you do business with him, that's all that matters. Let's get back to pops.
This is why I only cop from stores and refuse to pay resell... there's a few good dudes here who hooked me up with pops for retail plus shipping... and there's the guys I hit up for pops but they charging resell and I gladly pass... pops are cool but to me not worth the resell price... at least with shoes you can wear it but with pops you just stare at them...
^ you on Reddit? I just saw that someone pre-ordered it and I was wondering if I could do the same :rofl:
I can only speak for myself but I appreciate when things are posted that I don't have. I don't take anything personal or EVER see it as one upping me because I absolutely love my collection. Damn near every one of my pieces has a story behind how I was able to attain it. I always look forward to seeing people post their Pop gains, it's one of my favorite parts of collecting. Even when it's something I'm looking for I'll still take a "Damn, you're lucky!" approach over a "Youre such an ***hole for showing you have a toy..." every single time. If you take someone posting a toy they own as a hateful brag or some kind of show off attack on another you have some other deep rooted issues that need to be addressed. If you're a "real" collector you'd enjoy the challenge of getting the pieces you want for your collection and sharing that with other collectors and since I'm drunk most of the time I post here I'll talk some ish with the love as well.

As far as the reselling goes, that too is part of collecting. Most times you're on one end or the other and if you're so disgusted at the monetary gain just make it your priority to avoid being on the side giving up the money. You wouldn't go into a comic shop and smack the owner because he's selling something at a high mark up, same respect or avoidance should occur with a private seller. Could care less if I'm ever labeled a reseller or anything else for that matter because I know what I've done for people's collections that could've benefitted me tenfold. I say all this with the upmost slick ish talking respect and love as possible, if you think I'm talking to you I DEFINITELY AM!!!

GM of the Year
I hate that they're releasing ssj trunks after I bought a regular. Smh. Prob gonna oop my regular or something.

I don't have any multiples of the same character... There's so many I want, I find it stupid to have more than one if the same person...

That being said... SS Vegita will be the first :lol:... I need to get the Goku with Nimbus too, but I can separate adult and kid Goku :lol:...
So you have to do it for the love or you're a reseller? It's all or nothing huh? I can't have a full detolf on display for my love and a few cases in the closet for money? Lol once again y'all sound silly on your high horses when you've probably sold pops too. Just in your mind, you have a valid reason, "to create space" lol.

Your real MVP list is what exactly?

What's your shoe size? It might be to fitting from the looks of it....

Go take a pop out a box or something. These pops clearly got you upset.

Latest pickup.

.if you think I'm talking to you I DEFINITELY AM!!!

GM of the Year[/quote]

I'm flattered :tongue:

And GM of the year goes to a fellow over in the Soccer thread.
Anyone else get a email from PC for metallic Vegeta that was on preorder? Said it should be arriving at the end of the month :lol: prob gonna get cancelled tho
I can only speak for myself but I appreciate when things are posted that I don't have. I don't take anything personal or EVER see it as one upping me because I absolutely love my collection. Damn near every one of my pieces has a story behind how I was able to attain it. I always look forward to seeing people post their Pop gains, it's one of my favorite parts of collecting. Even when it's something I'm looking for I'll still take a "Damn, you're lucky!" approach over a "Youre such an ***hole for showing you have a toy..." every single time. If you take someone posting a toy they own as a hateful brag or some kind of show off attack on another you have some other deep rooted issues that need to be addressed. If you're a "real" collector you'd enjoy the challenge of getting the pieces you want for your collection and sharing that with other collectors and since I'm drunk most of the time I post here I'll talk some ish with the love as well.

As far as the reselling goes, that too is part of collecting. Most times you're on one end or the other and if you're so disgusted at the monetary gain just make it your priority to avoid being on the side giving up the money. You wouldn't go into a comic shop and smack the owner because he's selling something at a high mark up, same respect or avoidance should occur with a private seller. Could care less if I'm ever labeled a reseller or anything else for that matter because I know what I've done for people's collections that could've benefitted me tenfold. I say all this with the upmost slick ish talking respect and love as possible, if you think I'm talking to you I DEFINITELY AM!!!

GM of the Year

View media item 2172011
Exactly. like we're on a thred about toys, so what, we're not supposed to showcase them simply because it's "priced" at more than what you think it's worth? Go on the actual funko forums or funko groups and look at collection pieces. There's one guy that posts his collection with all pops form like 2010-2012 plus protos. I'm not hating why would i? that's dope to look at. I'm more like Terrance Howard in Iron Man one looking at the Mark II armor talking about soon :smokin

I don't need to brag to feed my ego I like showcasing my pickups. I thought it was cool when everyone was trying for "pickup of the week" cuz it was fun. If you felt some type of way because of that then who hurt you?
View media item 2172011
Exactly. like we're on a thred about toys, so what, we're not supposed to showcase them simply because it's "priced" at more than what you think it's worth? Go on the actual funko forums or funko groups and look at collection pieces. There's one guy that posts his collection with all pops form like 2010-2012 plus protos. I'm not hating why would i? that's dope to look at. I'm more like Terrance Howard in Iron Man one looking at the Mark II armor talking about soon :smokin

I don't need to brag to feed my ego I like showcasing my pickups. I thought it was cool when everyone was trying for "pickup of the week" cuz it was fun. If you felt some type of way because of that then who hurt you?

Respond to WSM, or you trying to just ignore that since you don't want to face the music? Those chicks you posted look more like men then you do so I can't say face up to the situation like a man.
As my PC preorder for the venom was, so was that good good. 4 months in the making lol. Sadly probably the last thing I'll receive in the mail from PC :frown: preorder from months ago just randomly showed up I forgot all about it.
You grew that yoself? Would love to burn one with some NTers sometime, would be HILARIOUS [emoji]128514[/emoji]
I read your post and feel dumb after doing so as usual. You can have a personal collection and treat the hobby as an investment also. The two aren't mutually exclusive. No one cares you have to sell to open up space. No one should care if I sell for money. Get off your high horse you sound silly.

Hey man, is a personal opinion, if you don't care then why address me? I said was into kicks, been into toys, I've resold when I've needed extra cash and taken advantage of the market value at the time I needed the money, but collecting for monetary profit is dumb, if you want to invest, there are far better investments than collections....saying "you are getting out the game" discredits you as a collector and just makes you a hypebeast, putting down one collecting trend, ready to hop on the next....collect for the love of hot toys, my kicks, my pops, could be worth absolute **** tomorrow and it won't phase me one bit, because I never bought them with the purpose of making a quick buck on it....I bought them because I hoard a lot of these things....I find the idea of passing these down wether worth something or not, to my kids.
I can only speak for myself but I appreciate when things are posted that I don't have. I don't take anything personal or EVER see it as one upping me because I absolutely love my collection. Damn near every one of my pieces has a story behind how I was able to attain it. I always look forward to seeing people post their Pop gains, it's one of my favorite parts of collecting. Even when it's something I'm looking for I'll still take a "Damn, you're lucky!" approach over a "Youre such an ***hole for showing you have a toy..." every single time. If you take someone posting a toy they own as a hateful brag or some kind of show off attack on another you have some other deep rooted issues that need to be addressed. If you're a "real" collector you'd enjoy the challenge of getting the pieces you want for your collection and sharing that with other collectors and since I'm drunk most of the time I post here I'll talk some ish with the love as well.

As far as the reselling goes, that too is part of collecting. Most times you're on one end or the other and if you're so disgusted at the monetary gain just make it your priority to avoid being on the side giving up the money. You wouldn't go into a comic shop and smack the owner because he's selling something at a high mark up, same respect or avoidance should occur with a private seller. Could care less if I'm ever labeled a reseller or anything else for that matter because I know what I've done for people's collections that could've benefitted me tenfold. I say all this with the upmost slick ish talking respect and love as possible, if you think I'm talking to you I DEFINITELY AM!!!

GM of the Year

You lowkey tried to pull my card as to why I was struggling between Leo and but hey to me it's always been jokes....if I didn't come accross waffles I wouldn't own any of the high priced pops I own....but that's because my main focus will always be on 1/6th collectibles...but if pops was mainly my thing, I'd be dropping butt loads on these no dambs given about no bubble burst....because like kicks, he'll even furniture, when I like something...I will get it....that's what collecting to me is about....never an investment, that adds a whole different dynamic and stress to the whole then second guess a pop, a toy, a pair of kicks you actually like just because they might not hold up their value....silly.
I read your post and feel dumb after doing so as usual. You can have a personal collection and treat the hobby as an investment also. The two aren't mutually exclusive. No one cares you have to sell to open up space. No one should care if I sell for money. Get off your high horse you sound silly.

Hey man, is a personal opinion, if you don't care then why address me? I said was into kicks, been into toys, I've resold when I've needed extra cash and taken advantage of the market value at the time I needed the money, but collecting for monetary profit is dumb, if you want to invest, there are far better investments than collections....saying "you are getting out the game" discredits you as a collector and just makes you a hypebeast, putting down one collecting trend, ready to hop on the next....collect for the love of it....

I address you because you made a post right before that boasting how proudly you laugh at resellers because your some holy collector who only moves pops when he runs out space in his apartment. Your personal opinion sucks. Judging others for doing the same Thing you do under different circumstances.

This is not an investment lol. This is me making money off a hobby I enjoy because I see the opportunity and it's easy for me to do along side collecting. My investments make pops look just like what they are. Toys...that I love. So once again, just because I'm making money reselling them too I'm not allowed to collect for my personal enjoyment? Man shut up. Just cuz the bubble gon burst doesn't make me value my personal collection any less than you value yours. My collection is literally priceless paid for by profits. And maybe that's why you mad. Let me see you flip something you won in a raffle for something else you really want though lol cmon son. Off your high horse.

Yall act like pops are your only hobby and resellers are ruining your life like some plague. Get over it.
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I address you because you made a post right before that boasting how proudly you laugh at resellers because your some holy collector who only moves pops when he runs out space in his apartment. Your personal opinion sucks. Judging others for doing the same Thing you do under different circumstances.

This is not an investment lol. This is me making money off a hobby I enjoy because I see the opportunity and it's easy for me to do along side collecting. My investments make pops look just like what they are. Toys...that I love. So once again, just because I'm making money reselling them too I'm not allowed to collect for my personal enjoyment? Man shut up. Just cuz the bubble gon burst doesn't make me value my personal collection any less than you value yours. My collection is literally priceless paid for by profits. And maybe that's why you mad. Let me see you flip something you won in a raffle for something else you really want though lol cmon son. Off your high horse.

Yall act like pops are your only hobby and resellers are ruining your life like some plague. Get over it.

Son, we gonna do this again? Did I tell you to shut up? I'm I trying to have a civil discussion? Can you handle that? Or you ready to fly off the handle as always?

My personal opinion is MINES...if it bothers you, simply ignore it, obviously it struck a nerve because you over here defending your as you please...I will always LAUGH at resellers when they catch an L...this isn't something new for me, I laugh at dudes that cop 10 pairs of a show that bombed...I see it as people exploiting others passions....MY passion, collecting with intent to resell exclusive is garbage....if you collect because you love these things and they happen to gain value and you cash out by all means, I have no problem with it, I've done it...seems like this is the category you fall in, as I don't think you cop simply to resell, so as always you find a way to get offended by something I say, JUST BECAUSE...

Go for a smoke and relax yourself b.
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